Chapter 20 If you want to play, play the big one!
"Storm Technology, it will take four months to go public!"

"In this way, wouldn't I be able to catch up with a wave of hot meals?"

After making an agreement with his father Qin Wenfeng for three chapters, Qin Fei was lying on his sofa at home, searching for information related to Baofeng Technology on his mobile phone.

Through searching, he learned that Baofeng Technology is currently on the eve of going public.

According to the news released by Baofeng Technology, there are still four months before their company goes public.

At this time, the outside world has two evaluations for Baofeng Technology's listing.

One is optimistic, and the other is not optimistic.

I am optimistic and believe that once Baofeng Technology is listed, its market value will increase.

I am not optimistic, and believe that after Baofeng Technology goes public, the market value will increase in the opposite direction.

Moreover, according to the current survey data, there are more people who are not optimistic than those who are optimistic.

Because, although Baofeng Technology has been profitable for the past three years.

But the amount of profit is not as good as every year.

This is why many people are not optimistic about it.

"Four months!"

"It just so happens that my funds have been withdrawn."

"At that time, you can start a wave of shares in Baofeng Technology."

"According to the memory of the previous life, it was a super monster stock that pulled 41 daily limit in 37 trading days."

"Moutai's 300% increase is in front of Baofeng Technology, so it is a younger brother."

"No, calling him a grandson is not an exaggeration."

After Qin Wenfeng left, Qin Fei also carefully recalled a lot of information about Baofeng Technology.

Coincidentally, because of this time period in the previous life, Baofeng Technology was too crazy after it went public.

Basically anyone who trades in stocks will talk about him.

There are also many people around me who trade in stocks. My father and colleagues are all trading in stocks, and they often tell him some stock market information.

In addition, they complained to Qin Fei a lot at that time, regretting why they didn't buy some shares of Baofeng Technology.

Therefore, Qin Fei knows a lot about Baofeng Technology.

Of course, these are not the most important.

The most important thing is how to invest in Baofeng Technology.

Yes, what Qin Fei wants to do is to become a shareholder!
Instead of going to the stock market to buy stocks.

How many Baofeng Technology shares are there on the stock market?

Poor little!
What's more, there is an upper limit for individual purchases in the stock market, which cannot exceed 5% of the issued amount.

More than 5% still need to declare, the trouble is dead.

So instead of waiting for Baofeng Technology to go public, go to the stock market to buy stocks.

It is better to choose to invest directly.

After all, that is a super demon stock that has pulled 37 daily limits in a row.

If you just buy in the stock market, the amount you get is too small.

Qin Fei didn't want to make a fuss.

If you want to play, just play a big ticket.

Therefore, investing in shares is the best option.

And just in time, according to some news on the Internet, Baofeng Technology will conduct a fundraising subscription one month before the listing.

That is fundraising!
After the fundraising is completed, publicize the funds raised and subscribed, and the next step is to wait for the listing.

What Qin Fei has to do is to negotiate with their company when Baofeng Technology starts to raise subscriptions.

Talk about how many shares to subscribe for!
Only after knowing the relevant information, Qin Fei put aside the matter of Baofeng Technology for the time being.

It's useless for him to worry now.

First, the subscription of Baofeng Technology has not yet officially started.

Second, his funds in the stock market have not yet been withdrawn.

Even if the subscription starts, he has no funds to subscribe.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to pay more attention to various news about Baofeng Technology.

By the way, in these few months, get in touch with the top management of Baofeng Technology.

Let's see if we can share a little more stock at that time.

Of course, Qin Fei will not hold the shares of Baofeng Technology for too long.

No more than three months at most!

Because Qin Fei knows that although Baofeng Technology is the biggest monster stock this year.

But his period of glory was too short.

After a period of glory, Baofeng Technology went downhill.

What Qin Fei has to do is to cash out his shares before Baofeng Technology goes downhill.

No, to be precise, he shot before he reached glory!
This is the safest.

"Dad, what did you say?"

"My brother's house was demolished?"

"And also received 650 million compensation for demolition?"

"real or fake?"

On the other side, when Qin Fei was still searching for information related to Baofeng Technology.

His little sister Qin Yuxuan happened to be talking on the phone to his father Qin Wenfeng.

The reason why Qin Yuxuan called Qin Wenfeng was because Qin Yuxuan read a circle of friends sent by Qin Wenfeng.

After making an agreement with Qin Fei for three chapters, Qin Wenfeng left home to take care of his own business.

Before leaving, he posted a circle of friends.

He said that he lost a bet to his son and that he would have to leave his car for three months and let his son drive it temporarily.

Qin Yuxuan, who saw this post in Moments, immediately called her father to confirm whether it was true or not.

Then, while chatting, Qin Fei expected the demolition of the house.

"Of course it's true."

"Can I still lie to you?"

Qin Wenfeng said dumbfounded.

"Wow, doesn't that mean that my brother is richer than you, dad?"

"Hee hee hee"

After getting her father's affirmation, Qin Yuxuan smiled happily.

Brother is so rich now, it's not too much to give me a little pocket money, right?
"Yes, Brother You is indeed richer than me."

"However, your wish for pocket money may not come true."

"Because, your brother invested all the 650 million in the stock market."

"He doesn't have much money on hand right now, maybe not as much as you."

As his own daughter, how could Qin Wenfeng not know why Qin Yuxuan was smiling so happily?
After hesitating for a while, he still said a fact that shocked Qin Yuxuan.


"Brother, did you go stock trading?"

"And put all the compensation from the demolition into it?"

"Dad, I don't study well, so don't lie to me!"

Qin Yuxuan muttered in disbelief.

She still knows who her brother is.

It seems that I have never touched the stock trading thing, right?

If she said her father used 650 million to speculate in stocks, she would still believe it.

But my brother is going to speculate in stocks?
Come on.

I’m just going to speculate in stocks as a person who has never touched stocks before.

Even if she was killed, she wouldn't believe it.

It's too ridiculous.


Seeing that his daughter didn't believe his words, Qin Wenfeng was speechless.

These days, no one even believes the truth.

孽 孽!
"I'm too lazy to tell you."

"If you don't believe it, ask your brother."

"And your mother and uncle all know about your brother's stock trading."

"I am busy."

"Hang up first."

Qin Wenfeng rolled his eyes and hung up the phone.

The caring little padded jacket is not caring at all now.

He dared to question his own words.

"Mom, uncle, they all know?"

"No way, my brother really went to stock trading?"

"And I threw 650 million into the stock market for the first time!"

"This is too reckless."

Seeing my father hang up the phone in a 'distraught' manner.

Qin Yuxuan suddenly realized that what he said before didn't seem to be deceiving.

And it is precisely because there is no lie.

She will be even more unbelievable.

Brother, he...has learned how to trade in stocks!
Long live!
Brother and dad learned bad things.

(End of this chapter)

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