They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 2 My house is going to be demolished?I do not know how?

Chapter 2 My house is going to be demolished?I do not know how?
In the blink of an eye, four or five days passed by.

Qin Fei has not been idle these days.

I have been recalling some things in this time period of my previous life.

Through careful recollection, Qin Fei really discovered something worthy of attention.

That is, Moutai's stock will usher in a wave of rapid skyrocketing at the beginning of next month!

To what extent has it skyrocketed?

In just three months, the increase has reached 300%!

In other words, if you invest 100 yuan, then after three months, you can get 400 yuan!

Triple increase.

Faced with such a God-given opportunity, Qin Fei naturally didn't want to miss it.

However, to buy stocks, you need capital.

Although it is said that tens of thousands can also play stocks.

But knowing that the stock will rise by 300%, the more principal the better.

Because the more you invest, the more profits you will earn.

If it were any other period, facing this 300% increase in profits, Qin Fei might miss out on this wealth due to insufficient capital.

I can only earn some pocket money.

After all, he doesn't have much capital now.

Moreover, if it were not for the support from parents during this time.

He was afraid that he would have no money to eat.

And he will not mention the matter of stock trading with his parents.

At least until he makes money, he will not confess to his parents.

After all, stock speculation is more or less risky.

Although I am [-]% sure that I can make money.

But parents don't know.

In addition, he had just divorced Chen Ling.

Qin Fei would not say much to his parents.

Everything, wait until you make money.

Of course, the problem of insufficient funds has been perfectly solved.

Because the demolition notice was officially issued last night.

All the owners in this community know that they are about to be demolished.

For this reason, many people in this community were cheering last night.

Moreover, according to the news mentioned on the demolition notice.

The sooner you sign the demolition consent form, the sooner the demolition compensation will be paid.

Qin Fei also believed in this.

According to the memory of his previous life, he was the first to sign the demolition agreement.

Basically, it takes half a month at least and a month at most, and the demolition compensation will be in place.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

In Hangzhou, in a commercial house more than ten kilometers away from Qin Fei's home.

Chen Ling was having dinner with her parents and younger brother.

After divorcing Qin Fei, Chen Ling returned to her natal family, and stayed for more than ten days.

Because the divorce process is too hasty.

So until now, Chen Ling's parents and her younger brother don't even know that their daughter (sister) has divorced.

In fact, Chen Ling didn't expect that Qin Fei would agree to it so easily when she just mentioned divorce casually.

What she didn't expect was that, seeing that guy Qin Fei agreed to the divorce, her own temper also came up.

Without further ado, I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to divorce the marriage.

No divorce terms were even discussed.

Just got the divorce certificate.

As a result, only the two parties knew about the divorce between her and Qin Fei.

Others don't even know about it.

As for Chen Ling going home to live, her husband only thought that her daughter missed her and others.

Stay here for ten days.

Little did she know that this was after the divorce and she had nowhere to go.

As a last resort, I returned to my natal family.

"Sister, congratulations."

At the dinner table, Chen Ling was eating.

Suddenly, I heard a congratulations from my younger brother Chen Wei.

At this moment, Chen Wei was very excited.

Because, just this afternoon.

Suddenly he got good news.

That was my sister's home, and it was about to be demolished.

Moreover, because it belongs to the school district, the compensation for demolition is very high.

I heard that there are at least a few million.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, if my sister's house is demolished.

So out of the several million demolition compensation, I want a little bit, isn't that too much?

"Congratulations to me?"

"Brother, why are you congratulating me?"

Chen Ling was stunned when she heard this.

Could it be that my brother knows about my divorce?
Is that why you congratulate me?

its not right!
Normally, after knowing that I am divorced, shouldn't they come to comfort me!

How could it be congratulations?
"Sister, are you bored?"

"You're about to make a fortune, and it's still in the millions, yet you're still hiding it from me, my brother."

"Why, are you reluctant to spend money on me?"

Seeing Chen Ling's bewildered expression, Chen Wei was upset.

"Am I rich? Or millions?"

"Chen Wei, what are you talking about?"

"I can't understand a single word."

Chen Wei's words made Chen Ling even more confused.

She thought about it carefully for a long time, but she couldn't figure out what Chen Wei's words meant.

Made a fortune yourself?
Absolutely impossible!
Can she not know whether she has made a fortune or not?

My brother must be teasing her.

"Sister, you don't know what happened to your family, do you?"

"Oh, that's right!"

"You've been living here for the past few days."

"You can be forgiven for not knowing."

"But then again, my brother-in-law is too unreasonable."

"Such a big thing, I didn't tell you the first time."

"It's too much!!!"

Seeing Chen Ling's confused face, Chen Wei was also stunned.

After thinking about it carefully, I immediately became indignant.

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Why is that guy Qin Fei involved again?"

When Qin Fei was mentioned, Chen Ling was furious.

"I just want to buy new clothes and bags."

"This guy doesn't even give this little money."

"The most outrageous thing is that this guy actually divorced her because of this incident."

"It just doesn't make sense."

"Hmph, if that guy Qin Fei doesn't beg me kindly this time."

"No matter what I say, I will not agree to remarry him."

Chen Ling thought silently in her heart.

"It seems that sister, you really don't know that your house is going to be demolished."

"Brother-in-law, what's going on?"

"I didn't even tell you about such an important matter."

"Are you still my wife?"

Seeing this, Chen Wei also knew that Chen Ling really didn't know about the demolition of the house.

While speechless at the moment, he also blamed Qin Fei.

"Hmph, don't mention him to me."

"This guy doesn't consider me his wife at all."

As soon as Chen Wei finished speaking, Chen Ling muttered subconsciously.

But at the next moment, Chen Ling suddenly raised her head and looked at Chen Wei in disbelief.

"What was your first sentence just now?"

"Qin Fei's House"

"No, our house is about to be demolished???"

"I do not know how?"

"Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Newcomer and new book, I hope you like it!

(End of this chapter)

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