They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 23 I treat you like a sister, but you want to be my sister-in-law every day

Chapter 23 I treat you like a sister, but you want to be my sister-in-law every day

"Brother Qin Fei, I heard that you resigned. Do you plan to trade stocks professionally in the future?"

Since Qin Yuxuan specially created opportunities for the two of them.

Zhou Chenxi also didn't want to waste her best friend's feelings.

I plan to get to know Qin Fei in depth.

As for whether they will become boyfriend and girlfriend in the end, that is a matter for the future.

It's too early to say this now.

"That's not there."

"After selling Moutai's stock, I plan to start a business."

“As for the direction of starting a business, we are still contemplating it.”

"But I already have a general direction in mind."

"As for stock trading, I will play it when I have free time, or when I am optimistic about a certain stock."

Qin Fei shook his head slightly.

After this period of consideration, he already has a direction to start a business.

As soon as the funds arrive, it can be established immediately.

"establish a company?"

"I didn't expect you, Brother Qin Fei, to have such a plan."

"Then after Xuanxuan and I graduate, if we can't find a job, we can join you."

Qin Yuxuan never expected that Qin Fei's ambition would be so lofty, to start his own company.

However, when I think about Qin Fei's demolition compensation, it is 650 million.

In addition, this time in the stock market, he should be able to earn two or three million.

It is understandable that you want to start a business.

"Haha, don't underestimate yourself."

"After all, he is a student from a prestigious university."

"How can I not find a job in the future?"

"On my side."

"If the business goes well, I will need you high-achieving students who graduated from prestigious universities to help me in the future."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

This Zhou Chenxi is quite interesting.

Through the initial contact, Zhou Chenxi made a good impression on Qin Fei.

He has a straightforward personality, is generous and not petty at all.

She's a nice girl.

No wonder my little sister is trying to match me with her.

Now, Qin Fei understood more or less.

"That has to go well."

"I also thought about being able to take advantage of Xuanxuan after I graduate in a few years."

"I'm going to Brother Qin Fei's company to eat and wait to die."

"When the time comes, Brother Qin Fei just don't dislike me."

Zhou Chenxi joked with a smile.

And this smile also made Qin Fei stunned.

Zhou Chenxi turned out to be very good-looking.

Now showing such a sweet smile, it is even more heart-pounding.

Fortunately, no matter how you say it, Qin Fei is also a man who has been treated, and even a reborn man.

Therefore, after the initial amazement, he quickly restrained his mind.

But in his heart, he had to sigh that his little sister's best friend was indeed very attractive.

It's really hard for ordinary men to hold back in front of her.

Fortunately, although he seems to be in his early 20s, he is actually a reborn person.

His true age is in his late thirties.

"it is good."

"As long as you don't mind that my company is small."

"You are always welcome to come and eat and die."

Qin Fei smiled slightly.

He also joked with Zhou Chenxi.

"Hehe, what are you talking about?"

"Looks like we had a good chat."

When Zhou Chenxi and Qin Fei were chatting happily.

Qin Yuxuan, who had been running away for a long time, finally arrived belatedly.

Originally, she didn't want to come here to disturb the chat between her brother and best friend, and she kept wandering outside the private room.

But who let the waiters come with their lunch already?

"Nothing to say."

"Just talking about my company."

Qin Fei rubbed Qin Yuxuan's little head vigorously.

It means telling her that I have seen through your little thoughts of urinating.

"Damn old brother."

"It's not rewarding to be kind."

"I will create opportunities for you to be alone."

"You messed up my hair."

"Didn't you know that there is a saying that the head can be cut off and the blood can be shed, but the hairstyle cannot be done?"

Feeling her messy hair, Qin Yuxuan was instantly dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, he kept complaining about Qin Fei in his heart.

At that moment, he stared at my brother with murderous intent.

He wanted to kill his elder brother with his eyes.

"Okay, don't look at me."

"Hurry up and eat."

"After dinner, if you have nothing to do in the afternoon, I will take you to go shopping for a while."

"If you like anything, I'll pay for it, bro."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

"Brother, you are so kind."

Qin Yuxuan, who was originally like a grumpy kitten, immediately calmed down after hearing her brother's words.

And showed a flattering smile.


Seeing her best friend being manipulated by her own brother so easily.

Zhou Chenxi on the side couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

"Wow, Chenchen, how dare you laugh at me."

"I'm not playing with you."

There were no outsiders in the private room, so Qin Yuxuan was not polite.

He rushed over and scratched Zhou Chenxi's itch.

"Hahaha, I surrender, I surrender."

"Xuanxuan, please spare me."

Facing Qin Yuxuan's Nine Yin White Bone Claws, Zhou Chenxi said that he was not an opponent.

He immediately chose to beg for mercy.

"It's great to be young!"

Qin Fei on the side saw this scene and sighed silently in his heart.

At the same time, I also thank God for giving me a chance to be reborn.

Let yourself have a different life.

After playing around.

The three of them started to eat lunch.

They have a lot of variety in what they order.

Western restaurants, I know everything!
Not to mention the high price, the portion of each dish is pitifully small.

If you want to eat here, the cost must be much higher than other places.

Fortunately, Qin Fei is a man who is not short of money.

A mere two to three thousand yuan is just a small amount of money to him.

And his family is not short of thousands of dollars.

After lunch, Qin Fei took Qin Yuxuan and Zhou Chenxi to go shopping.

In the mall, Qin Fei bought a dress and some skin care products for his little sister.

In addition, Zhou Chenxi was also given a lipstick as a gift.

Not expensive, more than 300.

At first, Zhou Chenxi didn’t want it.

He felt that Qin Fei had already spent a lot of money on his lunch meal.

Where else can I receive gifts.

However, under Qin Yuxuan's constant persuasion, Zhou Chenxi finally reluctantly accepted the lipstick.

"Goodbye, brother."

"When your lovely sister is free next time, she will go to you to eat and drink."

The entrance to Hangcheng University.

After Qin Yuxuan got off the Mercedes-Benz, she smiled and waved to Qin Fei.

While waving, he winked, and then moved his mouth in the direction of Zhou Chenxi.

What do you mean? It's obvious.

"Okay, I get it."

"Call back when you have time."

"Morning light, goodbye!"

Qin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to his eccentric younger sister, after waving goodbye to the two of them.

Started the car and left.

"Hehe, Chenchen."

"How is my brother?"

"Is he handsome, and is he a nice person?"

"How's it going? Do you have a heart-pounding feeling?"

After Qin Fei's car drove away, Qin Yuxuan immediately asked Zhou Chenxi with a smile.

"He is indeed handsome and a nice person."

"As for the heartbeat."

"That's still too early. I'm not that kind of nymphomaniac."

"How could it be possible that once you meet her, your heart will fall in love?"

Zhou Chenxi shook his head in confusion.

"haha it's OK."

"Even if you don't feel moved now, you can't say for sure in the future."

"I'm waiting for you to be my sister-in-law."


Qin Yuxuan blinked with a smile.

In response, Zhou Chenxi could only roll his eyes helplessly.

I regard you as my sister, but you want to be my sister-in-law every day.

Make friends carelessly!
(End of this chapter)

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