Chapter 28 Vicious thoughts!
"More than 1000 million, how is that possible? That's more than 1000 million."

"How could a little kid like Qin Fei earn more than 1000 million in three months?"

"God is really unfair."

"Qin Wenfeng can just do his own business and make money."

"Why is his son better, earning money in three months that ordinary people can hardly earn in a lifetime."

After returning home, Qin Wenhao was still muttering.

When he thought that Qin Fei had made more than 1000 million yuan by trading in stocks, his heart became unbalanced.

On the way home, he kept talking about this.

Think about it, I am exhausted, and only 8000 yuan a month.

And what about Qin Wenfeng's family?

Casually, the annual income is 80 million.

Almost eight times his size!
They both have the same grandfather, why is his quality of life so much better than mine?
Originally, Qin Wenfeng was enough to make him jealous.

As a result, another Qin Fei appeared now.

This Qin Fei is even more outrageous.

Earned more than 1000 million in three months.

That's more than 1000 million.

His salary plus bonuses for one year and eleven months in the garment factory is only 10 yuan.

If you want to earn 1000 million, it will take 100 years, and that's without eating or drinking.

Not to mention, the kid Qin Fei earned more than 1000 million in the past three months.

According to Xu Jian, Qin Fei earned at least 1300 million yuan in this wave.

"What are you mumbling about?"

"What 1000?"

"Did you drink too much and think of something unrealistic?"

While Qin Wenhao was muttering, his wife Lin Haifen came over and scolded him.

Lin Haifen didn't like her husband at all.

In her opinion, a man who can't make a lot of money is not a good man.

Look at Qin Wenfeng, not to mention his income of 80 million yuan a year, he still drives a car worth more than 50 yuan, and lives in a house worth 400 million yuan. How cool it is.

Especially Shen Yue, who has nothing to do every day. He can go shopping if he wants to, go for a beauty treatment if he wants to, and even play mahjong with a few friends.

It's such a cool day.

Look at yourself again?
Even the money to buy groceries has to be scrutinized.

As for shopping for beauty treatments and the like, I dare not think about it at all.

I was really blind when I married such a useless man.

"Honey, you don't know."

"There is so much hatred in my heart."

"Do you know how much Qin Wenfeng's son has earned in the past three months?"

"More than 1000 million!!!"

"That's more than 1000 million."

"How can Qin Wenfeng's son earn so much money?"

"I really hope God will open his eyes and let their family go bankrupt tomorrow, and the whole family will go begging for food the day after tomorrow."

After returning home and having someone to talk to, Qin Wenhao no longer had to hide.

Even curse words were spoken.

"Okay, okay, you drank too much."

"That little kid Qin Fei can still make more than 1000 million in three months?"

"Don't be funny."

Lin Haifen didn't believe a word of Qin Wenhao's words.

What kind of virtues does Qin Fei have? How can she, an aunt, not understand him?
Don't look like a high-achieving student who graduated from 211 University, but his brain is really average.

He hangs around his wife every day.

In just over half a year, how many thousands of dollars has been lost to the family?
I heard it’s as high as 30!
It took 30 yuan after only eight months of marriage.

If this goes on for a long time, it will cost at least 300 million.

Can a man like Qin Fei earn more than 1000 million in three months?


She didn't believe it at all.

Losing more than 1000 million in three months is still about the same.

"Honey, I know you don't believe it."

"But it's true."

"This incident was witnessed by Xu Jian and I."

"Three months ago."

Seeing his wife's disbelief, Qin Wenhao moved out of Xu Jian.

And, he narrated what happened three months ago and what happened tonight.

He knew that as long as Xu Jian moved out, Lin Haifen would definitely believe it.


"There is such a thing."

"This kid has become prosperous after divorce?"

"And I made more than 1000 million yuan without making any noise, and I have to start a company."

"What's so good about this kid."

Sure enough, after moving out of Xu Jian, Lin Haifen no longer had any doubts about Qin Wenhao's words.

After all, Lin Haifen also knew very well who Xu Jian was.

And after she believed it, she became unbalanced.

Think about his own son, who is as old as Qin Fei.

What about Qin Fei?
211 graduated from college and now has earned more than 1000 million and is ready to start a company.

And what about his own son?
Not to mention the rubbish third-rate university graduates, they can't even find a stable job.

It has been so long since I graduated that I have already changed jobs three times in a row.

Every job, I quit within two months.

Sometimes, they need their parents to help them, so as not to starve to death.

You know, before that, she thought her son was better than Qin Fei.

Because even if his son asked for money, it would only be a few hundred or thousands, and not every month.

But what about Qin Fei?
I have to ask my parents for 3 to [-] yuan every month.

In such a comparison, his son is simply not too good.

But now?
God seems to have played a big joke on her.

Why did Qin Fei, who was obviously so much worse than his own son, suddenly become so good?

Earned more than 1000 million in three months!

What is that concept?
In other words, it took Qin Fei three months to earn a fortune that his family might not have been able to earn after working for 100 years.

"Yes, how capable he is!"

"This kid just had shit luck, so he made so much money all at once."

"Let me tell you, this guy will never be able to keep his money."

"Because this kid actually learned from others to start a business."

"Is it that easy to start a business?"

"If it were that easy, everyone would start a business."

"Look, within three years, he will definitely lose all his money."

It is said that jealousy makes people beyond recognition.

This is the most realistic portrayal of Qin Wenhao at this moment.

Even because of jealousy, Qin Wenhao finally began to curse Qin Fei, hoping that he would lose all the more than 1000 million yuan.

"No, he can't lose everything."

"Honey, I have an idea, do you want to hear it?"

After hearing Qin Wenfeng's words, Lin Haifen originally wanted to agree.

But suddenly she thought of something, and she immediately had an idea and had a brilliant idea.

"Can't you lose everything?"

"Honey, what do you mean?"

Qin Wenhao asked puzzledly.

"Husband, you said that Qin Fei is going to start a company now."

"Then there must be a shortage of manpower."

"As his relatives, isn't it our duty to help him run the company together?"

"It just so happens that our son is looking for a job recently. Then let him go to work in Qin Fei's company."

"For the sake of our relatives, that guy Qin Fei won't treat our son badly no matter what, right?"

"Not to mention anything else, as the first batch of employees of the company, it's not too much to ask for a high position?"

"Since it is a high-level position, then a monthly salary of [-] to [-] yuan is no problem, right?"

"In my opinion, it is best for our son to be in the financial department and manage the company's finances."

"In this case, if we make a little move, we can make a lot of money!"

Lin Haifen proudly told her plan.

Qin Wenhao on the side listened, and his eyes became brighter and brighter the more he listened.

Yes, why didn’t I think of this!

My wife is still thoughtful.

"Honey, not only our son wants to join Qin Fei's company."

"I think I can quit my current job and join Qin Fei's company with our son."

"When the time comes, we, father and son, will take care of each other in the company. We don't have the final say in Qin Fei's company."

"Honey, what do you think of my idea?"

For the current job, Qin Wenhao didn't want to do it for a long time.

It only costs 8000 yuan after a month of hard work.

Didn't mess around at all.

What's more, he is getting older.

In a few years, I'm afraid there won't even be seven or eight thousand left.

"What a great idea."

"You two, father and son, enter Qin Fei's company."

"As long as it is operated properly, the owner of the company may be changed in the future."

"Who said Qin Fei registered the company? He must be the boss of the company."

"Husband, are you right?"

Lin Haifen said greedily.

The more I talk, the more excited I get.

"Haha, that's what I thought."

"Honey, it seems we have quite the same opinion."

I have to say, it is not a family, do not enter a family.

Both Qin Wenhao and Lin Haifen felt infinite greed towards Qin Fei's company.

It's a pity that the two people's ideas are very good.

But they forget one thing.

Everything they say now is their own subjective conjecture.

And will Qin Fei let them get what they want?

(End of this chapter)

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