They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 40 The description is getting darker and darker, and the explanation is unclear!

Chapter 40 The description is getting darker and darker, and the explanation is unclear!

The next morning!
Qin Fei came to the company early.

Today's company site has already taken on a new look.

Various tables, chairs, computers, coffee machines and other facilities are fully equipped.

Everything is ready, just waiting for company employees to join the company.

As for the company's review, it was officially passed two days ago.

Now that everything is ready, it’s time to officially open the business.

Not long after Qin Fei came to the company.

Downstairs in Huanyu International Building, Zhou Chenxi came here with the classmates he had found over the past few days.

Today is the day of their interview.

"Wow, it's really Huanyu International Building."

"Zhou Xiaohua didn't lie to us."

"Being able to rent such a large area of ​​office space in Huanyu International, it seems that the company we are about to join is very strong."

"That must be rich. I heard from school beauty Zhou that the company spent nearly 300 million to rent this office space."

Looking at the towering Huanyu International Building, which is as high as thirty or forty floors.

The people brought by Zhou Chenxi were constantly amazed.

"Okay, don't stand here anymore, I'll take you in."

"Whether you can stay today depends on your strength."

Zhou Chenxi clapped his hands, and then led these alumni from the same school into the Huanyu International Building.

Soon, these people arrived on the 27th floor.

At this time, Qin Fei was already waiting at the door of the company.

When Zhou Chenxi came up, she sent Qin Fei a message.

"Mr. Qin, why did you come to the door to pick us up in person?"

"Let me introduce you, this is the boss of our Yuanhang Investment Company, Qin Fei, President Qin!"

Seeing Qin Fei standing at the door, Zhou Chenxi hurried forward to introduce Qin Fei.

"This is the boss of our company. He looks so young. He should not be much older than us."

"Not only young, but also very handsome."

"The boss is so handsome, what should I do if I don't want to work, I just want to be the boss's wife."

"Want to be the boss's wife? Wake up, the one who has the best chance to be the boss's wife here is the school beauty Zhou."

"Tell me, does Zhou Xiaohua have an unusual relationship with our boss, or can we entrust her with such an important job as recruiting?"

"It's definitely not ordinary. Maybe the boss of this company created it for Zhou Xiaohua."

"Tsk tsk, it really is such a luxury for rich people to talk about love."

The moment they saw Qin Fei, the students of Hangzhou University were all amazed.

At the same time, gossip about the relationship between Qin Fei and Zhou Chenxi was also started.

"Ahem, Mr. Qin and I just have an ordinary boss-subordinate relationship."

"It's not what you think."

"Don't gossip about it in the future, Mr. Qin doesn't like it."

Zhou Chenxi also heard the students' discussions.

Immediately couldn't help reminding.

Although my best friend has always wanted to be my sister-in-law.

However, the current relationship between her and Qin Fei really hasn't reached that point.

"Understood, Assistant Zhou!"


It's a pity that Zhou Chenxi didn't know, and sometimes the more she explained, the more people didn't believe her.

This is called getting darker and darker!

Just looking at the answers of these people, they don't believe a word of Zhou Chenxi's explanation.

This made Zhou Chenxi very helpless.

What I said is obviously true.

Why don't you believe any of them?
After talking and laughing for a while, the interview finally started.

Qin Fei chose to interview in person.

In his previous life, he worked for ten years and reached the level of middle management.

He also does things like interviewing job candidates.

So, quite experienced.

The interview process went smoothly. The people Zhou Chenxi found were all capable.

Except for two or three unqualified ones.

Others, Qin Fei, all chose to stay.

Then make unified arrangements according to the needs of each department.

After the allocation, except for the lack of people in the finance department.

All other departments have employees on board.

Although there are not many employees, it has all internal organs.

With the joining of these employees, Yuanhang Investment Company will officially set sail.

Qin Fei's first goal is naturally Baofeng Technology.

"Now the stock price of Moutai stock is infinitely close to 800 yuan per share."

"In two or three days, I can choose to clear the warehouse."

"So, now it's almost time to try to contact Liao Zhifeng."

In Qin Fei's office, looking at the computer page, Moutai's stock price had risen to 790 yuan per share.

Qin Fei knew that the first pot of gold he earned after his rebirth would be available soon.

Qin Feng: Are you there?Is it convenient to talk on the phone?

Picking up the phone, Qin Fei sent a text message to Liao Zhifeng.

Liao Zhifeng: I was busy just now, but now I am busy. This is my mobile phone number. Please call me.

After waiting for about ten minutes, a text message from Liao Zhifeng came.

In addition, there is his phone number.

Without any delay, Qin Fei directly clicked on the number and chose to dial.

"Old Qin, the reason why you are looking for me this time is because your company has been successfully registered?"

The call was quickly connected.

"Well, the company has approved it."

"Employees from all departments of the company have also been recruited."

"Now, I'm just waiting for the good news from you."

"Old Liao, please give me accurate information."

"How many shares does your company plan to take out for this subscription?"

"What is the share price to subscribe for one share?"

"Also, if I want to buy it, how many shares can I get?"

Qin Fei asked a very crucial question.

Only he knows the whole world.

After Baofeng Technology goes public, how terrible the stock price will rise.

Therefore, his only purpose now is to get as many shares as possible in the subscription of Baofeng Technology before it goes public.

The more shares he acquires, the more he can earn.

"Lao Qin, this time our company is planning to issue 3000 million shares for subscription."

"After the issuance, the total share capital will be approximately 1 million shares."

"As for the subscription price, it is 7.14 yuan."

"As for the specific number of shares you can get, I can't guarantee it."

"But if you have enough funds, the minimum guarantee of 100 million shares is still available."

Liao Zhifeng did not hide Qin Fei's question.

Anyway, this information is not an important secret.

Moreover, the company will publish this information online soon to attract investors to invest.

Therefore, it is no big deal to tell Qin Fei in advance.

3000 million shares were raised and subscribed!

The stock price per share is 7.14 yuan!
There can be 100 million shares guaranteed!

It is equivalent to saying that Liao Zhifeng can win one-thirtieth of the subscription shares for Qin Fei by virtue of his relationship.

It's pretty good too.

However, Qin Fei is not satisfied with the 100 million shares!

He wants more.

"Old Liao, 100 million shares is too little."

"I want three million shares."

"See if you can get it for me."

After Qin Fei calculated his assets, he said to Liao Zhifeng again.

The issue price is 7.14 yuan per share!
Then 300 million shares is 2142 million yuan.

The funds Qin Fei earned from Moutai this time, including the capital with interest, and deducting the handling fee, were almost 2600 million.

If 2142 million is used up, there will be 458 million left!
Of this money, 300 million must be returned to his father.

The remaining more than 100 million yuan is reserved for daily expenses.

Not to mention anything else, since I started a company.

Do you need to pay employees’ salaries every month?

Do you have to pay the company’s water and electricity bills?

So, always keep some money around as a spare!
This is also the reason why Qin Fei didn't use all his funds to buy Baofeng Technology stocks.

(End of this chapter)

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