Chapter 29 Rent of 300 million a year!

"Old Qin, it's so hard for you to hide this from me."

"Your son obviously made more than 1000 million, but you actually told me that he only made a few million."

"When did you become so humble?"

Early the next morning, under the leadership of his father, Qin Fei came to Xu Jian's agency company.

As soon as the two sides met, Xu Jian couldn't help but roll his eyes at Qin Wenfeng.

"I'll go, I thought I hid it well."

"How do you know so clearly?"

Qin Wenfeng was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Xu Jian in surprise.

"Last night, Wen Hao and I had dinner at the seafood stall."

"Just in time you called."


Xu Jian briefly talked about what he had done.

Of course, Xu Jian didn't say anything bad about Qin Wenhao.

He's not one to pick apart people.

Never speak ill of another person in front of one person.

What's more, in Xu Jian's opinion, what Qin Wenhao said yesterday was at most a gaffe after drinking.

"So that's the case, I said how could you know."

"Haha, I'm sorry, Lao Xu, I didn't tell you the truth."

"Mainly because I think a few million is exaggerated enough."

"If it is said that I have earned more than 1000 million yuan, maybe you think I am bragging."

After understanding the cause and effect, Qin Wenfeng smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, it's not the first day I met you."

"Xiao Fei, what kind of office do you want?"

"A higher-grade one, or a normal one?"

"Are there any requirements for the surrounding facilities?"

After saying hello, Xu Jian entered the working mode.

You can chat anytime.

The most urgent task is to get the office location that Qin Fei wants as soon as possible.

"The grade should be higher."

"No matter what, I need a 5A-level office building."

"As for surrounding facilities, it would be best if there are buses and subways, which make it convenient for the company's employees to commute to get off work."

"Of course, it would be more suitable if there are residential areas around it."

Qin Fei thought for a while, and expressed his request for the company's office location.

"5A grade office building."

"Your requirements are not generally high."

Xu Jian was taken aback when he heard Qin Fei's request.

5A-level office buildings, the rent is very expensive, and those with particularly strong funds will only choose the office location when they start a company.

When ordinary people open a company, most of them just rent a location with convenient transportation.

It seems that Qin Fei's ambition is not small.

The starting point is a 5A-level office building.

I just hope that he won't be so ambitious.

"Yes son."

"The rent for a Class 5A office building that year started at least one million."

"Will it be too wasteful?"

"Or, rent a cheaper place first."

"When your company is stable and you can make a lot of money, then return the 5A office building."

Qin Wenfeng also persuaded from the side.

He was really frightened by his son's tone.

Good guy, I just started my business, so I'm renting a 5A grade office building.

That's a 5A-class office building, with rents starting at one million a year.

This rent is higher than his annual business profit.

"Dad, I have my own considerations."

"A 5A office building is a must."

"Don't worry, I won't mess around."

Qin Fei also knew his father's worries.

However, the 5A-level office building is an indispensable part of his next dealings with Baofeng Technology.

His idea is simple. Baofeng Technology does not accept personal investment, only corporate investment.

Then I definitely think the company is more reliable.

And when the time comes for Baofeng Technology to start raising subscriptions.

If you encounter many competitors.

The company's own strength is an important factor in obtaining fundraising subscription indicators.

And a good office address is the embodiment of a company's strength.

Can a general office address be compared with the office address of a 5A-grade office building?
Certainly not!

Being able to rent a 5A-level office building shows that this company is definitely capable.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Qin Fei must rent a 5A-grade office building.

Sometimes the details make the difference.

Qin Fei didn't want to lose the qualification to invest in Baofeng Technology because of his office address.

What's more, as a reborn, Qin Fei believes in his own strength.

Within a year, he can definitely make his company profitable, and the amount of profit will be shocking.

After all, nothing else.

If he can successfully invest in Baofeng Technology.

Just this one investment can bring him tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of wealth.

With this amount of money, what is the rent of a few million, or even a few million?
It's all little Karami.

"Okay, you are the one who wants to start a company."

"The best I can do is advise."

"Since your attention has been paid, I won't say anything more."

Seeing his son's firm tone, Qin Wenfeng stopped trying to dissuade him.

As a parent, you just need to support your son.

Even if the final result is failure, it is also a valuable experience.

"That's fine, since both of you father and son have said so."

"I'll take you to see the 5A grade office buildings."

"Exactly, I have three listings in my hand."

“The location is not bad.”

"Should satisfy you."

Seeing that Qin Wenfeng, who is his father, agreed, Xu Jian naturally stopped talking.

Immediately, he took Qin Wenfeng and Qin Fei to where the 5A-level office building was located.

After more than two hours, Qin Fei and the three came to a luxurious office building.

This is the third and last office building they have seen.

This office building is better than the previous two in terms of design and facilities.

Even the floors are thirty or forty stories high.

"Xiao Fei, this is the best listing in my hand."

"Grade 5A office building."

"It's just that the rent is a bit expensive."

"The annual rent is 300 million."

"However, the corresponding area is also very large, more than 500 square meters."

“And the surrounding transportation is also very convenient.”

“The subway station is 5 minutes away from home.”

"In addition to the subway, there are also bus stations."

"Quite up to your standards."

Xu Jian introduced the office location.

To be honest, Xu Jian didn't think Qin Fei would rent it.

Because the rent is too expensive.

It takes 300 million a year!
But there is no way, who made the location of this office building very good.

It's worth the price too.

"300 million, this is too high."

"No, no, it's too expensive here."

Before Qin Fei could speak, Qin Wenfeng couldn't help but refuse.

If you say more than 100 million, he will not interrupt.

But 300 million is indeed a bit outrageously expensive.

My son made a total of more than 1000 million in the stock market.

The rent of 300 million a year, isn't it just a few years, the rent alone used up all the money in the hands of the son?
"Old Qin, to be honest, 300 million yuan is really not expensive for this place."

"You should know that the floor below me is rented by the day, and it costs 500 yuan per square meter per day."

"Of course, if Xiao Fei wants to use it, there is really no need to rent here."

"Such a waste."

"Unless in the first year, Xiaofei's company can make a lot of money, so I don't care about the rent."

As a good friend, Xu Jian also spoke his mind.

As for whether to rent it next, it all depends on Qin Fei's own thoughts.

He would not deliberately cheat his good friend's son for business.

(End of this chapter)

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