Chapter 22 Urine escape, matchmaking!
Times Square entrance.

Two young, beautiful, and super-looking beauties stood at the door and kept looking around.

These two people are Qin Yuxuan and Zhou Chenxi.

As the campus beauty of Hangcheng University, Zhou Chenxi’s beauty goes without saying.

Absolutely very beautiful.

If the perfect score was 100, she would at least be a beauty with a score of 95 or above, or even 98.

This can be seen from the frequent peeks from those boys, how popular she is.

Although Qin Yuxuan was a little bit worse than Zhou Chenxi, but in terms of round scores, it was only one or two points lower.

If you look at it alone, it is also a first-class beauty.

"Brother, here, here."

Just as the two of them were looking around, Qin Yuxuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Keep waving in one direction.

Obviously, the two of them were waiting for Qin Fei's arrival.

"I'm sorry, there was a bit of traffic on the road, so I wasted a little time."

"You didn't have to wait long."

Qin Fei came to the two of them and said apologetically.

Qin Fei originally planned to order takeout at noon and deal with it casually.

But it happened that my sister called and asked her to treat her to dinner.

He agreed to his sister's request without even thinking about it.

Since he was a child, he has always doted on his sister.

And Qin Yuxuan is also very obedient and obedient.

The relationship between the two brothers and sisters can be said to be very good.

"Hehe, I didn't wait long."

"Brother, I'm going to make you spend money today."

"By the way, let me introduce you."

"This is my roommate and my best friend, Zhou Chenxi!"

"She's the school flower of our Hangzhou University."

"Chenchen, this is my brother Qin Fei, he looks handsome."

Qin Yuxuan first smiled, and then immediately dragged Zhou Chenxi to her side.

Introduced her to his brother.

While making the introduction, Qin Yuxuan did not forget to give Qin Fei a wink secretly.

It means let him take the initiative.

Facing such a beautiful woman, as a boy, he should take the initiative.

Besides, sometimes the initiative will have a story happen.

If you are too passive, the girl may run away with others.

"Hi, Brother Qin Fei."

"Hello, sister Chenxi!"

With Qin Yuxuan as the flavoring agent, Zhou Chenxi and Qin Fei also shook hands.

I got to know each other.

Even, because of Qin Yuxuan's relationship, Zhou Chenxi and Qin Fei's mutual address became closer when they first met.

"Little sister, what do you want for lunch?"

"As long as the price is not too outrageous, and a meal costs tens of thousands, other problems are not big."

After saying hello to Zhou Chenxi, Qin Fei rubbed Qin Yuxuan's little head, and said pamperingly.

"Brother, didn't you throw all your money into the stock market?"

"Now you still have money to treat us to a big dinner."

When Qin Yuxuan heard this, she immediately asked with a puzzled face.

She knew that her brother's money was spent by that bad woman, Chen Ling.

I don't have much money at all.

As for the compensation for the demolition, I threw it all into the stock market.

At this time, I probably don’t have much cash on me.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that Qin Yuxuan said she was going to fight against the rich.

But in fact, I plan to pay for it myself.

As a precious princess who is loved by the whole family.

Qin Yuxuan still has a lot of pocket money.

A month plus living expenses, can have about seven or eight thousand.

It can be said that the small days are quite comfortable.

After all, the living expenses of many female college students of the same age may not be more than half of seven or eight thousand for a semester.

"Don't worry, even if I don't have any more money, I still have money to treat you to a meal."

"Even if I don't have it, my dad has it."

"As long as I open my mouth, it doesn't matter how much I want!"

Qin Fei said with a smile.

Almost all of his funds are indeed in the stock market.

But that's okay, he's not alone.

When the father and son discussed Moutai stocks this morning, they knew that Qin Fei had little money.

Without further ado, Qin Wenfeng transferred 5 yuan to Qin Fei.

Let him eat whatever he wants.

Anyway, my son has earned more than 100 million in the stock market in the past few days, which is close to 200 million.

Qin Wenfeng didn't pay attention to the mere 5 yuan.

What is money?
That's a bastard, just earn after spending.


"Hee hee, then I won't be polite to you today."

Qin Yuxuan, who originally wanted to pay the bill herself, immediately gave up the idea of ​​treating guests.

I’m ready to eat and drink at my brother’s place.

They all earned more than 100 million, close to 200 million.

It's not too much to eat well.

A few people chatted and laughed, and came to a western restaurant.

The price of this western restaurant is not cheap.

In terms of per capita, it is more than three to four hundred.

If you order some signature dishes, the price per person will reach more than 1000.

Most working-class people really can't bear to eat at such an expensive place.

What Qin Fei and the others wanted was a private room.

There is a minimum consumption of 1888.

In other words, as long as you choose a private room, you must pay a minimum of 1888.

Even if the dishes you order are not in this price range.

"I'm going to the toilet."

"You guys chat."

After ordering the food, Qin Yuxuan suddenly came to the toilet.

Leave Qin Fei and Zhou Chenxi alone in the private room.

He left alone.

"This girl, it's true"

Seeing the little girl peeing away, Qin Fei shook his head dumbfounded.

As an older brother, how could Qin Fei not know that Qin Yuxuan chose to escape because she wanted to create a chance for him and Zhou Chenxi to be alone.

"Sister Chenxi, don't mind."

"My sister, sometimes she just likes to make her own decisions."

After shaking his head, Qin Fei shrugged helplessly at Zhou Chenxi.

If he can be admitted to Hangzhou University, his IQ will definitely not be so low.

In addition, my little sister and Zhou Chenxi are still best friends.

As for the purpose of the little girl's urine escape, I believe Zhou Chenxi can definitely guess it.

"Hehe, I won't mind."

"After all, Xuanxuan and I are good girlfriends."

Of course Zhou Chenxi knew why Qin Yuxuan wanted to urinate.

However, she didn't care.

Or rather, she was immune.

Who let her best friend blow her brother to the sky during this period of time.

That is wishing that I could become her sister-in-law.

So Zhou Chenxi was no exception to Qin Yuxuan's sudden departure.

What's more, what surprised Zhou Chenxi was that Qin Yuxuan's brother was even more handsome than the one in the photo.

With such good looks, if she had been a few years younger, she could have become the school idol of their Hangcheng University.

"What kind of woman can be so brainless as to abandon such a handsome and wealthy diamond king?"

Later, Zhou Chenxi thought about Qin Fei's divorce.

At this moment, she was very curious about what kind of person Qin Fei's ex-wife was.

Even Qin Fei, who is so handsome and earns so much money, doesn't like him.

Xuanxuan's ex-sister-in-law's vision was too high.

(End of this chapter)

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