Chapter 19 More than 30 daily limits in a row?
"Is it a demon stock?"

"It should be considered barely!"

Hearing his father talking to himself, Qin Fei thought silently in his heart.

He knew that Moutai's stock price would increase by more than [-]% in these three months.

It can be regarded as barely reaching the threshold of demon stocks.

"Hey, speaking of ghost stocks, Baofeng Technology seems to be going public this year."

"I remember hearing from many people in my previous life that Baofeng Technology was the biggest monster stock this year."

"As soon as it was listed, there were more than 30 daily limit boards in a row."

"I don't know if it's true or not!"

When Qin Fei was muttering about monsters in his heart, suddenly a flash of lightning struck in his mind.

Another thing came to mind.

This incident is related to the listing of Baofeng Technology.

Although he didn't trade stocks in his previous life, he has many friends who trade stocks around him.

In addition, my father is also an old stock investor.

Therefore, he still has more or less access to news in this area.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei decided to carefully recall the memories of this time period in his previous life after his father left.

Although he has a photographic memory due to his rebirth.

But after all, so much time has passed.

He needs to calm down and recall carefully before he can recall the specific information.

Be sure to do it without making any mistakes.

"Son, do you think it's too late for me to buy Moutai's stock?"

Just when Qin Fei was thinking about Baofeng Technology, Qin Wenfeng stared at him with burning eyes and asked.

As an old stock investor, I have seen Moutai’s stock price continue to skyrocket.

His heart also started to itch.


"How to put it, I think it will continue to rise."

"Otherwise, I would have already sold the 328 shares in my hand."

"As for Dad, whether you want to buy it or not, that depends on your own decision."

Although they are father and son, Qin Fei will not persuade his father to invest in stocks.

Just speak out your decision.

As for whether the father wants to invest in stocks and how much he should invest in stocks, that depends on his own choice.

"That's it"

Although Qin Fei didn't explicitly let him buy Moutai's stock.

But what he said was an answer to his own question.

The son will continue to hold Moutai stock and will not sell it.

He believes that Moutai's share price will continue to rise.

"Son, how much do you think it's appropriate for me to invest?"

Qin Wenfeng asked again.

In the past, when he traded in stocks, he would not use more than [-] funds at most.

But this time is different.

The son threw 650 million into it.

If he threw a hundred thousand in, wouldn't he be too weak?
So, this time he planned to throw a little more.

Anyway, the family still has several million deposits.

As long as it does not affect business or family expenses.

Even if you take out 100 million, there is no problem.

"Dad, how much you vote depends on your guts."

"Anyway, I have 650 million here."

"And, you've done the calculations before."

"I have made 164 million in these three days."

"So even if you lose money if you invest now, you won't lose much."

"We just need to evacuate in time, and we still make money overall."

"You say yes!"

Qin Fei thought for a while and then said slowly.


Qin Wenfeng nodded thoughtfully.

I took another look at the current price of Moutai.

I found that in just a short period of time, the price of Moutai increased a little, and now it has risen to 253 yuan.

At this moment, Qin Wenfeng no longer hesitated, took out his mobile phone, and decided to buy Moutai's stock.

This time, Qin Wenfeng directly invested more than 100 million.

It's different from the small fights before.

Even my son dared to invest 650 million yuan.

As a father, I must not be too little.

In that case, wouldn't it appear that he has no courage?
After some operations, Qin Wenfeng bought 50 lots of Moutai stocks.

50 lots, equivalent to 5000 shares!
It cost him 127 in total.

He placed a transaction order at a price of 254 shares.

I am just afraid that if the price is too low, no one will sell it.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary.

After a while, his transaction order was completed.

It has to be said that Qin Wenfeng is still very courageous.

In other words, he chose to believe in his son.

You know, before that, his stock trading would not exceed 10 at most.

Now I threw 127 million into it all at once.

It's a big gamble.

"Get to work."

"Son, don't tell your mother that I used so much money to speculate in stocks."

"If she knew about it, she would have to nag her a little bit."

After buying 50 lots of Moutai stock, Qin Wenfeng couldn't help telling Qin Fei.

If the investment is tens of thousands, Qin Wenfeng is not afraid of worrying his wife.

But it's different now, not to mention the capital I invested is as high as 127 million.

His son also has close to 650 million funds in it.

The sum of the funds invested by the father and son is more than 700 million, which is almost close to 800 million.

If Shen Yue knew about this, he would definitely be worried.

"Don't worry Dad, I will definitely not say anything before I sell the Moutai stock."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

To be honest, my father dared to invest more than 100 million yuan to buy Moutai stocks with him, which was absolutely unexpected to him.

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that dad will make money with him.

Although Dad entered the venue a few days late.

But you can also make a lot of money.

At the very least, after three months, dad’s 127 million can turn into about 300 million!
"Well, it's good that you know."

Seeing that Qin Fei knew the severity, Qin Wenfeng also heaved a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Dad, there is one more thing I want to explain to you."

"When I sell Moutai stock, you must also sell it together."

“Never hold it in your hand and hesitate.”

"I hope you can do this."

Afterwards, Qin Fei warned Qin Wenfeng again.

Although Moutai's stock will continue to rise in the future.

Even if you continue to hold it, you will not lose money.

But Qin Fei also wants to give his father a vaccination.

Because Qin Fei knew that with this time, he would make a lot of money in the stock market.

In the future, my father will definitely ask me about the stock market frequently.

And he only has a photographic memory, not the ability to predict the future.

Not every stock, he can know the specific direction.

Therefore, when it is time to take action, you must take action immediately.

There can be no fluke mentality.

Otherwise, if you are locked up, it will not be worth the loss.

"Well, don't worry."

"As long as you make money in the stock market this time."

"In the future, your father and I will listen to you about stock trading."

"If you say one, I will never say two."

Qin Wenfeng said firmly.

The family knows their own affairs.

Although he is an old stock investor.

However, in the matter of stock trading, he lost more and earned less.

This time I hope I can make a lot of money under the guidance of my son.

Then he will definitely listen to his son in the future.

Absolutely will not make decisions without authorization.

"Okay, then we'll make a happy decision."

Qin Fei felt relieved after hearing this.

He knew his father, the one who said one was one.

Now that he has made a promise.

So as long as he makes money in the stock market this time, he will definitely listen to himself in the future.

In this way, he doesn't need his father to feel happy just because he made some money.

(End of this chapter)

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