Chapter 24 The plan can't keep up with the changes!
In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Today, almost two months have passed since Moutai's stock soared.

During this more than a month, Qin Wenfeng asked Qin Fei more than once if he wanted to sell the Moutai stock in his hand.

After all, Moutai's share price has risen too exaggeratedly.

From the time he bought it at 254 yuan per share, it has kept rising.

Now it has risen to 555 yuan a share.

He is also very happy to see the stock price of Moutai soaring every day.

But the stock market is a volatile market.

You never know when it will plummet.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Qin Wenfeng had long wanted to sell the stock.

However, the answer he got from Qin Fei was always to wait.

If it weren't for seeing that Moutai's stock price has been rising.

Qin Wenfeng might not be able to withstand the pressure and sold the 50 lots of stocks in his hand.

After all, even at the current stock price, selling at 555 yuan a share, those 50 lots of stocks would make him a net profit of about 150 million.

Such a large receipt has already made Qin Wenfeng very satisfied.

This stock trading can be said to be the most profitable time in his life.

And this 150 million profit is enough to make up for his shortfall in the stock market over the years.

No, to be precise, not just make up.

After all, he had never made more than 10 yuan when investing in stocks before.

Even if he has lost money for so many years, it is only a loss of one hundred thousand.

Compared to the approximately 150 million earned this time.

It is simply not worth mentioning.

Therefore, these 150 million or so are simply a crazy amount of money, not just to make up for it.


“Don’t accept personal investment?”

"Only accept corporate investment?"

"Is there such a weird rule?"

On the other side, Qin Fei has not been idle for more than a month.

Have been searching for information about Baofeng Technology.

He even accidentally contacted someone who worked at Baofeng Technology.

And Qin Fei is chatting with this person now.

This person is Liao Zhifeng, a middle-level manager of Baofeng Technology.

Two people can know each other because of a game.

During this period of time, because he had nothing to do at home, Qin Fei not only paid attention to the information about Baofeng Technology, but also played games.

It just so happened that he and Liao Zhifeng were on the same server.

The two got along for half a month, and felt that their personalities were quite compatible, so they added friends.

After adding friends, Qin Fei knew that Liao Zhifeng was actually a middle-level manager of Baofeng Technology.

After knowing that Liao Zhifeng was a middle-level manager of Baofeng Technology, Qin Fei expressed his desire to participate in the subscription subscription launched by Baofeng Technology a month later.

After learning of Qin Fei's purpose, Liao Zhifeng was also a little dazed.

Unexpectedly, an investor appeared in the game.

Of course, Liao Zhifeng would not refuse Qin Fei's desire to participate in the fund raising and subscription.

Immediately, he reported the matter to the chairman of Baofeng Technology.

After some understanding, I finally had the scene at the beginning.

Baofeng Technology does not accept personal investment.

At the very least, it must be an investment from the company.

As for the reason, Liao Zhifeng didn't go into details, only saying that it was the decision of the top management.

"Yes, so Qin Fei, if you want to participate in the fundraising subscription, it's best to apply for a company first."

Liao Zhifeng said there was nothing he could do.

He is just a middle-level manager of the company and cannot participate in major decisions.

What's more, raising subscriptions is the last major decision before the company goes public.

As a middle-level manager, he is even less likely to influence.

"That's it."

"It seems that I need to set up an investment company of my own within a month."

Qin Fei said helplessly when he heard this.

His original business plan was to wait a month to get funds from the stock market before establishing the company.

Then during the process of starting a business, I participated in the fundraising and subscription of Baofeng Technology.

Now it seems that the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Baofeng Technology does not accept individual investment behavior.

Only accepted from companies.

Now, there is only a little more than a month left before Baofeng Technology starts to raise subscriptions.

He had to set up an investment company within one month.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will miss the opportunity to invest in Baofeng Technology.

Qin Fei is definitely not willing to let go of this year's largest demon stock company.

The glorious history of 37 consecutive daily limit has been stimulating Qin Fei.

I can't wait to buy shares in this company right away.

However, it will still be some time before Baofeng Technology goes public.

Therefore, there is no need to be so anxious yet.

The important thing in front of Qin Fei now is to quickly raise funds and start a company.

To raise funds, Qin Fei has two options.

One is to sell a part of Moutai's stock in his own hands, and collect 100 million to register an investment company.

The second thing is to ask my father for 100 million, and then register the company.

The initial capital required to register a company does not require much.

100 million is enough!

You know, when registering a company, the more registered capital, the better.

Because the processing fee for registering a company is based on the registered capital and charged as a percentage.

In other words, the more registered capital, the more expensive the handling fee.

In addition, the higher the company's registered capital, the more civil liabilities it has to bear, and the greater the risk as a shareholder.

Of course, this does not mean that the smaller the registered capital, the better. The registered capital represents the company’s strength and its ability to take on large projects to a certain extent.

At the same time, it also involves the evaluation of the company's qualification level. The higher the registered capital, the higher the enterprise level, so to a certain extent, it can be used as a consideration for large customers when choosing partners.

Generally speaking, the registered capital required to register a company is basically between 100 million and 1000 million.

Unless there are exceptions, most of them are this amount.

And Qin Fei now just needs the name of an investment company.

Therefore, a registered capital of 100 million is enough to set up an investment company.


“If you can set up a company before raising subscriptions.”

"Then I can assure you that this subscription will definitely give you a lot of shares in our company."

Liao Zhifeng said slowly.

Although he can't decide the major issues of the company.

But it is still possible to let Qin Fei participate in the fundraising and subscription, and share a little bit of shares.

After all, they are also the middle management of the company.

This network is still there.

"Okay, I see."

"Then just wait for my good news."

"I'll do it tomorrow."

"One month is enough for me to register a company."

Now that he has made a decision, Qin Fei will not delay.

If you register a company quickly, it will only take ten working days to complete.

If it is slow, it will take less than a month.

When the company is formally established, it is just in time to catch up with the opportunity to participate in Baofeng Technology's fundraising and subscription.

Of course, the most urgent thing to convince is how to get 100 million from my father to start a company.

Obviously, Qin Fei did not choose to sell part of his shares in advance.

Instead, I plan to grab some wool from my dad first.

As the only son, if he wants to start his own business, his father’s support of 100 million is not too much, right?
Such a happy decision!
(End of this chapter)

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