Chapter 38 Completely froze the relationship!
"Emmmm, it's over!"

Seeing Qin Fei's calm expression, Qin Wenhao was suddenly taken aback.

I secretly thought it was bad.

I was so emotional just now that I even got into a dispute with a junior.

And he said so many bad things.

The most important thing is that Qin Wenfeng and Shen Yue are also by my side.

Mistake, misstep!
It's all the fault of Qin Fei, the little bastard, for speaking too irritatingly.

If he hadn't demoted my Xiaolei to the point of being worthless, I wouldn't be so excited.

Not to mention Chen Ling, the sore point of Qin Fei's family.

It's okay now. To mention someone's pain point in front of someone's face is simply to offend someone to death.

Originally, Qin Fei didn't want his son to join his company.

Now that he has offended someone, it is estimated that his son's hope of joining his company is even more slim.

Hey, too many words are bound to be lost!

"Wen Hao, what you said today is a little too much."

At this moment, Qin Wenfeng, who had never spoken before, spoke up.

It can be seen from his speech that he is suppressing his anger at this time.

To be honest, if it weren't for the good relationship in the past.

Qin Wenhao's words today were enough to make Qin Wenfeng lose his temper on the spot.

"Wen Wenfeng."

"Sorry, I was too excited just now."

"Say something you shouldn't have said."

"Don't take it seriously."

Knowing that he had said something wrong, Qin Wenhao quickly made amends.

The top priority is how to get himself and his son into Qin Fei's company.

As long as he enters Qin Fei's company, he and his son can join forces and slowly make this company their own.

Even if you can't make it your own.

It is also possible to empty out the assets of Qin Fei's company and start a new one.

In the face of money, a momentary bow does not mean anything.

Bow your head now, for a better life in the future.

Moreover, if your purpose can be achieved.

Then the humiliation he received today will be retaliated a thousand times and ten thousand times in the future.

"Wrong words?"

"Hehe, you are not drinking, and you are not old-fashioned."

"Guess I believe you or not?"

"Maybe, that's what you really mean!"

Qin Fei sneered from the side.

Anyone can feel the contempt in the words.


Such sarcastic words made Qin Wenhao, who was about to bow his head, furious again.

A pair of hands squeezed tightly.

I kept reminding myself in my heart: Don't be angry with fools, don't be angry with fools!
The most urgent task is to enter this fool's company.

For everything else, bear with it.

"Qin Fei, I know what I just said was a bit harsh."

"But that was all unintentional."

"Please do not mind that."

"If you are angry at anything, uncle will apologize to you."

Qin Wenhao took a deep breath, and then forced a smile.

Really smiling on the surface, mmp in my heart.

At this time, Qin Wenhao also felt a little regretful.

I regret not controlling my temper just now!

"Hey, I'm still being careless."

"One didn't pay attention, and actually said such ugly words in front of Wenfeng."

"However, Qin Fei, the little bastard, is to blame for all of this."

"If it wasn't for him looking down on my little Lei."

"I won't hold back and say these ugly words."

Afterwards, Qin Wenhao thought silently in his heart.

He is just a child like Qin Lei.

He is also very kind to Qin Lei.

As a father, he couldn't bear to talk about his son.

And how did Qin Fei do it?

First, he asked for a resume, and then asked someone to conduct a special interview to test his son's ability.

what is this?
Does this show that you look down on your own son?

Qin Fei, an outsider, why should he look down on his son?

It was also because Qin Fei hit his pain point.

That's why he couldn't hold back and said such ugly words.

"Can you bear this?"

"As expected of an old fox who has endured for so many years."

"In the face of such humiliation, I can still laugh, and I am more willing to bow my head."

"It seems that what he is plotting must be very important."

"However, this time I didn't gain anything."

"It seems that Qin Wenhao's weakness should be his son."

However, what Qin Wenhao didn't know was that the more he bowed his head like this, the more Qin Fei was wary of him.

Different from others.

Qin Fei knew what kind of person he was in private.

Don't be fooled by his appearance.

Therefore, no matter what, it is impossible for Qin Fei to let Qin Wenhao's son enter his company.

At the same time, Qin Fei also discovered Qin Wenhao's weakness.

That is his son.

A person who has been pretending to others for so many years should be able to control his emotions well when he is sober.

But this time, Qin Wenhao lost his composure abnormally.

Even saying those ugly words regardless of the occasion.

It is not difficult to see from this how much he cares about his son.

"Okay, let's just apologize or whatever."

"If an apology is useful, what do you need the police for?"

"In the future, between you and me, it's better to see each other less."

"Uncle Wen Hao, walk slowly!"

Now that we have guessed that Qin Wenhao’s intentions are impure.

Naturally, Qin Fei would not give him a chance.

So speak very impolitely.

Besides, weren't you very arrogant before?
Now that I'm apologizing, I think it's a big thing or a small thing, and it's a small thing?
Think more!
"Qin Fei, I apologize."

"You don't need to be so heartless, do you?"

"After all, your dad and I are still cousins."

Seeing that Qin Fei wanted to leave, Qin Wenhao became a little anxious.

The purpose of my visit this time has not been achieved yet.

If he left in despair, how could he go back and explain to his son?

You know, before coming, he vowed to give his son a surprise.

As a father, he doesn't want to disappoint his son.

"You also said, that's the relationship between you and my dad."

"In my place, relatives are not easy to use."

"Okay, I don't have time to talk to you."

"Dad, help me see off the guests."

For a hypocrite like Qin Wenhao, Qin Fei didn't bother to continue talking.

Just taking advantage of the fact that he said the wrong thing today, the relationship was completely frozen.

In this way, he probably won't have the face to come to his home again in the future.

As for whether he will harm others in the future, that is beyond his control.

"Wenfeng, look what happened!"

"Your son is too."

Seeing Qin Fei leaving like this, Qin Wenhao became anxious.

Prepare to let Qin Wenfeng come to the rescue.

"Okay, Wen Hao, don't talk so much."

"You go back first."

"Today, our two families have already had a very unpleasant quarrel."

It's a pity that Qin Wenfeng doesn't want to talk nonsense with Qin Wenhao anymore.

In today's situation, as Qin Fei's father, of course he wants to support his son.

What's more, my son didn't do anything wrong at all.

Even if they are relatives, if they want to join the company, they have to go through the normal procedures!
Having been in business for many years, he certainly knows what will happen to a company that relies on nepotism.

So it is normal for his son to test Qin Lei.

"Okay, I'll go!"

"I figured it out."

"Your family is a virtue."

Even Qin Wenfeng started to let himself go.

Qin Wenhao knew that if he wanted to enter Qin Fei's company, he was afraid that there would be no chance at all.

Moreover, after the incident just now, it is estimated that the two families will not be able to get along as they used to.

Therefore, Qin Wenhao did not want to continue to be a grandson.

After saying a few words, he slammed the door and walked out!

(End of this chapter)

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