Chapter 11: Spending [-] yuan on a meal?Sin!
"Guess I believe it or not?"

"Chen Ling, I know you better than yourself."

"So, if you want me to be taken advantage of, you'd better save yourself."

After Qin Fei finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Today's goal has been achieved.

Chen Ling was so angry that she was half dead, and even played tricks on her.

The most important thing is that if Chen Ling cannot pay the bill later, she will definitely be extremely embarrassed.

Just thinking about it makes Qin Fei very happy.

Now that his thoughts have been cleared up, why are he still staying here?
"Qin Fei."

"You can't go."

Qin Fei left very quickly, when Chen Ling realized it.

He has already left the private room.

At that moment, Chen Ling was ready to chase Qin Fei.

"Ma'am, please pay the bill first."

Unfortunately, when Chen Ling was about to chase her out, the waiter who had been in the private room stopped her.

In Xingmao Private Kitchen, each private room has its own waiter.

The purpose is to serve customers at any time.

unless requested by the customer.

Otherwise, these waiters will not leave the private room.

Therefore, for the conversation between Qin Fei and Chen Ling, the waiter who has been in the private room can naturally hear clearly.

To be honest, hearing the conversation between Chen Ling and Qin Fei, the waiter felt that the three views were broken.

Is there such a shameless woman in this world?

Really long experience.

"What are you stopping me doing?"

"The people who pay the bill are going to run away. You don't stop me, but you stop me here."

"are you crazy."

"Do you still want money?"

Seeing the waiter blocking her, Chen Ling immediately cursed.

"Ma'am, please be careful with your words."

"Otherwise don't blame me for calling the police."

"Also, I'm not very old, and I'm not deaf yet."

"I don't know who to turn to, I have my own judgment."

"From the time the gentleman came in to the time he left, he never ordered a dish or took a bite of it."

"Why should I ask him to pay?"

The waiter said sarcastically.

As a woman, she also looked down on what Chen Ling did.

In my heart, I feel that people like Chen Ling are the ones who discredit women.


"What are your qualities?"

"Believe it or not, I will sue you."

Chen Ling never thought that a little waiter would dare to bully her!
Her future is to marry a billionaire.

How can a small waiter discriminate?

"This is my job number."

"Complain as you please."

"But before complaining to me, please buy the bill first, ma'am."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for calling the police and accusing you of eating the King's meal."

This waiter is not a vegetarian either.

She is not used to Chen Ling at all.

"you wanna die!"

Chen Ling just got angry with Qin Fei.

Now that she is being bullied by a waiter again, it's no wonder she can bear it.

"Come, come, hit."

"I just need someone to give me a good beating."

"Do I want you fifty thousand, or one hundred thousand?"

"Don't stop."

Seeing that Chen Ling was about to hit him, the waiter didn't panic at all.

Not only was he not afraid, but he took a step forward and leaned his head over.

Waiting for Chen Ling to slap her.

"you you."


Chen Ling was so angry that she was about to vomit blood.

First, he was teased by Qin Fei and stopped talking.

Now even a little waiter dares to talk back to him.

He even clamored to beat her himself.

However, I really didn’t dare to fight.

What kind of price will be paid for this slap.

Chen Ling is also very clear.

In itself, she is suspected of eating the overlord's meal.

If he were slapped down again, he might even be in trouble today.

"Hehe, when it comes to shamelessness, I'm afraid I'm not one-tenth as good as you, ma'am."

"Obviously there is no money on me."

"He just pretends to be rich and makes a mess in our store."

"I don't even think about whether I have the money to pay for it."

The waiter also got into a fight with Chen Ling today.

I don't care if I say that, I will be fired.

Anyway, it's over.

The worst thing is to find another job.

"Who said I have no money to pay?"

"Stop looking down on people."

Being poked at a sore spot, Chen Ling retorted loudly.

"That's good, please pay the bill."

"This meal is a total of 1 taels."

"I'll give you a zero."

"You only need to pay 1 yuan."

The waiter said and took out the bill.

Finally, she gave Chen Ling a sarcastic look.

As if to say, do you have the money to pay for it?
Chen Ling: "."

At this moment, Chen Ling fell silent.

Because she really didn't have the money to pay the bill.

It's really a tiger falling and Pingyang being bullied by a dog.

At this moment, Chen Ling felt her face being slapped.

It's all Qin Fei's fault!
If that bastard hadn't bought the order, the waiter wouldn't have bullied him.

Nothing like this would happen to embarrass her.

At this moment, Chen Ling blamed Qin Fei for all her faults.

In the end, with the contemptuous eyes of the waiter.

Chen Ling reluctantly started calling to borrow money.

"Hey, Tingting, do you have any money here, can you lend me 1 yuan?"

"What? The signal here is not good, so I won't talk to you now, Dududu."

"Hey, Jiajia, I need it urgently, can you lend me [-] first?"

"I'm sorry, Lingling, I don't have any money with me, you can ask someone else to check it out, I hung up beforehand."


Chen Ling made several phone calls in a row.

It's a pity that her former classmates and friends heard her ask to borrow money, and the loan amounted to tens of thousands of yuan.

Immediately, one by one avoided her like the plague.

Either he said he had no money or the signal was not good, so he hung up the phone.

Never give her a chance to speak again.

Chen Ling also realized for the first time that borrowing money turned out to be so difficult.

"These green tea whores."

"Usually sisters are older and younger sisters are shorter, and none of them are useful at critical moments."

"I don't even borrow 1 yuan."

"I can see you clearly."

Putting down the phone, Chen Ling thought about it through gritted teeth.

"Tsk tsk, I can't even borrow 1 yuan."

"I'm ashamed of you."

Facing Chen Ling's embarrassment, the waiter didn't show mercy at all.

How to fight, how to fight.

Anyway, they have already offended the other party.

She doesn't mind continuing to offend a little bit more.

Facing the waiter's words, Chen Ling remained indifferent on the surface.

But from the way she gripped the phone tightly, it could be seen how bad Chen Ling was in a bad mood at the moment.

If it weren't for the sanity.

She couldn't help but smashed the mobile phone in her hand on the waiter's head.

This mouth is so irritating!

After taking a deep breath, Chen Ling continued to dial.

This time, she called her mother, Li Yuemei.

Her classmates and friends refused to borrow any of them, so she had to ask her mother for money.

On the other side, Li Yuemei learned that her daughter spent more than 1 yuan for a meal.

Almost jumped off the couch.

That's more than 1 yuan.

Her two months' salary is not enough for this meal.

This prodigal daughter, how dare she go to such an expensive place to eat.

孽 孽!
(End of this chapter)

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