Chapter 16 Borrow money?High-sounding reason!

"Qin Fei, I heard from your ex-mother-in-law that your house is going to be demolished."

"And the demolition compensation is several million."

"Is this true or not?"

Qin Fei's parents' home.

After drinking for three rounds, a middle-aged man spoke.

This middle-aged man is an uncle of Qin Fei.

Seriously speaking, the relationship between the two parties is not too far away.

This cousin is called Qin Wenhao.

It's the same grandfather as my father.

In other words, Qin Wenhao's father and Qin Wenfeng's father are brothers.

Still within five generations.

And this Qin Wenhao was the one who borrowed money before regardless of the occasion.

"Well, it's true."

"In terms of compensation for demolition, there are a few million, which is not bad."

Qin Fei did not hide anything about the demolition.

However, Qin Fei did not explain the specific compensation for demolition.

After all, he still understands the principle of not revealing his wealth.

"Hey, don't you make a lot of money then?"

"Xiao Fei, Uncle Wenhao's family wants to buy a car recently, and they are short of tens of thousands of dollars."

"Do you think you can lend me fifty thousand?"

"Don't worry, within a year, I will definitely return it to you."

Knowing that Qin Fei's house was indeed demolished, Qin Wenhao felt envious.

Why hasn't such a good thing happened to their family?

As soon as Qin Wenhao said these words, the originally lively dinner party suddenly became quiet.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally all look at Qin Fei.

I don’t know how Qin Fei will answer.

Even Qin Fei's parents didn't know what to say at this time.

So I can only let my son answer this question by himself.

"Ah this."

Qin Fei never expected that Qin Wenhao would borrow money from him in front of so many people.

You know, at this time, there were only Qin Fei's parents and Qin Wenhao at the dinner table.

There are four other relatives and friends.

Among the four, two of them are Qin Fei's uncles, his younger uncle Shen Tianming and his elder uncle Shen Tianyuan.

There are two left, one of whom is Qin Fei's uncle Qin Wenbin.

There is also a friend of my father, Xu Jian.

Because Xu Jian knew everyone present.

So I invited him to have dinner with me today.

Although the people present were either relatives or friends.

But generally speaking, shouldn't you talk to him privately to borrow money?
Now in front of so many people, should I borrow it or not?
Borrow, what if other people also ask to borrow money?
Don't borrow it, it's embarrassing to reject him in front of so many people.

After all, Qin Wenhao can be regarded as his cousin.

"I'm sorry, uncle."

"You spoke too late."

"I invested all the money for demolition compensation in the stock market."

"If you don't believe me, look."

Fortunately, all the money in Qin Fei's hands has already been invested in the stock market, and now he doesn't have much cash.

So he can openly reject Qin Wenhao's request to borrow money.

Moreover, in order to prove that he was not lying, he also took out his mobile phone and showed the information about his stock trading to those present.

"Six 650 million!!!"

"You kid took all 650 million to speculate in stocks?"

"This is too bad."

When Qin Fei took out the phone, Qin Wenfeng suddenly exclaimed.

In the past, when he was free, Qin Wenfeng would occasionally speculate in stocks.

But the funds involved are not much, and the maximum will not exceed [-].

That's why Qin Wenfeng was so surprised after Qin Fei showed the contents of the phone, because he could understand it.

After understanding it, Qin Wenfeng became worried.

Because the stock market is changing rapidly, no one can predict what the next market will be.

Now his son actually uses 650 million to speculate in stocks.

This was indeed beyond his expectation.

What if the market is not good, or the stock Qin Fei bought has fallen.

That's a huge loss.

Therefore, in the end, he subconsciously said a prodigal.

Of course, in addition to this, Qin Wenfeng was also surprised that the house he bought for his son had more than 600 million yuan in demolition compensation.

"Six 650 million!!!"

"Oh my God, this demolition compensation is too generous."

"But Xiao Fei, you are too bold."

"With so much money to invest in stocks, don't discuss it with me or your father."

The thought of 650 million being used by Qin Fei for stock trading made Shen Yue feel very distressed.

She doesn't know much about the twists and turns in the stock market.

But she knows a little bit.

When my husband usually speculates in stocks, the number of losses is far greater than the number of gains.

Although the loss is not much each time, it is thousands of thousands.

But that also depends on how much you invest.

If you invest one hundred thousand, you will lose around five thousand.

If you invest more than 600 million yuan, according to the proportion, you will lose about 30 yuan.

It was precisely because of this that Shen Yue felt so distressed.

"Yes Xiao Fei, 650 million is not a small amount."

"And I remember that you don't usually trade in stocks."

"It doesn't matter who encouraged you to trade stocks."

"That man definitely has no good intentions."

"I'm afraid there's something shady about those stocks you bought."

"Listen to my uncle's words, if you can sell those stocks in your hand, sell them."

"But don't stop it."

As Qin Fei's uncle, Shen Tianyuan also began to persuade him.

As his own uncle, Shen Tianyuan really cared about Qin Fei.

"Dad, Mom, Uncle, don't worry."

"Stock trading is what I want to trade."

"I'm not being egged on by anyone else."

"And the stock I bought was the stock of Moutai."

"So you can rest assured that there is no shady scene."

Qin Fei laughed and said nonchalantly.

As a reborn person, he knows very well that there is no shady story about Moutai's stock.

And the increase is also very exaggerated.

After all, that was a [-]% increase.

"By the way, Uncle Wen Hao."

"I think Moutai is a very good stock."

"There's still room for growth."

"Otherwise, didn't you say you want to buy a car?"

"Then you must have some money in your hand."

"You lend me that money first and let me use it to trade stocks."

"When I make money in the stock market, I will pay you back."

"By the way, I also want to borrow [-], and I will lend it to you too."

"what do you think?"

Then, Qin Fei glanced at Qin Wenhao again.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately took it to heart.

Don't you want to borrow money from me?
It's easy!
I don’t have any cash now, please lend me some cash to trade stocks first.

When I make money later, let alone [-], I will lend you even if it is [-] without saying a word.

Of course, if you refuse to borrow it.

Then don't mention borrowing money to me now.

Don't even mention it in the future.

I have to say that Qin Fei's reaction was really fast.

With the help of stock speculation, a counter-kill came directly.

Not only tactfully rejected Qin Wenhao's loan, but also tested Qin Wenhao's attitude.

Even, if Qin Wenhao didn't borrow money, he could use this incident as an excuse in the future to prevent him from borrowing money again.

You don’t lend me money yourself. Why should I lend you money when I’m rich?
This method can be said to kill three birds with one stone.


Qin Wenhao was dumbfounded when he heard this!

Obviously I borrowed money from you, but now you want to borrow money from me instead!
"I'm sorry, Xiao Fei, if you borrow the money for other places, then I will definitely lend it to you without saying a word."

"But if you use it to trade stocks, my uncle can't lend it to you."

"Uncle Tang can't harm you."

Qin Wenhao also had a thick skin, so he directly refused.

He obviously didn't want to lend money to Qin Fei, but his words were so high-sounding.

What does it mean to borrow you to speculate in stocks is to harm you.

Qin Fei invested all 650 million.

Still missing your tens of thousands?

If you don't want to borrow it, don't borrow it.

Why are you looking for so many reasons?

"Hehe, then I have to thank Uncle Wen Hao for his concern."

Qin Fei replied with a half-smile.

Then I didn't say anything more.

In fact, there was a reason why Qin Fei didn't want to lend money to Qin Wenhao.

Don't look at the current Qin Wenhao who looks very easy-going.

But no one knew that Qin Wenhao had always been a selfish person.

This point, he hides very deeply.

Even so deep, even the father who has known Qin Wenhao for many years, did not see that Qin Wenhao is such a selfish person.

In his previous life, it was an unexpected event a few years later that made everyone refresh their understanding of him.

Only then did I realize that his usual politeness was all a disguise.

When a friend is in trouble, not only will he not help, but he will even add insult to injury.

He would even beat up his friends who had helped him without mercy.

At that time, people who knew his true identity kept a distance from him.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Fei didn't want to lend money to Qin Wenhao.

The reason why Qin Fei talked so much before was because his father and the others still don't know what kind of person Qin Wenhao is.

Therefore, I can only use this method of killing three birds with one stone to temporarily fool them.

(End of this chapter)

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