Chapter 25 100, just small money!

In the evening, at Qin Fei's parents' home.

Qin Fei's family of three is eating dinner.

Only Qin Yuxuan is missing.

But this is also impossible.

Why is Qin Yuxuan still in college, and she is still a freshman.

"Dad, I have something to discuss with you."

After eating, Qin Fei made Qin Wenfeng a cup of tea before speaking.

"what's up?"

"you say!"

Qin Wenfeng took a sip of tea and asked happily.

The first thing Qin Wenfeng does when he wakes up every day is to wait for the stock market to open at 09:30.

Then wait for Moutai's share price to rise.

Seeing myself making money every day, that kind of mood is not too beautiful.

So during this time, he always had a smile on his face.

"Give me 100 million and I'm going to register the company."

Qin Fei didn't beat around the bush, but directly stated his request.

What's the point of having a good relationship with your father?

Just state it directly.

"Cough cough cough."

"What the hell, you want 100 million?"

Qin Wenfeng just took a sip of tea, and before he could swallow it, Qin Wenfeng spurted it out.

Fortunately, Qin Fei was not opposite Qin Wenfeng.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to wash my face with saliva from my father.

"um, yes!"

"Originally, I planned to wait for the Moutai stock to be sold before setting up the company."

"But time waits for no one."

"I have a promising project now, and I need to set up a company in advance."

"So I can only manage the money."

"Dad, it's only a million dollars."

"You won't refuse to give it, right?"

Qin Fei said with a smile.

"I said son, what you want is 100 million yuan, not 100 yuan."

"Your mother and I have only saved more than 300 million yuan for more than ten years."

"If you open your mouth casually, you will take away one-third of my property."

"Can you stop saying it so lightly."

Qin Wenfeng rolled his eyes speechlessly.

In fact, Qin Wenfeng has made a lot of money these years.

But the annual cost is also a lot.

In addition, the house he lives in now and the house he bought for Qin Fei also cost a lot.

The most important thing is that before Qin Fei got married, he spent almost 150 million.

Therefore, although there are 80 million profits every year.

But in terms of deposits, there are only more than 300 million now.

Of course, the more than 300 million yuan is not counted as Moutai stock.

If we include Moutai stock, based on Moutai's current stock price.

His savings can be increased by more than 200 million again.

"Dad, the layout is too small, isn't it?"

"A mere 100."

"The sum of the money our father and son have earned in the past two months has already exceeded 100 million."

"So, don't take 100 million too seriously."

"Your son and I will definitely earn a lot of 100 million in the future."

"Sooner or later, our family will become billionaires."

For Qin Fei, 100 million is really not a lot.

If you don't want to maximize profits.

As long as he sells a little of the 328 Moutai stocks in his hand, he can get 100 million in funds.

What's more, as a reborn person, he doesn't have too many ways to make money.


As long as the timing is good.

It is not impossible for him to obtain it.

"Okay, okay, you are a billionaire and you have a big picture."

"It's because of the face that you let me earn more than 100 million in the stock market."

"I can give you the 100."

"But son, starting a business is not an easy thing."

"I want you to remember that you need to think twice before you do anything."

"Don't easily choose things that you are not sure about."

"This is dad's advice to you."

Seeing that his son said so, Qin Wenfeng is not a stingy person.

He immediately decided to agree to his son's request.

Besides, he is only a son like Qin Fei.

Sooner or later the family property will be left to him.

It makes no difference whether you give it earlier or later.

Of course, even though I promised to give money.

But he still has some advice that should be given.

After all, shopping malls are like battlefields!

He has been in business for more than ten years, and has a deep understanding of the cruelty of shopping malls.

"Don't worry, Dad."

"I won't do anything I'm not sure about."

"Your son I am also a stable person."

Qin Fei nodded with a smile.

He is not a young person who goes out into society.

I won’t be arrogant just because I have a little money.

"Well, you'll understand."

"I'll call you 100 million later."

Now that he agreed to his son, Qin Wenfeng called Qin Fei immediately for the 100 million.

And there was a reason why he agreed so readily.

Recently, Qin Fei has been doing nothing at home every day, and he really can't stand it anymore.

Now that his son wants to start a business, of course he will give his full support.

Starting a business is better than lying dead at home.

"Thank you, Dad."

The 100 million was about to come, and Qin Fei also laughed happily.

To be honest, Qin Fei felt very lucky to be able to live in such an enlightened family.

No matter it was the previous life or this life, my father was always so generous to me.

As long as you ask for it, it doesn't matter if it's tens of thousands, 10,000+, or even millions.

Dad supported him without hesitation.

If it were another family, that might not be the case.

If nothing else, let’s talk about his ex-wife Chen Ling’s family.

Want Chen Ling's father to give 100 million to his children?
Ha ha!

Don't say that he doesn't have the 100 million.

Even if there was, he would never take it out.

"Why are you so polite? We are father and son."

"Okay, the 100 million has been transferred, just do whatever you have to do."

After transferring the money, Qin Wenfeng also went back to the house.

He still has things to attend to.

Early the next morning, Qin Fei took the 100 million to register his own company.

For several days in a row, Qin Fei was running.

Submit the information needed to register the company to the official department one by one.

After all the application materials have been submitted, almost a week has passed.

Next, Qin Fei only needs to wait for the approval.

This time won't be long.

It can take as little as three to five working days, and as many as ten working days, and the audit results will come out.

As long as it is not a fraudulent company, it will generally be approved.

"Son, how's your company registration going?"

That night, Qin Fei's family of three were eating dinner.

Qin Wenfeng asked suddenly.

"It went pretty well."

"All the materials that should be submitted have been submitted."

"We're waiting for the review to pass now."

Qin Fei said with a happy face.

After all, this is the first time he started a company in the past and present.

My heart is naturally very happy.

"That should be soon."

"By the way, since you want to open a company."

"Then is it about preparing for the opening ceremony?"

Qin Wenfeng nodded first, and then asked another question.

When a new company is established, there is always a celebration.

One is to bring blessings to the company.

Second, it is to give the company a reputation.

Let everyone know that such a company is open.

(End of this chapter)

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