Chapter 17 Three days, earning 164 million!
"Hehe, Qin Fei, that brat, actually used 650 million to speculate in stocks."

"I really don't know."

"Does that young kid who just came out of school know what stock trading is?"

"Hmph, you still want to borrow money from me to speculate in stocks?"

"There are no doors!"

"If I borrowed it, and the kid got locked up again when he was trading in stocks, wouldn't I be in bad luck?"

"At that time, what if he has no money to pay me back?"

"I'm going to drink the northwest wind!"

"Xu Jian, do you think so?"

On the way home, Qin Wenhao kept complaining to Xu Jian next to him.

After having dinner at Qin Fei's house, they dispersed.

Because Xu Jian's and Qin Wenhao's families were close to each other, they left together.

However, because Qin Wenhao drank a little too much tonight, he didn't lock the door when he was talking.

Speak out your psychological words.

"Wen Hao, you drank too much."

"You can just say some things in front of me."

"But don't say it in front of Wenfeng's family."

"Those are words that offend people."

Xu Jian saw that Qin Wenhao kept saying bad things about Qin Fei.

Couldn't help reminding.

He knew that Qin Wenhao said that about Qin Fei.

It is because of the lack of money.

Xu Jian did not comment on this.

Because in his opinion, borrowing money depends entirely on whether the person is willing to do so.

Let’s be realistic.

If someone is willing to borrow from you, that is love.

It is also my duty not to lend you.

You can't hold a grudge against someone because they don't lend you money.

This is wrong behavior.

Besides, you are borrowing money to buy a car.

It's not about borrowing money to save lives.

If we say that something big happened to Qin Wenhao's family today, and he urgently needs money to save his life.

If Qin Fei's family didn't borrow it, it would be unreasonable.

After all, life is at stake.

Moreover, although Qin Wenhao and Qin Wenfeng are not biological brothers, they are also cousins.

No matter what, life-saving money must be borrowed.

And Qin Fei's family is not short of tens of thousands of dollars.

Unfortunately, Qin Wenhao's reason for borrowing money today was not life-saving money.

But to consume.

To be honest, Xu Jian doesn't quite agree with borrowing money for consumption.

Spend as much money as you have.

If you don’t have money, don’t spend it.

There are two bad things about borrowing money from others for consumption.

The first is to owe favors to others.

There is an old saying that favors are the hardest to repay.

Second, living with debt is definitely not as good as being debt-free.

What's more, if you have the experience of borrowing money for consumption for the first time, there will definitely be a second time.

Once or twice is okay, but if you wait more times, you will definitely have more and more debts.

And the money you borrowed has been consumed, so when you pay it back, where will you get the money to exchange it with others?
Therefore, in Xu Jian's view, it is always bad to borrow money for consumption.

It can also be seen from this that Xu Jian is a person with very upright views.

It's no wonder that he can become friends with so many relatives of Qin Fei's family.

"Haha, I'm just complaining to you."

"Who made the relationship between us good?"

"Am I right."

Qin Wenhao said drunkenly.

And after saying this, he started snoring.

Obviously, fell asleep.

In this regard, Xu Jian had no choice but to helplessly shake his head.

I can only wait until the place, and then send him home.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed!

After learning that Qin Fei's house was about to expire and he could no longer live in it.

Qin Fei's parents naturally cleaned up a house and made it available for their son to live in.

So Qin Fei has been living with his parents for the past ten days.

"Son, you are a bit outrageous now."

"Not to mention quitting such a good job, but still lying at home every day doing nothing."

"It's too decadent."

This morning, when Qin Fei's family of three were eating breakfast, Qin Wenfeng said helplessly to his son.

Obviously in his early 20s.

But he does what a 70-year-old retired man does.

This is too outrageous.

Of course, the worst thing was that Qin Fei resigned from his original job.

You know, that job was a good job that he found through a lot of connections.

The results of it?
This kid didn't cherish it at all, he resigned when he said he would resign.

Don't even discuss it with them.

When he first learned about this, he almost took out a feather duster and beat Qin Fei violently.

"Dad, who said I have nothing to do?"

"No, I'm staring at the stock market every day."

"That's what I do every day now."

Facing his old father's nagging, Qin Fei explained helplessly.

As a reborn person, it is impossible to work part-time.

In this life, only others will work for him.

However, such things as rebirth cannot be told to Dad.

Therefore, Qin Fei can only regard stock trading as his career for the time being.

"You still have the face to say it."

"Look at the Moutai stock you bought."

"It's been a long time, and nothing happened."

"Let me tell you, take action now while you can, and clear the stock as soon as possible."

"In order not to be locked up when the time comes, you won't be able to get a penny out."

Qin Wenfeng gets very angry when he mentions the stock market.

These days, he nags a lot.

The purpose is to let Qin Fei not continue to hold shares in Moutai, and hurry up to get 650 million out.

The results of it?
This kid couldn't hear a word.

I have to die on Moutai stock.

And Qin Fei is his only son, and he is so old.

This is neither beating nor scolding.

He had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Who said nothing happened!"

"Dad, you can tell at a glance that you haven't paid attention to Moutai's stock at all recently."

“Moutai’s stock price has skyrocketed in the past few days.”

"You don't know, do you?"

As Qin Fei spoke, he triumphantly took out his mobile phone and shook it in front of Qin Wenfeng.


“Has Moutai’s stock price gone crazy?”

"real or fake?"

"Let me see!"

When Qin Wenfeng heard this, he was immediately shocked.

He immediately grabbed Qin Fei's phone and checked it carefully.

Upon seeing this, his eyes immediately widened, and his lips began to tremble.

"Why... how did it rise so much?"

"When I looked at Moutai's stock price three mornings ago, it was only 198 yuan per share."

"How come in the past three trading days, the stock price of Moutai has risen to 248 yuan."

"This increase is too exaggerated."

Looking at the mobile phone, the stock price of Moutai has soared to 248 yuan at this time.

Qin Fei was shocked.

He knew that in his son's hands, there were 328 Moutai stocks.

And 328 lots of Moutai stock are equivalent to 32800 shares!
Today, the price of Moutai stock has increased by a full 50 yuan compared to the price when my son bought it.

32800 multiplied by 50 yuan.

That is equal to 164 million!
In other words, in just three days, my son earned 164 million!
A profit of 164 million is much more than his profit in two years.

He can only earn 80 million yuan a year.

"Hehe, where is this going?"

"I feel that Moutai's stock price will continue to rise today, and it will still skyrocket."

"What do you think, Dad?"

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows triumphantly.

Then he asked Qin Wenfeng back.

"Can it still go up?"

"Still skyrocketing?"

"This can't be done!"

When Qin Wenfeng heard this, he shook his head in disbelief.

You know, it has soared from 198 yuan per share to 248 yuan per share.

Moutai's stock price has risen by more than 20.00%.

With his understanding of the stock market.

After rising so much, Moutai's stock should take a break for a while.

Even if it does rise, it won’t rise too much.

This is his many years of experience in stock trading!

(End of this chapter)

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