Chapter 27 Get yourself humiliated!

"This is impossible!!!"

A deafening roar came from the private room of a seafood stall.

Fortunately, the sound insulation in the private room is pretty good.

In addition, it is meal time now, people are coming and going, and there is a lot of noise.

Therefore, although this roar was loud, it did not affect other people.

And it was Qin Wenhao who made the roar.

Qin Wenfeng called Xu Jian just now, although he didn't hear the complete conversation between the two.

But Xu Jian's words alone made him understand a lot.

What's more, after the call, he also asked Xu Jian.

I got a positive answer from Xu Jian.

That is, that kid Qin Fei made millions in stocks.

Of course, the two of them also knew that although Qin Fei made millions, the money was still in the stock market and had not been taken out.

In fact, the information both of them received was inaccurate.

Because Qin Wenfeng didn't tell the truth.

As a personal participant, he knows how much his son is earning now.

Even if there is not 1500 million, there is almost 1400 million.

Because Moutai's stock price has now exceeded 600 yuan per share, reaching an unbelievable 630 yuan per share.

During this time, it was really going crazy.

The daily increase is either [-]% or [-]%.

There was even a daily limit situation.

Because it was too exaggerated, Qin Wenfeng was a little humble when he told Xu Jian that his son made money by investing in stocks.

It only said that it earned a few million, but did not say that it earned more than 1000 million.

However, even if he earned millions, Qin Wenhao lost his composure.

If he knew the specific amount of Qin Fei's earnings, wouldn't Qin Wenhao go crazy?

"Wen Hao, although this incident is indeed shocking, you don't have to lose your composure."

"Besides, Qin Fei is Wen Feng's child."

"He made millions trading stocks."

"As friends, we should congratulate him."

"I know, you are still brooding about the last time you borrowed money."

"But, everyone has been friends for so many years."

"And you and Wenfeng are considered relatives."

"If you don't look up, you can't see down. There's no need to freeze the relationship."

Seeing Qin Wenhao losing his composure, Xu Jian couldn't help persuading him.

Compared with Qin Wenhao, the relationship between Xu Jian and Qin Wenfeng is actually better.

However, in Xu Jian's heart, he felt that both Qin Wenfeng and Qin Wenhao were his friends, and naturally he didn't want them to get into trouble because of a small matter of borrowing money.

"No, I still don't believe that my nephew can make that much money."

"Maybe it's just Qin Wenfeng exaggerating on purpose."

"Xu Jian, didn't you read the information about that boy Qin Fei buying stocks?"

"What company's stock did he buy and the price at which he bought it, do you remember?"

Qin Wenhao felt unhappy when he thought that Qin Fei could earn so much money.

He can accept that anyone is better off than himself.

But I can't accept that my relatives and friends are better off than me.

From this we can see how selfish Qin Wenhao is.

However, he has been hiding it very well before.

So no one found out.

No, to be precise, only Qin Fei, a reborn person, knows Qin Wenhao's true face.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to lend money to Qin Wenhao.

And the reason why he showed such a gaffe this time was also because of the effect of alcohol.

People sometimes tell the truth after drinking, especially when they drink too much.

"You, you, drunk after only drinking? You forgot that when Qin Fei borrowed money from you, he said that he bought Moutai stocks."

Hearing what Xu Jian said, Xu Jian didn't know where he was. He wanted to check it himself.

The purpose is to find out whether what Wenfeng said is a deliberate exaggeration, or whether it is the truth.

At this moment, Xu Jian suddenly felt that Qin Wenhao was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Regardless of whether Qin Wenfeng is deliberately exaggerating or it is true, as a friend, you just need to listen and not judge.

There's no need to be truthful at all.

Even if Qin Wenfeng's words are indeed exaggerated, we should just listen to a story and let it go in one ear and out the other.

If you care about it so seriously, if Qin Wenfeng finds out, it will hurt your feelings.

What's more, Xu Jian knew Qin Wenfeng's character, so he didn't bother to exaggerate.

Therefore, what he said about his son making millions should be true.

"Moutai stock, right?"

"I want to see if what that guy Qin Wenfeng said is true or false."

"Lao Xu, I have never traded in stocks, but I know you have done it too."

"Please help me see what Moutai's stock price is now."

"Then, did that kid Qin Fei make millions?"

Qin Wenhao said calmly.

He must have figured this out even more today.

If he didn't figure it out, he might not be able to sleep.

"Okay, okay, let me help you see if that's okay."

"You, you, really. Hey!!!"

Seeing that Qin Wenhao insisted on seeing it, Xu Jian had no choice but to agree.

She even murmured in her heart: It seems that Wen Hao can't be allowed to drink in the future.

Last time I started talking nonsense after drinking. Fortunately, I was the only one who heard it. If Wen Feng heard it, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

And this time too.

Why do you say you are so stubborn.

"Okay, I found it for you."

"Moutai's stock price is now. Is it true or not?"

"This is too exaggerated."

Although he was muttering in his heart, the movements of Xu Jian's hands were not slow.

Soon, he opened the stock market and found the current stock price of Moutai Company.

Just seeing the current stock price of Moutai, Xu Jian became restless.

If he remembered correctly, when he saw the information on Qin Fei's mobile phone, Moutai's stock price should have been less than 200 yuan.

What is Moutai’s share price now?
630! ! !
What the hell, how long has it been? It's only been about three months, yet it has increased so much!

Just a rough calculation, we know that the stock price of Moutai has increased by more than 200% in three months!
And if he remembered correctly.

Qin Fei's child invested all the 650 million yuan in compensation for demolition.

What is the increase of more than 650 percent from 200 million?
More than 1300 million!
In other words, in just three months, that boy Qin Fei earned more than 1300 million!
Damn it, I didn’t make millions here, but more than 1000 million.

That guy Wenfeng is too humble.

More than 1000 million, abruptly said to be several million.

That is to say, Xu Jian didn't know when Moutai started to rise.

If this is clear, then he will know that it is not a three-month increase of more than 200%.

It was a little more than two months, and the increase was more than 200%.

"What happened?"

"What surprised you so much?"

"Did that guy Wenfeng lie?"

Hearing Xu Jian's exclamation, Qin Wenhao quickly ran over and asked.

As he asked, he smiled.

Let me just say, that guy Qin Wenfeng must have lied.

After all, if you didn't lie, Lao Xu would at most say that that guy Wenfeng didn't lie, he would never swear, and even come out.

"Ah this."

Seeing Qin Wenhao's happy expression, Xu Jian suddenly didn't know whether he should tell him the truth.

Don't tell me, looking at Wen Hao's current appearance, you know that he will definitely not give up.

Should I say this? He was afraid that Wen Hao would be hit.

"Hurry up and talk, don't babble."

"I know you want to protect that guy Wen Feng's face."

"But now it's just you and me. Even if his lies are exposed, only the two of us will know."

"As long as you don't tell me, and I don't tell you, who will know that Qin Wenfeng lied."

Seeing Xu Jian's faltering, Qin Wenhao immediately urged him impatiently.

"Hey, let me tell you the truth."

"Wenfeng really lied, his son really didn't make millions."

"Because the actual money his son earned was more than 1000 million!"

Faced with the unyielding Qin Wenhao, Xu Jian could only choose to tell the truth.

He really couldn't bear to attack Qin Wenhao.

But Qin Wenhao couldn’t help but do it on his own!

"I'm just going to say it, that guy Wen Feng will definitely say it."

"What the hell?"

"Not millions, but more than 1000 million!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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