After Chapter 43, let's cut off contact!
"It seems that I guessed right."

"You want to enter my company, you really have an impure mind."

In fact, at the beginning, it was just Qin Fei's guess.

The reason why he said this was just to test Qin Lei.

Compared with an old fox like Qin Wenhao, Qin Lei is definitely the best test subject.

And the result of the test!

Needless to say, Qin Fei's guess was correct.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Qin Fei, you are simply turning black and white."

"I want to help you with good intentions."

"But you slandered our family for wanting to usurp your company."

"It's just insane."

"I won't tell you anymore, I'm leaving."

Qin Lei was extremely panicked after his secret was revealed.

But in front of Qin Fei, he would definitely not admit anything anymore.

Although the sentence just now was already a disguised admission.

At this moment, he just wants to get out of here.

When a person is panicked, most people will choose to escape.

As for the purpose of coming to Qin Fei today, I don't know where he has forgotten it.

Now, like a thief who was caught stealing something, he just wanted to leave the scene.

"Slow walk without sending!"

"When you go back, remember to tell your parents what I said."

"In the future, no matter what happens, you won't come to my house anymore."

"You are not welcome in my home."

When Qin Lei was about to leave, Qin Fei did not forget to remind him.

For such ambitious relatives, Qin Fei definitely didn't want to get along with them anymore.

Cutting off the relationship early is the wisest choice.

Facing Qin Fei's words, Qin Lei just paused for a moment.

Then he left in a daze.

"Oh, I finally found some decent evidence."

After Qin Lei left, Qin Fei suddenly started to operate the computer.

Soon, a video appeared on the computer.

In this video, there are all the pictures and sounds of Qin Lei from the time he entered the office until he left the office.

Moreover, the whole process was shot with high definition and full of face-off.

The camera is on Qin Fei's desk.

Obviously, Qin Fei had prepared these since Qin Lei was coming.

The reason was to see if I could get anything out of Qin Lei.

The result proved that Qin Fei's preparation was useful and not a waste of effort.

He really found out something from Qin Lei.

Just by Qin Lei's words, 'How do you know?', it shows that Qin Wenhao's family really has some bad thoughts about his company.

Once he shows this video to his parents, he believes that his parents will definitely have a new understanding of Qin Wenhao's family.

At that time, he said that he would cut off all contact with Qin Wenhao's family.

I'm sure my parents won't have any objections either.

If you don't sever ties with a relative who covets your own company, then what are you still doing?
Are you waiting for the other party to stab you behind your back?

"Qin Wenhao's family actually has such vicious thoughts."

"Are there any relatives like them?"

"It's simply unreasonable to want to invade our Xiao Fei's company."

"Why are they?"

That night, when Qin Fei gave the video to his parents to watch.

The first one to break out was Qin Fei's mother, Shen Yue.

"Wen Hao's family is indeed too much."

"I never thought that Wenhao's family would have such thoughts."

"He's been really good at pretending all these years."

Looking at the video again, Qin Wenfeng also showed a wry smile.

He really didn't expect that he regarded Qin Wenhao as a relative, but in the end, they only regarded him as a cousin on the surface.

Secretly, they were thinking about how to plan their family's property.

No, to be precise, what they planned was their son's property.

But it was precisely because of this that he was even more angry.

Just come to me if you have anything to do, how can you touch my son?
"Dad, now you know what it means to know someone, know their face, but not their heart."

"Don't look at how polite Qin Wenhao's family is usually to us."

"But behind the scenes, I don't know how to program us."

"Our family should stay away from such relatives from now on."

Qin Fei said with a serious face.

Of course, in his heart, he was very happy.

Because, Qin Lei's coquettish operation this time made his parents realize in advance what kind of people Qin Wenhao's family really is.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank Qin Lei even more.

If he hadn't come looking for me rashly.

I really can't tell from him what the real purpose of their family is.

"Don't worry, your dad and I are not as fragile as you think."

"Since he, Qin Wenhao, didn't take care of our party relatives, and even wanted to plan your property regardless of face, then I won't care about the old relationship."

"If their family asks me for anything in the future, I will never help them again."

Qin Wenfeng said firmly.

Everyone is trying to steal their son's property.

Isn’t it stupid to run to help someone else when you have nothing to do?
"Yes, if anything happens to their family in the future, they will ask us."

"We are determined not to help."

Shen Yue also echoed from the side.

Qin Fei on the side was also very happy to see his parents making such a firm choice.

It is definitely a happy thing to see Qin Wenhao's true face early.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about Qin Wenhao's family."

"Son, how are you preparing for the opening ceremony of your new company?"

Qin Wenfeng waved his hand and then mentioned the opening ceremony.

Although Qin Fei's company has begun official operation.

But this does not affect the opening ceremony.

After all, many companies start by setting up and running an office in order to conduct day-to-day business activities and prepare for opening.

"Well, I've been busy with this this afternoon."

"I checked the time, and it will be a very good day in a week, and I plan to arrange the opening ceremony on that day."

"In the afternoon, I invited some friends and classmates to come over and participate."

"As for our relatives, such as uncles and uncles, please let your parents know."

Qin Fei will certainly not forget about the opening ceremony.

In the afternoon, he wasn't just looking up good days.

Many people were also invited to attend his opening ceremony.

There are Liao Zhifeng from Baofeng Technology, Xu Jian, and some classmates who played well in college.

As for some news media, leaders of official departments, or even representatives of the same industry, Qin Fei didn't invite them.

He started this company just to invest in Baofeng Technology.

I don’t want to promote it in a big way just yet.

As for how the company will develop in the future?

That is to wait until you make money from Baofeng Technology before you think about it slowly.

At present, his existing funds will mainly be invested in Baofeng Technology.

Everything else needs to be put on the back burner.

"Okay, then your mother and I will be responsible for notifying our relatives."

"Don't worry about these things."

Qin Wenfeng nodded slightly.

I am also looking forward to it.

Those relatives learned that their son had started a business.

You must be very envious!

There is nothing in a person's life that gives him a greater sense of accomplishment than the success of his offspring.

Many people have been busy all their lives, isn't it just for their children?

As long as the children are successful, parents can feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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