Chapter 3 What?Because of this little thing, you got divorced?


"It's true, I'm not kidding you."

"If you don't believe it, just ask your brother-in-law."

"I heard from my friend that the demolition notice was issued more than ten days ago."

Seeing that Chen Ling didn't believe it, Chen Wei immediately gave his own suggestion.

"Ah this."

He didn't look like he was joking when he saw his brother.

Chen Ling was immediately dumbfounded.

If what Chen Wei said is true.

Doesn't that mean that Qin Fei can get a lot of money after a while.

Moreover, it is at least several million.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is, Chen Ling suddenly remembered that she and Qin Fei had divorced.

Moreover, even got the divorce certificate.

I don’t know, is it too late to divide the family property with Qin Fei now?

Subconsciously, Chen Ling's first thought was to divide the family property.

Instead of thinking about remarriage.

It can also be seen from this that Chen Ling doesn't have much affection for Qin Fei at all.

Qin Fei's only role is probably as a cash machine.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"I knew my home was going to be demolished."

"Shouldn't you be happy?"

Chen Wei was speechless when he saw Chen Ling's mournful expression.

My sister.

You are about to gain millions of wealth.

You should be happy.

If you are not happy, you can give me these millions.

"Yes, Xiaoling."

"The demolition of the house is something to be happy about."

"Why are you still looking so sad?"

Chen Ling's father, Chen An, asked curiously from the side.

"Xiaoling, I heard from Xiaowei that you can get several million in compensation for the demolition of the house before the birth."

"In this case, you can discuss it with Xiao Fei when the time comes."

"Take out half of the demolition compensation and buy a suite for your brother."

"Your brother is not young anymore, and he will get married in a few years."

"If you have a house, it's easier to find a partner."

As soon as Chen An finished speaking, Li Yuemei, Chen Ling's mother, followed closely.

Faced with millions of dollars of wealth, no one is indifferent.

What's more, the financial situation of Li Yuemei's family is not particularly good.

A family of four squeezed into an old house with two bedrooms and one living room.

When Chen Ling came back to live, she had to share a room with Li Yuemei.

Then Chen Wei and Chen An squeezed into a room.

She is really fed up with such a crowded room, and has long wanted to live in a bigger house.

Now, I heard that my daughter's house is going to be demolished.

She immediately came up with the idea of ​​paying for the demolition of Qin Fei's house.

"Mom me."

After hearing Li Yuemei's words, Chen Ling hesitated for a long time, unable to say a word.

She really didn't know what to say.

Because she has divorced Qin Fei.

Although, the way the two divorced is a bit of a joke.

But it is indeed a divorce.

Therefore, the demolition payment may, probably, have nothing to do with her.

Unless, Qin Fei agrees to remarry the two of them.


"I just want half of your money, and I don't want all of it."

"Are you reluctant to give up on this?"

Seeing that Chen Ling hesitated for a long time and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Li Yuemei suddenly became unhappy.

She thought that Chen Ling was hesitating because she didn't want to give her money.

Little did they know that Chen Ling and Qin Fei had already divorced.

"Mom, I'm not reluctant."

"That's. That's"?
"Oh, let me tell the truth."

"Qin Fei and I have divorced."

Chen Ling saw her mother pressing closer and closer, so she could only tell the truth about the matter.

"What the hell? Are you and Qin Fei divorced?" X3
As soon as Chen Ling's words came out, Chen An, Li Yuemei and Chen Wei were dumbfounded.

They never expected that their daughter would be divorced.

"Xiaoling, what's going on?"

"It's so good, why did you and Qin Fei get divorced?"

Li Yuemei asked anxiously.

She can't be in a hurry.

This is a matter of millions.

You know, even if their family doesn't eat or drink, it will take them more than ten to twenty years to make millions.

Now, there is a shortcut to get millions in advance.

Of course Li Yuemei would not give up easily.

Therefore, regarding her daughter's divorce, she must break the casserole and ask the end.

"It's not because Qin Fei is too stingy."

Mentioning Qin Fei, Chen Ling gritted her teeth.

At the moment, he told about Qin Fei's divorce because he was reluctant to buy her clothes and bags.

As for the price of clothes and bags, she did not say.

Even Chen Ling didn't mention how much she spent before.

After all, my family knows their own affairs.

If I let my mother Li Yuemei know that I wasted money so recklessly.

That will definitely be said to death.


"That guy Qin Fei is so picky?"

"I'm not even willing to buy you clothes and bags?"

"The most outrageous thing is that he divorced you because of this trivial matter?"

"It's so deceiving!"

"This is when there is no one in our Chen family, right?"

"Let's go find someone from the old Qin family to reason with them."

"If that kid Qin Fei doesn't give us a satisfactory explanation."

"I will never bypass him easily."

After hearing what Chen Ling said, Li Yuemei became furious.

How much is a piece of clothing worth?

Divorced his daughter because of a piece of clothing.

This is also too much.

"Yes, we must let that brat Qin Fei give an account to our family."

"My Chen An's daughter is not allowed to be bullied by him."

Not only Li Yuemei, but also Chen An was equally angry.

Originally, she thought that her daughter would be blessed if she married Qin Fei.

The result now?
If you don't enjoy the blessings, you can enjoy the fullness of the gas.

He had never heard of such a thing before getting divorced just because he bought a piece of clothing.

"Sister, I will go with you too."

"That bastard Qin Fei dared to treat you like this."

"I pulled his skin off."

Chen Wei said with a fierce face on the side.


Looking at the angry family in front of her, Chen Ling was dumbfounded.

At the same time, I also felt guilty.

The family knows their own affairs.

Of course she knew why Qin Fei divorced her.

It's nothing more than spending too much.

But is it my own fault?

no! ! !

In Chen Ling's heart, she always believed that if a man couldn't even support his wife, then he was too useless.

Is it necessary for such a waste man to be together?
No! ! !

So, I was right to divorce.

After leaving, I might find something better.

Anyway, I don't have kids!
However, although I thought so in my heart.

But when it was her family's turn to confront Qin Fei, she felt guilty again.

"Ah what, let's go, Mom will take you to find a reason!"

Li Yuemei didn't know what Chen Ling was thinking.

He directly pulled her out and walked towards Qin Fei's house.

Along with them were Chen Wei and Chen An, father and son.

This is a plan for the family to take turns to fight, and went to Qin Fei to reason.

They just didn't know, when they learned the real reason for Qin Fei and Chen Ling's divorce.

Will it be as straightforward as it is now!
Newcomer and new book, I hope you like it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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