Chapter 21 The first time is raw, the second time is familiar, and the third time is OK!

"Xuanxuan, what are you talking about stock trading?"

"Is your family members speculating in stocks?"

When Qin Yuxuan was talking to herself there.

Zhou Chenxi on the side asked curiously.


"It's my brother."

"His house was demolished and he received 650 million yuan in demolition compensation."

"As a result, he threw all 650 million into the stock market at once."

"The most important thing is that this is his first time trading in stocks."

"I don't know what my brother is thinking, what if he loses money in the stock market!"

Qin Yuxuan told her best friend the news she got.

"Dare to invest 650 million in stocks for the first time, and still have all of my net worth."

"Your brother is too bold."

"Xuanxuan, we are all studying finance, so you should also know that the stock market is ever-changing, and you may lose money if you are not careful."

"And the loss is second to none. The most feared thing is to be locked up, no one will take over, and you can't sell it if you sell it."

"Xuanxuan, you'd better advise your brother that if the stock you bought is in a downturn, it's better to sell it sooner."

Zhou Chenxi said seriously.

Although she and Qin Yuxuan have known each other for less than a year.

But the relationship between them is no worse than that of best friends who grew up together.

It is the most appropriate to describe their relationship with the phrase "see each other late".

Therefore, Qin Yuxuan's brother is equivalent to her brother.

She naturally didn't want Qin Fei's money to be locked up in the stock market.


"I'll send a message to my brother right now."

Qin Yuxuan nodded slightly.

Then he immediately took out his phone, edited a message and sent it to Qin Fei.

Qin Yuxuan: Brother, I heard from my dad that you are speculating in stocks and invested all the 650 million yuan in compensation for demolition. You are crazy. Listen to my sister and sell the stocks quickly and get the money back from the stock market.

"Ding dong."

About ten minutes later, Qin Fei replied to his text message.

Seeing this, Qin Yuxuan immediately opened it to check.

Qin Fei: I remember you studied finance, so you should know a little bit about the stock market. I bought Moutai stock at a price of 198 yuan per share. Now I hold 32800 shares. I don't need to say the rest, you should be able to understand.

"How about it?"

"How did your brother reply to you?"

He heard the notification sound from Qin Yuxuan's mobile phone.

Zhou Chenxi immediately put his little head over.

"No, look!"

Qin Yuxuan took a look at the text message sent by Qin Fei to Zhou Chenxi.

"Did your brother buy Moutai stocks?"

"In this case, there should be no chance of being trapped."

After Zhou Chenxi read the message, he immediately said with great joy.

Moutai is different from other small companies.

Not only does he have a strong foundation, he is also a leader in the industry.

For such a company, even if the stock price falls, there will be no chance of being locked up and no one will take orders from the listed transactions.

"Oh, don't worry about getting stuck now."

"Let's take a look at the stock price of Maotai stock first."

"My brother invested almost 650 million in it."

"I can't accompany you."

Qin Yuxuan didn't think about anything else.

Instead, he quickly turned on his phone and checked the current stock price of Moutai stock.

Zhou Chenxi didn't stay idle either, but kept her head next to Qin Yuxuan's and checked with her.

Soon, they knew what Moutai’s current stock price was.

"My goodness."

"The stock price of Moutai has risen to 256 yuan per share."

"Xuanxuan, your brother sent a message just now, saying at what price he bought it?"

When Zhou Chenxi saw the current stock price of Moutai, he was immediately stunned.

Then she couldn't wait to ask Qin Yuxuan.

"It seems to be 198 yuan a share!"

As Qin Yuxuan said, she glanced again at the message Qin Fei sent him earlier.

After reading it carefully, he also showed Zhou Chenxi the information on the phone.

"198 yuan per share!!!"


"Oh my god, doesn't this mean that your brother has made more than 100 million yuan by relying on Moutai's stocks?"

After carefully reading the message from Qin Fei, Zhou Chenxi said with a shocked face.

"To be precise, it should be 190."

"Almost almost 200 million."

"Even if you have to deduct handling fees, it's still an exaggeration."

Qin Yuxuan turned on her phone and computer, and after a simple calculation, she came up with a number that surprised her.

"Yeah, even after deducting the handling fee, it's almost 200 million."

"Also, I just took a look at how much Moutai's stock has risen."

"I found that its stock price has been rising these days."

"That is to say, your brother is very likely to earn more than 200 million wealth by relying on the Moutai stock."

Zhou Chenxi was also flipping through her phone at this time.

She looked at the price trend chart of Moutai's stock price in the recent period.

It was found that Moutai's stock price has been skyrocketing since a few days ago.

In just four days, the increase is already close to 30%.

If this continues to rise, the profit earned by Xuanxuan's brother may not only be 200 million.

"Hehe, you are indeed my brother. Even if it is your first time to trade stocks, you can still make so much money!"

"Chenchen, do you want to fight the rich with me?"

Qin Yuxuan laughed wickedly.

If her brother lost money trading in the stock market, she would definitely not have this idea.

But now that I’ve made money, that’s another matter.

"Ah, this is not good."

"Your brother and I don't know each other well either."

Zhou Chenxi said embarrassedly.

"Hee hee, it's okay to pull."

"You and I are best friends."

"My brother is your brother."

"The first time is raw, the second time is cooked, and the third time is OK. Keke."

"In short, my brother is very nice, so he won't mind."

Qin Yuxuan stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

He spoke too fast just now, almost expressing his true inner thoughts.

Isn't the reason why she wants to fight against local tyrants for her own brother?

My brother is divorced now, so he must be alone.

As a younger sister, of course she has to worry about his other partner.

No, it just so happens that my sister is so beautiful and has a good personality.

She's perfect for being my sister-in-law.

"Xuanxuan, you still have a wicked heart."

"You always want me to be your sister-in-law."

Having been with Qin Yuxuan for so long, Zhou Chenxi didn't know what she really thought.

Immediately rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Oh, don't I want to kiss you more?"

"Besides, my brother is so handsome, and he can make money. He is a diamond king."

"If you weren't my best friend, I wouldn't introduce it to you."

Qin Yuxuan said solemnly.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid you can't do it."

"I'm going to see your brother."

"Say it first, if I don't have feelings for your brother."

"You can't make random arrangements."

That is Qin Yuxuan.

Zhou Chenxi would not agree to anyone who changed the person.

"Hehe, Chenchen is the best."

"Then I'll call my brother and ask him where he is."

Seeing that Zhou Chenxi agreed, Qin Yuxuan was immediately overjoyed.

He immediately called his brother.

I am going to introduce a beautiful woman to him.

(End of this chapter)

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