They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 39 Either I want to kill him, or I can't finish with him!

Chapter 39 Either I want to kill him, or I can't finish with him!
"I'm back, how are you?"

"What work has Qin Fei arranged for you and Xiaolei?"

"How much is your monthly salary? Do you have 2?"

Qin Wenhao's home, when Qin Wenhao just came home, his wife Lin Haifen couldn't wait to come over and ask.

These few hours, she was quite tormented.

If I had known, she had gone with Qin Wenhao before.

"Dad, is my position director or department head?"

"How many people are there under your command?"

As soon as Lin Haifen finished speaking, Qin Lei also walked over and asked excitedly.

In the opinion of mother and son, Qin Wenhao went to Qin Fei's house to ask for a position this time.

That's definitely within reach.

There won't be any surprises at all.

"Hey, stop talking."

"Qin Fei, that little bastard, it's really not a thing."

"And Qin Wenfeng, that old bastard, is nothing."

"It's a pity that I have called him brother for so many years."

"He didn't even help me."

"Exhale through the same nostrils as his son."

Qin Wenhao said with a face full of irritability.

On the way home, the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became.

If it weren't for the fear of being regarded as crazy.

He wanted to yell and curse in the street.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't want the position, do you?"

When Lin Haifen heard Qin Wenhao's words, she couldn't help feeling cold and had a bad premonition.

Judging from her husband's tone, the matter of the father and son entering Qin Fei's company is probably going to be a scandal.

"Yes, not only did he not get the job, but he also made the relationship between our two families bad."

"But it's not my fault, it's all the fault of Qin Fei, that little bastard."

"You have no idea how hateful he is."

"Tonight I mentioned to him that Xiaolei helped him start a company together."

"Guess what he said?"

"He actually told me to let Xiaolei take his resume and submit it."

"We also need to send someone to interview Xiao Lei."

"Isn't this clearly looking down on our little Lei?"

"What kind of relative are these?"

"I quarreled with him on the spot."


Qin Wenhao told his wife about the detailed process of tonight.

The more he spoke, the angrier he became!
I thought it was a sure thing.

Instead of getting it done, I got really angry.

It's no wonder Qin Wenhao is comfortable.

"No reason!"

"That little bastard Qin Fei is too deceptive."

"Why does he look down on my little Lei!"

"Just a guy who got lucky."

"If it wasn't for the demolition that fell on him, he would still be a gnawing old man who only knows how to ask his parents for money to support his wife."

Upon hearing that Qin Fei looked down on his son.

Lin Haifen was furious on the spot.

No matter how bad his son is, it's not up to others to make irresponsible remarks.

What's more, from beginning to end, she never felt that her son was worse than Qin Fei.

Even in her heart, her son is much better than Qin Fei.

Qin Fei's current achievements are just due to bad luck.

If there is no such thing as demolition.

He is a dick!
No, saying chicken feathers is flattering him.

At best, Qin Fei is a lump of chicken shit!
"that is!"

"Things like shit dare to look down on our son."

"Is he worthy?"

Now at home, no one else is around.

Qin Wenhao could finally belittle Qin Fei to his heart's content.

And there is his wife beside him who shares the same hatred.

He finally released the anger in his heart.

"What, that idiot Qin Fei won't let me join the company?"

"What the hell, how can I step down now!"

However, when the husband and wife scolded Qin Fei for being nothing.

Qin Lei roared at the side with a livid face.

"Son, what's wrong with you?"

"Isn't it just a small broken company?"

"If you don't go in, you don't go in."

"What's the big deal."

"Maybe within a month, Qin Fei's small company will go bankrupt."

Qin Wenhao said nonchalantly.

In his opinion, Qin Fei is a trash who asks his parents for money for his adoptive wife.

How can you run a good company?

If there is no help from his father and son, it is only a matter of time before it goes bankrupt.

"Dad, that's not my problem."

"After you said that you arranged for me to join Qin Fei's company as an executive."

"I told my friends the news."

"Now they are all waiting for me to treat them to dinner."

"Let's celebrate by the way."

"You said I can't be an executive now, how can I have the face to celebrate."

"And most importantly, if the executive didn't make it, my friends would have thought I was bragging."

"How can I hold my head up in front of them?"

"Damn it, it's all Qin Fei's fault."

"It's okay to get some resume."

"I'm his cousin."

"Joining his company is just a matter of one sentence?"

When Qin Lei said this, his entire face became ferocious.

He is a face-saving person.

Now his big words have been spoken out.

In the end, Qin Fei slapped Ge Kong across the face.

When he thought of his friends laughing at him for bragging, he wanted to kill Qin Fei.

"Hey, this happened."

"It's all because of that little bastard Qin Fei."

"Disgraced my son."

When Lin Haifen heard this, his face turned pale.

However, she would not blame her son for being too anxious.

Instead, he put all the faults on Qin Fei's head.

If Qin Fei didn't disagree, his son wouldn't be bragging.

Because that is the truth!

"No, it can't be left alone."

"I'll go find that idiot Qin Fei tomorrow and ask him clearly."

"Why does he look down on me?"

"If he doesn't give me a reasonable answer."

"I can't kill him!"

Qin Lei was filled with anger at the thought of being ridiculed by his friends for boasting.

Decided to go find Qin Fei tomorrow!

Of course, he didn't tell his parents about this idea, but hid it in his heart.

At this time, Qin Wenhao and Lin Haifen never thought that their son would go to trouble Qin Fei for the sake of saving face.

"Okay, let's not talk about that little bastard."

"Let's think about it, how to find a suitable job for Xiaolei."

"I'll ask Lao Xu tomorrow to see if his agency can arrange a job for Xiaolei."

Seeing that the anger was almost gone, Qin Wenhao didn't want to mention Qin Fei's family anymore.

In order not to talk and talk, I will be angry again.

"we can only do this."

"However, we can't just settle today's account like this."

"Dare to look down on my son, my mother and their family are endless."

Lin Haifen nodded first, and then said with an angry face.

She was never a generous person.

Especially considering his son as more important than his own life.

Now that Qin Fei had humiliated his son, it was tantamount to killing her.

Of course she couldn't just let it go.

If Qin Fei knew what the family thought, he would be very speechless.

Obviously he did nothing wrong, but when he came to this family, he became hideous.

Not even one of the family's ideas is good.

Either I want to kill myself, or I want to have fun with myself!

(End of this chapter)

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