They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 13 What the hell?Qin Fei's house is about to be demolished?

Chapter 13 What the hell?Qin Fei's house is about to be demolished?

"Jingle Bell"

Not long after he walked out of the 4S store, Qin Fei's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone to check, and found that it was his father Qin Wenfeng calling.

"Hey, Dad, why did you think of calling me today?"

After pressing the answer button, Qin Fei said with a smile.

The family atmosphere in their home is still very harmonious.

Because he and his younger sister Qin Yuxuan are very competitive.

So since childhood, no matter what he and his little sister asked for, his father Qin Wenfeng would always agree.

"Son, why didn't you tell your mother and me about such a big divorce between you and Xiaoling?"

When Qin Wenfeng learned that his son was divorced, he was very worried about Qin Fei's loss.

After all, he knew how much his son once liked Chen Ling, his daughter-in-law.

This can be seen from the fact that in the past few months, my son has been asking me for money.

But fortunately, after hearing his son's smiling tone, he knew that even if he was divorced, his son was not too sad.

Therefore, his anxiety was relieved.

As for whether Qin Fei was forcing a smile, Qin Wenfeng, as a father, could still tell.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

"I don't want to hide it from you either."

"I just want to talk to you guys after a while."

Qin Fei said slightly apologetically.

The main thing is that he hasn't thought about how to explain the divorce to his parents.

After all, parents are different from my little sister.

Different ages have different considerations.

In order to marry Chen Ling, their family spent a lot of money.

The wedding alone cost 80 million yuan.

Coupled with the addition of bride price and the like, it is about 150 million around.

All of this money came from my parents.

It can be said that Qin Fei himself has not paid a penny.

Now, the daughter-in-law who spent 150 million to marry just left.

And before discussing it with them, Qin Fei was really having a hard time speaking.

Originally, Qin Fei thought this way.

Regarding the divorce, first hide it from your parents.

Wait until you make your first pot of gold from the stock market.

Return the 150 million used for the wedding to your parents, and then confess to them about the divorce.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

It wasn't long before his parents knew he was divorced.

"Okay, there's no need to say anything else."

"You should go home first."

"Your ex-mother-in-law is making trouble at our house."

"Besides, some of our relatives and friends are also here."

"I said so, you understand."

Qin Wenfeng suppressed his anger and gave Qin Fei a vague reminder.

His anger was not directed at Qin Fei.

It was aimed at Li Yuemei.

If it was any other time, Li Yuemei's family would go to his side to make trouble.

Even if he was angry, he wouldn't be as angry as he is now.

But with so many guests at home today, Li Yuemei actually made a fuss regardless of the occasion.

That's what really makes him angry.

The so-called family ugliness should not be publicized.

Li Yuemei is now making a fuss in front of so many people, which can be said to have broken her skin.

"Li Yuemei and his family are going to make trouble at your place?"

"It seems that they still don't give up."

When Qin Fei heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

It seemed that I was too lenient towards Chen Ling and Li Yuemei's family.

Let them feel that they are easy to talk, and now they push their noses on their faces.

In this case, let their family know this time what it means to be forgiven for the sins committed by God, but unforgivable for the sins committed by yourself.

The clay figurine also has three points of fire, not to mention Qin Fei.

"Dad, wait for me at home."

"Before I come back, no matter what Li Yuemei's family says, don't believe it."

"Also, don't pay attention to some of their unreasonable demands."

"Everything, I'll talk about it when I get back."

Qin Fei said and stopped a taxi on the roadside.

"okay, I get it."

Qin Wenfeng nodded slightly, and since his son was back, he would let his son handle it.

After all, this is his own business.

As an old man, no matter what decision his son makes, he just needs support.

"Li Yuemei, Xiaofei will be back soon."

"If you have anything to say, let's talk about it when Xiao Fei comes back."

On the other side, Qin Wenfeng said calmly to Li Yuemei after hanging up the phone.

After learning that Qin Fei and Chen Ling had divorced, and the relationship between the two parties had reached a breaking point.

He no longer bothered to call the other person his in-laws.

"I don't care when Qin Fei comes back."

"Give me the 1 yuan first."

"I have to pay for your son's lunch."

"Is there any reason left?"

Li Yuemei said and slapped the bill from Xingmao Private Kitchen in front of Qin Wenfeng.

"1 yuan for a meal?"

"Are you sure this is what my son ate?"

Qin Wenfeng knew that his son was definitely not such a luxurious person.

The biggest possibility is that Chen Ling ate this meal.

And Qin Fei chose not to pay the bill after seeing Chen Ling order such an expensive dish.

After all, both parties were divorced, so how could his son be stupid enough to pay for Chen Ling?
I have to say, I know my son Moruofu.

Qin Wenfeng's guess is already close to ten.

"My God, 1 yuan for a meal?"

"What kind of family can stand to be built like this?"

"It's too extravagant."

"I usually buy vegetables, but I can't bear to buy shrimps that cost more than 100 pounds per pound."

"Yes, those crabs, shrimps and other seafood cost more than 100 yuan. I really can't bear to buy them."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Lao Qin is rich. He has two houses at home and several million in savings. Not to mention 1 yuan, even if it is 700 yuan ten times, he will still pay Get up."

Hearing that a meal cost 1 yuan, relatives and friends who came to Qin Wenfeng's house were shocked.

One by one, they murmured softly.

Among them were some who gossiped, and some who were sincerely concerned about Qin Fei's marriage.

In short, no matter what the reason, these relatives and friends did not leave.

"Why isn't your son eating it?"

"Xiaoling, tell your ex-father-in-law what happened at noon today."

Li Yuemei glared at Qin Wenfeng.

Then he pulled his daughter out.

"Ah this."

"Mom, please forget about it."

"Qin Fei and I are already divorced, so there's no need to make it so embarrassing."

Seeing her mother pushing her out, Chen Ling felt guilty.

She knew that once Qin Fei came back, what happened at noon today would definitely not be concealed.

Although she also felt in her heart that Qin Fei was an irresponsible, stingy piece of trash.

But she wouldn't say that in front of so many people.

"Forget it!"

"Our family has suffered such a big loss, how can we just let it go."

"Let's not talk about this meal worth 1 yuan."

"Just talk about Qin Fei's house that is about to be demolished, we can't forget it."

"Qin Wenfeng, Qin Wenfeng, your son is really nothing."

"After learning that the house was going to be demolished, I actually divorced my daughter directly."

"Is there anything you do?"

"When I asked my daughter to marry your son, I was blinded."

Li Yuemei said to Chen Ling, hating the iron.

As soon as Li Yuemei said these words, everyone present widened their eyes.

What the hell?

Qin Fei's house is going to be demolished?
(End of this chapter)

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