Chapter 37
"submit resume?"

"Why do you still have to submit your resume? It's all from your own company. Is it necessary to read any resume?"

"Qin Fei, you also know that Xiaolei's education is not good."

"But you have to believe one thing."

"Sometimes academic qualifications do not represent personal abilities."

"Xiao Lei's work ability is still very strong."

"If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Hearing that Qin Fei wanted to read his resume, Qin Wenhao immediately became upset.

Looking at the resume or something, isn't this embarrassing.

After all, a resume is basically the equivalent of a degree.

Especially for recent graduates, there is little difference between the two.

And his son graduated from a third-rate university.

So in terms of resume, definitely not too good-looking.

Now that Qin Fei said that he wanted to read his resume, isn't this a disguised form of refusing his son to enter his company?
Thinking of this, Qin Wenhao became even angrier.

I didn't despise your company for being too small, but now you despise my son's low education?

Is there such a relative!

"Uncle Wen Hao, this is our company's rules and regulations."

"As the boss of the company, I have to lead by example."

"Of course, we are all relatives, so it's impossible for me not to show affection at all."

"Well, since you said that Qin Lei's work ability is very strong."

"Then you let him write his good abilities on his resume."

"Then I will ask the interviewer to test Qin Lei's ability."

"As long as he passes the test, it doesn't matter if he has low academic qualifications, I will still admit him."

For Qin Wenhao's words, Qin Fei was quite disdainful.

Does Qin Lei have any outstanding abilities?
Wouldn't Qin Fei know?
When it comes to eating and waiting to die, this guy is definitely a first-class existence.

But when it comes to working ability.

Qin Fei could only express it with the word 'haha'.

"Not only do you need a resume? But you also need an interview?"

"Qin Fei, are you deliberately trying to embarrass our Qin Lei?"

"I don't understand. The company you opened yourself, and you want to find someone to come in, isn't it just a matter of your words?"

"Is it necessary to push three blocks and four blocks like this?"

"Or are you saying that you don't want my Qin Lei to join your company at all?"

"Why, now that you are rich, are you looking down on us poor relatives?"

After being rejected one after another, Qin Wenhao became a little angry, and even his words were not so polite, and he started to get angry.

Originally, I wanted to say that father and son would join Qin Fei's company together.

As a result, even Qin Lei disagrees with Qin Fei now.

Then as a father, how can he fight side by side with his son?

This Qin Fei is too ignorant of good and evil.

"Uncle Wen Hao, I can't tell, you still have a little self-knowledge."

After Qin Fei heard Qin Wenhao's words, he immediately stopped pretending.

Are you playing yin and yang with me?
I really thought I was afraid of you.

If you tell me well, for the sake of your parents, I will politely reject you, and it will be fine to save you some face.

But if you want to be weird with me, then don't blame me for not saving face for you.

"Qin Fei, what do you mean?"

"What does it mean that I am somewhat self-aware?"

"Please explain to me clearly."

Qin Wenhao's face darkened and he almost couldn't help but start shooting.

I have to say that Qin Fei is very good at dealing with mentality.

Just a simple sentence made Qin Wenhao almost break his defense.

If it weren't for the thought that Qin Fei's parents were still by his side, maybe he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Of course it's literally."

"You were right just now. From the beginning to the end, I really didn't want Qin Lei to enter my company."

"Just like your son, I don't even want to give it to me for nothing."

Even though Qin Wenhao's face looked very ugly at this time, Qin Fei chose to speak frankly.

Since Qin Wenhao's speech is so ugly, then Qin Fei will not get used to his stink.

And if he can take advantage of this opportunity, let Qin Wenhao reveal his true colors.

It was also a pleasant surprise.


"Qin Fei, how dare you look down on my son?"

This time, Qin Wenhao finally couldn't hold back, and slapped his hand on the table angrily.

He is such a son.

Usually, I can't bear to be beaten or scolded.

Now Qin Fei told him that it was worthless, that he didn't want to give it away for nothing, it was really deceiving.

No wonder he wasn't angry.

"Hey, you're right, I really look down on Qin Lei."

"Others don't know your son's virtues, how can our family not know it?"

"In less than a year after graduation, I changed three jobs."

"Each job is less than two months, and then I leave the company."

"Oh, by the way, leaving the company is just your own excuse."

"Maybe, that's just the reason why you said it to sound good."

"In the real situation, maybe he was fired instead of leaving by himself."

"As far as your son is concerned, why should I let him join the company?"

"Would you like to go to my company?"

Now that he has broken his skin, Qin Fei is not afraid.

He began to mock Qin Wenhao's son face to face, how embarrassing it was.

Even, he almost said the word trash.

"you you you."

"You, Qin Fei, are not much better."

"If you hadn't been lucky enough to get a demolition compensation, would you have had money to speculate in stocks or start a company?"

"I'm afraid that now I'm like a licking dog, surrounding your money-worshiping wife."

"And I feel at ease when I gnaw on the old man every day."

Qin Wenhao was so angry that he couldn't even speak a word when Qin Fei yelled at him one after another.

Qin Lei is his only son.

Now he is looked down upon by Qin Fei.

As a father, how can he not be angry?
After you, you, you, Qin Wenhao suddenly thought of Chen Ling.

Immediately, he no longer cared about the feelings of Qin Wenfeng and Shen Yue.

He started to reveal the scars of Qin Fei's family straightforwardly.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of both Qin Fei and his parents changed.

become very ugly.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot."

"Qin Fei, when you married that money-worshiping wife, did you spend a lot of money?"

"I heard before that there are more than 100 million."

"Tsk, tsk, the wife I spent more than 100 million to marry just ran away."

"What a pity!"

"Oh, no!"

"Almost forgot, after getting married, you also spent hundreds of thousands on him."

"Add up all this before and after, even if it's not 200 million, it should be about the same."

"Tsk, tsk, some people lost 200 million yuan in family property, and now they still look down on my son. I don't know where they got their face."

The more Qin Wenhao said it, the more excited he became.

Especially after seeing the faces of Qin Fei's family getting uglier and uglier, they became even more excited.

Let you look down on my son, now you know how painful it is to be exposed.


After the initial anger, Qin Fei calmed down instead.

Because he suddenly felt that, wouldn't it be boring to get angry with an unimportant person?
Moreover, the angrier he is now, the more he will make Qin Wenhao proud.

Instead of this, it is better to maintain a normal mind.

Let Qin Wenhao's wishful thinking come to nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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