They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 36 Do you want to play the autumn wind?I got the wrong guy!

Chapter 36 Do you want to play the autumn wind?I got the wrong guy!

"Huh, it's finally done."

"Thank you both for your hard work."

"It's time for lunch, what do you want to eat at noon, I invite you to have a meal."

In one morning, Qin Fei bought all the things he wanted to buy.

The address has been left with the merchant.

Just wait for them to be delivered to your door.

Next, he planned to reward Zhou Chenxi and his little sister.

The two of them spent the whole morning shopping around with them.

Always treat them to a meal.

"Oh brother, I've been waiting for your words."

"Let's go, let's go have hot pot."

Qin Yuxuan came here just to eat and drink.

Now that Qin Fei has spoken, of course she will not be polite.

After speaking, he took Qin Fei's arm and prepared to go to the nearby hot pot restaurant.

"No need, Mr. Qin."

"This is what I should do."

"I'll just eat whatever I want by myself."

"You and Xuanxuan can go and eat."

Zhou Chenxi waved his hands quickly.

This is her business.

After all, she has been Qin Fei's assistant since a few days ago.

As an assistant, it is natural to be busy with company affairs.

Besides, she has had dinner with Qin Fei several times recently.

She would feel embarrassed if she kept rubbing it any longer.

"Hehe, why are you being polite to me?"

"It's just a hot pot meal, and it doesn't cost much."

Qin Fei said nonchalantly.

"Yes, yes, it's just a hot pot meal, not much money."

"Let's go, come and eat with me."

Qin Yuxuan said, running directly from Qin Fei's side, grabbing Zhou Chenxi's arm and following Qin Fei's pace.

Seeing this, Zhou Chenxi could only nod helplessly and let Qin Yuxuan pull her.

After eating, Qin Fei took Zhou Chenxi and his little sister to stroll around the mall for a while, and then sent them back to school.

As for himself, he first went back to the company to take a look.

After a few days of busy work, the company has almost been renovated.

The reason why the decoration was able to be completed so quickly was because the foundation left by the previous company was good.

When we moved out, there was no major demolition.

So just do it simply.

Coincidentally, not long after Qin Fei arrived at the company, the things he bought this morning had been delivered.

Next, you only need to hire a cleaning company to clean up the debris in the company, and then it can be officially used.

This busy schedule lasted until around five o'clock in the evening.

"Dad, why are you calling me here in such a hurry?"

After leaving the company, Qin Fei received a call from his father.

Let him go home quickly.

"Ahem, it's like this, your Uncle Wen Hao has something to do with you."

Qin Wenfeng first gave Qin Fei a vague wink.

Then he said with a smile.

Qin Fei frowned slightly when he saw this.

Dad winked at himself secretly.

That means that Qin Wenhao came to look for him, and there should be nothing good for him.

At that moment, I became defensive.

You can't let Qin Wenhao set him up.

"Uncle Wen Hao, what do you want from me?"

After coming to the sofa and sitting down, Qin Fei spoke first.

He wanted to strike first and get to the point directly, without giving Qin Wenhao a chance to lie.

Although he didn't have much contact with Qin Wenhao in his previous life.

But Qin Fei also knew that this was a person who was particularly good at deceiving.

Before asking you to do something, he would praise you to the point of ecstasy, and then after he told you what he wanted, you would be too embarrassed to refuse.

Of course, Qin Fei will definitely not be fooled.

However, he didn't want to listen to Qin Wenhao's flattering words either.

If you have time to listen to his nonsense, it is better to play games for a while.

"Haha, Qin Fei, I heard that you opened a company."

"It's really young and promising."

"It's not like my kid, it's useless at all."

"Hey, if my son can be one-tenth as good as you, Qin Fei, that would be great."

It was exactly as Qin Fei guessed.

Qin Wenhao did not explain his intention as soon as he came up.

Instead, he was going to praise Qin Fei first.

A fledgling little guy can't stand boasting.

At that time, with my compliments, isn't the purpose of my coming to him this time to be able to grasp it?

"Thank you Uncle Wenhao for the compliment."

"So, Uncle Wenhao, why are you looking for me?"

However, what Qin Fei said next made Qin Wenhao confused.

After simply thanking him, he continued to ask about his purpose.

its not right!
According to the normal procedure, shouldn't you be humble after thanking you for a while, and then I will continue to praise you, are you continuing to be humble?
What the hell is your purpose in coming up and asking me continuously?

"Uncle Wen Hao, if there's nothing else, I'll go back to the house first."

"I still have some company matters to deal with."

Seeing Qin Wenhao froze in place without answering for a long time, Qin Fei immediately found an excuse to escape.

"Wait, wait, Qin Fei!"

"I have something to discuss with you."

It's a pity that Qin Wenhao reacted quickly, and Qin Fei's idea of ​​running away was shattered.


"I wonder if Uncle Wen Hao has anything to discuss with me?"

Seeing that the escape failed, Qin Fei could only helplessly continue to argue with him.

"That's right, didn't you just start a company?"

"I'm thinking you must be short of manpower right now."

"So, I plan to ask my Qin Lei to go to your company to help you."

"As for the salary, you can just look at it and give it."

"Help your family, it doesn't matter if you have more money or less money."

Qin Wenhao knew that he could stop rambling, otherwise Qin Fei would really leave later.

Then his trip today would have been in vain.

"Let Qin Lei come to the company to help me?"

When Qin Fei heard this, he frowned and then glanced at Qin Wenhao speechlessly.

Others don't know Qin Lei's virtues, how can he, a reborn person, not know?
Obviously graduated from a third-rate university without any outstanding abilities.

But I always feel that I am superior to others.

Everything you say is right, and everything others say is wrong.

To put it bluntly, Qin Lei is an extremely delusional persecutor who is unable to achieve anything high or low, has overall whimsical ideas, and wants to have pie in the sky.

Does such a person want to join his own company?

Stop dreaming.

To put it nicely, help yourself.

In fact, they are just here to eat and wait to die!
No, it's okay to eat and wait to die.

I was afraid that this guy would hold on to his relationship, dominate the company, and cause trouble.

This is the most terrifying place.

"Yes, we are all relatives."

"We should help each other."

Qin Wenhao said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qin Fei shook his head in disdain.

This is really nice to say!

If it weren't for me knowing what you are like, and what kind of virtue your son is.

I can really be fooled by you.

It's a pity that you have found the wrong person if you want to fight against the autumn wind.

I don't believe a single word of these high-sounding words.

"Uncle Wen Hao."

"My company recruits people and has its own company system."

"Qin Lei wants to come to our company, no problem!"

"However, he needs to pass the interview."

"So, if you want to join my company, let Qin Lei submit your resume."

Qin Fei didn't want to say some ugly words now.

After all, Qin Wenhao hasn't revealed his true face yet.

His relationship with his two uncles and his father is still very good.

If you say something too unpleasant, you will inevitably be accused of being ignorant.

But it doesn't matter, he will always let Qin Wenhao show his true colors.

As for letting Qin Lei join the company now?

Haha, impossible!
(End of this chapter)

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