Chapter 14 When did I owe you money?

"Li Yuemei, what did you just say?"

"You mean, my son's house has been demolished?"

Thinking he heard it wrong, Qin Wenfeng couldn't help asking again.

That's demolition.

These days, anything related to demolition is a serious matter.

Because demolition represents wealth.

"Oh, I didn't expect that, even you, a father, didn't know that your son's house was going to be demolished."

"It seems that this little bastard, Qin Fei, is hiding things quite deeply."

"So, the relationship between you and your father is not that deep!"

"Your son didn't even tell you about such a big thing as house demolition."

"Are you afraid that you will come to fight for the property?"

Li Yuemei gave Qin Wenfeng a sarcastic look.

Deliberately provoke the relationship between him and Qin Fei.

"You don't need to evaluate the relationship between our father and son."

"As for why Qin Fei didn't tell me about the demolition, he must have his own considerations."

"You don't need to talk about it."

Qin Wenfeng simply ignored Li Yuemei's attempts to sow discord.

The relationship between their father and son cannot be provoked casually.

"Wenfeng, congratulations, the house is going to be demolished, so you should be able to get a lot of compensation for the demolition."

"Wenfeng, your family is so lucky. Not only has it made a lot of money in business over the years, but it has also encountered demolition. You are so lucky."

"Wenfeng, is your compensation for demolition too much? If it is too much, can you lend me some money, I have a little difficulty in cash flow these days."

"Yes, Wenfeng, my family wants to buy a car recently, but I'm short of funds, can you lend me one hundred and eighty thousand?"

Qin Wenfeng's relatives and friends on the side only reacted when they heard that the house was going to be demolished.

One by one also came to congratulate.

Of course, what will never be missing are relatives and friends who borrow money.

"Hehe, thank you for your compliments."

"However, this house has long been under Xiao Fei's name."

"So, the compensation for the demolition of this house will also belong to Xiaofei."

"As for how he arranges the demolition compensation, that is his business."

"I won't ask."

Qin Wenfeng said to these relatives and friends with a smile.

And after these words were exported, the mouths of relatives and friends who wanted to borrow money were temporarily blocked.

To be honest, Qin Wenfeng is not disgusted with borrowing money.

Everyone has difficult times.

If he can help, he will.

But he was a little unhappy when he borrowed money on this occasion.

Li Yuemei's family has come to find fault with you, you are still here to mention the matter of borrowing money with me, you are too disrespectful of the occasion.

"Ah this."

Hearing Qin Wenfeng's words, the two people who asked to borrow money before were suddenly speechless.

After seeing the people next to them and constantly winking at them, they also realized that now is indeed not the time to borrow money.

At the moment, he could only smile awkwardly at Qin Wenfeng.


Seeing this, Li Yuemei couldn't help but sneered.

This made Qin Wenfeng frown even tighter.

For a moment, the scene became awkward.


Just when the situation became awkward.

There was a sound of opening the door.

"Mom, I'm back."

It was Qin Fei who opened the door. He is back!

"Son, you are back."

"Come here and talk."

"What's going on between you and Chen Ling?"

Qin Fei's mother Shen Yue asked worriedly when she saw her son coming back.

She was at the side before, although she has not made a sound.

But that didn't mean that she wasn't worried about her son.

"Qin Fei, you came back just in time."

"Hurry up and return the 1 yuan to me."

Before Qin Fei could say anything, Li Yuemei couldn't wait to run to him to ask for the bill.

Li Yuemei had no idea that after Qin Fei came back, her daughter Chen Ling became even more guilty.

Because the lie is about to be exposed.

Once the lie is exposed, what kind of scene will she face.

She had already expected it.

At this moment, Chen Ling also felt a little bit regretful.

Why don't you find other reasons to regret.

Otherwise, my mother would not have come to trouble Qin Fei's family in person.

"What's 1 yuan?"

"When did I owe you money?"

Qin Fei just came back and hasn't figured out the situation yet.

When Li Yuemei was asked this question, she was immediately confused.

"Are you still playing stupid with me?"

"What did you do at noon, you don't know?"

"This is a bill of 1 yuan."

"Now, you have nothing to deny, right?"

Li Yuemei said and slapped the bill in front of Qin Fei.

Looking at the bill in front of him, and the noon mentioned by Li Yuemei.

Qin Fei still doesn't know what the 1 yuan Li Yuemei mentioned is about.

At that moment, he gave Chen Ling a strange look.

This woman is really shameless.

She obviously made the appointment for lunch, and she also ordered all the dishes.

And from beginning to end, Qin Fei didn't eat a single bite of the meal.

Originally thought that this incident was enough to teach Chen Ling a lesson.

I didn't expect this woman to go too far, and now she has deducted the debt from him.

Hearing Li Yuemei's words, Qin Fei knew that Chen Ling definitely didn't say anything about the detailed process at noon.

Otherwise, Li Yuemei would not have asked herself for the 1 yuan so confidently.

"Hurry up and pay back the money, what do you think my daughter is doing?"

"Humph, now that I know I regret it, why did I go there earlier?"

"But, if you sincerely apologize to my Xiaoling."

"It's not that I can't agree to your remarriage."

Seeing Qin Fei staring at her daughter, Li Yuemei scolded at first.

Then say a high-sounding sentence.

Obviously, she thought Qin Fei was still reluctant to let go of Chen Ling when he saw her at this time.

Don't know the real reason at all.

"Li Yuemei, you have such a big face."

"I really thought your daughter was a treasure. I was sick so I found a gold-worshiping girl to remarry."

"I look at your daughter because I didn't realize until today that she can be so shameless."

"At noon today, it was obviously she who invited me out and said she wanted to discuss something with me."

"This meal is all what she ordered."

"And the most important thing is that I didn't take a single bite of the meal at noon. It's all up to her to eat."

"I want to ask you, I didn't order the food, I didn't take a bite, and I'm not the guest I want to invite, why should I pay for this meal?"

Qin Fei glanced at Li Yuemei sarcastically.

It's your business to treat your daughter as a treasure.

But don't be self-righteous and think that your daughter is also a treasure in the eyes of other people.

To put it bluntly, it's Chen Ling's prodigal and money-worshiping character.

Unless she is blind, or stupid and rich, any good family will probably look down on her!
Thinking of this, Qin Fei couldn't help shaking his head mockingly.

He was initially confused by Chen Ling's appearance.

Otherwise, it was impossible to marry her back at such a high price.

And the most frustrating thing is that this is not like marrying a wife, it is simply marrying an ancestor.

Fortunately, Qin Fei was reborn and came back.

Kicked this ancestor out in advance.

So as not to be harmed by her again.

(End of this chapter)

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