They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 26 What is it?How many thousands did my nephew make from stock trading?

Chapter 26 What the hell?How many millions did my nephew make from stock trading?
"Let's talk about the opening ceremony later."

"After all, I haven't even chosen the office address of the company yet."

"Once I have determined the time and place for the opening, I will contact some of my classmates and friends to see if they are available."

"By the way, let's call my two uncles and my uncle's family too."

"Let them join in the fun."

The opening ceremony must be held.

But not now.

He has to wait until he has settled all the company's affairs before informing his relatives, friends and classmates one by one.

These days, he has looked at a lot of office buildings, but none of them are suitable.

Or the location is not good and transportation is inconvenient.

Or it is not cost-effective.

"Speaking of the office address, you can ask your Uncle Xu."

"He runs a real estate agency in Hangzhou."

"Whether it is commercial housing or residential housing, it is involved."

"Maybe I can find you a good office address."

When Qin Wenfeng mentioned the office address, he thought of Xu Jian.

Decided to ask his son to ask Xu Jian.

"Uncle Xu? Is it dad's friend Uncle Xu Jian?"

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't know that Xu Jian actually opened a real estate agency.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have to bother to find other intermediary companies.

Just ask Uncle Xu Jian directly.

After all, an intermediary company that you know is definitely better than one you don't know.

What's more, although he didn't get along much, Qin Fei knew Xu Jian a little bit.

He is a very reliable person.

This can be seen from the fact that my father often praises the other party for his honesty.

You know, my father seldom praises others.

If he can praise someone often, it means that Xu Jian must be a good person.

"Yes, it's your Uncle Xu Jian."

"How about it, would you like me to say hello for you?"

Qin Wenfeng asked with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, Dad."

Of course Qin Fei would not refuse.

Having an acquaintance here would definitely be a lot more convenient.

Among other things, even if Uncle Xu Jian didn't have a suitable house for him.

But since he is a real estate agent, he must know many colleagues.

Among these colleagues, there must be some who have good connections.

When the time comes, you can always find the right one through these colleagues with good connections.

If you can't find it like this, it means Qin Fei is very unlucky.

"Okay, then I'll call your Uncle Xu now."

Qin Wenfeng is very happy to be able to help his son in his career.

"Come, come, Xu Jian, let's go one more time."

"Thank you for your help today."

"Helped my boss find a cheap and practical factory."

"We're not going to get drunk today."

In a seafood stall.

Qin Wenhao was pulling Xu Jian to persuade him to drink.

The reason is that Qin Wenhao's boss is going to change the factory building.

Qin Wenhao works in a garment factory, and his monthly salary is not low, but certainly not too high.

About seven to eight thousand a month.

Because last year and this year, Qin Wenhao's boss's business was doing well.

So I want to scale up.

If you want to expand the scale, you need to change to a larger factory. His boss's current factory is too small to increase mass production and expand the scale.

The search for a new factory fell on Qin Wenhao.

Qin Wenhao knew that Xu Jian opened an intermediary company.

So, I asked Xu Jian for help.

After more than a week of searching, I finally found a factory that satisfied my boss.

And today, the contract was signed.

No, in order to thank Xu Jian, Qin Wenhao specially invited Xu Jian to have a good meal at the seafood stall.

"Wen Hao, I really can't drink anymore."

"You also know how bad my drinking capacity is."

Xu Jian waved his hand, he really couldn't drink anymore.

If he drank any more, he would not only vomit tonight, but he might be unconscious by then.

He didn't like the feeling of being drunk and unconscious.

"Okay, let's have one last drink."

"After this cup is finished, we won't drink it."

"It's always okay."

Seeing that Xu Jian really couldn't drink anymore, Qin Wenhao didn't force it.

Originally, this meal was just to thank Xu Jian.

If you insist on letting the other person drink, that is not a thank you.

This is second.

If it makes others feel unhappy, wouldn't it be thankless?

"Okay, you said so, I will definitely drink this drink with you."

"But as promised, it's the last drink."

"Come on, let's go!"

Xu Jian is not a hypocritical person either.

Seeing that Qin Wenhao had said so, he had a last drink with him immediately.

"Jingle Bell"

However, just after drinking half of the glass of wine, Xu Jian's cell phone rang.


"It's Wenfeng calling."

"At this point, why is Wenfeng calling here?"

"You're not asking me to have dinner."

"It's too late at this point."

After taking a look at the caller ID, Xu Jian muttered in surprise.

"Wen Feng called?"

"What does he want from you?"

You say it's unintentional, but it sounds intentional.

When he learned that the call was from Qin Wenfeng, Qin Wenhao immediately paid attention.

He was still bitter about the fact that he was rejected when he borrowed money from Qin Wenfeng's son last time.

After all, he didn't borrow much, just fifty thousand.

And Qin Fei's compensation for demolition is several million.

Fifty thousand is nothing compared to millions.

This is not borrowed, and it is too stingy.

What about stock trading? I'm afraid that if Qin Fei knows that he has received compensation for demolition, someone will definitely want to borrow money from him.

In order not to lend money to others, I deliberately speculated in stocks. This was just to use stock speculation as a reason to refuse other people's loans.

Qin Wenhao was convinced of his guess.

Because he knew that Qin Fei had never traded in stocks since he was a child.

Now he suddenly mentioned that he wanted to trade in stocks, not to avoid borrowing money from relatives, but for what reason?
I have to say that Qin Wenhao's brain is really big.

If Qin Fei knew what he was thinking, he would definitely be speechless.

Isn't it because I didn't lend you any money? Is there any need to slander him in my heart?
What's more, when I borrowed money from you, you yourself refused to lend me money.

At this time, I disliked me for not borrowing money, didn't I laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps!
"I don't know, I'll ask first."

On the other side, Xu Jian shook his head slightly.

Then choose to answer the call.

"Hey, Wenfeng, what do you want from me?"

"Looking for a suitable house? Why do you want to move?"

"Not moving? Is your son going to start a company?"

"I'll go, your son has made a lot of money, and he's going to start a company."

"Isn't it the money you made from trading in stocks?"

"What the hell? Is it really the money you make from stock trading?"

"How many more millions?"

"I'll go, your son is going to be successful."

"What? Still holding it, not selling it!"

"That's amazing. Anyway, as long as your son is willing to sell it, he can get millions at any time."

"Okay, okay, I understand. Just leave this matter to me. I will definitely help you get it done."

"By the way, give me his phone number. I will go to the company to call him tomorrow and ask him to come to my company and tell me his requirements for the company's office address."

"Then I will look for suitable houses for him based on his requirements."

"Okay, then it's such a happy decision."

"Okay, hang up."

After chatting for about three to five minutes, Xu Jian hung up the phone.

The next second after Xu Jian hung up the phone, Qin Wenhao couldn't wait to ask:

"Lao Xu, my nephew is going to start a company?"

"real or fake?"

"And how many millions did he make?"

"What's the matter?"

"Did you make money by speculating in stocks?"

(End of this chapter)

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