Chapter 44 Clearance, making 2000 million madly!
In the blink of an eye, another few days passed!
Early this morning, Qin Fei didn't go to his company.

Instead, they stayed at home.

Because, there is one very important thing to do today.

That's clearance.

In addition to Qin Fei, Qin Wenfeng is also at home today.

The important thing for the father and son today is to clear out the shares of Moutai in their hands!
"Son, are you sure you want to clear out your inventory today?"

"Wait no more?"

"Now that Moutai's stock price has broken through 800, there should be a chance to break 900 again, right?"

Knowing that Qin Fei was going to clear out his warehouse today, Qin Wenfeng was still reluctant to part with it.

Strangely enough, when he first saw Moutai's stock soaring, he was afraid that Moutai's stock price would fall the next day.

He wanted to urge Qin Fei to sell his stocks early every day.

But now, he is not in a hurry.

I think it’s not impossible to wait.

After all, Moutai's stock price has exceeded 800 yuan, reaching the current 801 yuan per share.

Maybe in a few days, it will be able to break through to 900 yuan?

After all, it only took a few trading days to break through from 700 yuan per share to 800 yuan per share.

"Dad, I can't wait any longer!"

"I urgently need a sum of money to buy shares in a company that is about to go public."

"As for your words, my opinion is to clear the warehouse together, just like me."

"At that time, try your luck and see if you can buy the stock of the company I invested in."

Qin Fei said slowly.

Not to mention, Moutai's stock price has risen to the highest level within a limited time period. If you continue to hold it, it will not generate much profit in a short period of time.

Even if it continues to rise, Qin Fei doesn't plan to hold it anymore.

Compared with Baofeng Technology, Moutai's current growth rate can only be regarded as insignificant.

As for his father, Qin Feng didn't necessarily ask him to sell it.

Moutai’s stock price is still very stable.

There will not be significant fluctuations in the next period of time.

So, you can shoot at any time.

Qin Fei estimated that after a few days, Moutai's stock price would not fluctuate much.

Needless to say, my father will also clear out his Moutai stocks.

As for the stock of Baofeng Technology?

Then it's just luck!

On the eve of the listing, let Dad try his luck to see if he can succeed in the subscription and win a lottery!
However, even if the purchase is successful, it will not make too much money.

After all, when subscribing for new shares, you can only subscribe for 500 to 1000 shares at a time.

Even if you are lucky and win 1000 shares.

That's when Baofeng Technology's stock price increased thirty to forty times.

You can only earn 10,000+ to 10,000+.

Qin Fei naturally despises such a small amount of money.

However, this 10,000+ to two 10,000+ should be enough for my father.

After all, his annual income is only 80 million.

"That's it."

"Then I'll wait."

"Anyway, the company you plan to invest in will still take some time to go public."

"Let me see if Moutai's stock price will rise in the next few days."

"If it doesn't go up, I'll sell it."

Qin Wenfeng thought about it and made his own decision.

"Okay, then it's up to you."

Qin Fei did not object to his father's decision.

Anyway, Dad is not short of money now.

When he returned the 300 million to him, he would have money to spend again.

What's more, Moutai stock can be regarded as an evergreen tree.

It will continue to rise in the future!
I remember that Moutai's stock price had risen to [-] shares.

Each share is 1000 yuan more than it is now.

While the two father and son were chatting and laughing, the stock market started.

Without further ado, Qin Fei directly posted his transaction list!
Today’s Moutai stock is booming.

Qin Fei's 328 lots of stocks were listed and the transaction was successful within a short while.

The transaction price he listed was 801 yuan.

With Qin Fei selling all his stocks, he instantly obtained more than 2627 million in funds.

Among them, the fraction of 10,000+ funds is enough to pay taxes, or even more than enough.

After all, stamp duty is only one thousandth of the transaction amount, which amounts to more than 2.

Qin Fei invested more than 649 million points at the beginning!
It has been more than three months now.

Earned more than 2620 million yuan with principal and interest.

Net profit reached more than 1970 million, infinitely close to 2000 million.

"You've got more than 2600 million yuan?"

"Son, you are now a multimillionaire!"

Looking at the more than 2600 million funds in his son's account.

Qin Wenfeng said somewhat stammering.

That's more than 2600 million.

Think about the money you have earned from doing business for decades, let alone 2600 million.

The actual amount is estimated to be not even half of the 2600 million!

And what about his own son?
It took just over three months to earn so much.

He feels like a dream right now.

So unreal!
"Dad, where is this?"

"2600 million is just my first pot of gold."

"You have to trust your son, your son will definitely be richer in the future."

"Don't talk about being a multi-millionaire by then, even billions are not impossible."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

His goal is not just to become a multimillionaire.

But billions, billions, or even tens of billions!
These are the goals he strives for.

To be honest, as a reborn person, as long as you seize the opportunity.

It is still achievable to have a net worth of tens of billions.

At the larger [-] billion level, although it is a bit difficult!
But as long as you work hard, it is not impossible.

Of course, whether it is tens of billions or hundreds of billions, it is a dream for the future.

The top priority is to first increase his net worth to over [-] million within a short period of time.

Lao Wang next door said that [-] million is just a small goal.

Even a small goal would take too long to complete. .

That would be so sorry for my rebirth journey.

The opportunity for his net worth to exceed [-] million came from Baofeng Technology.

"Haha, he is indeed my son."


"Then dad, I'm waiting for the day when you become a billionaire."

"When the time comes, you can buy me a villa next to the West Lake."

"Your mother and I will spend our old age in peace there."

Hearing that his son was going to become a billionaire, Qin Wenfeng couldn't help laughing happily.

The son finally has his own goal!
In the few months after the divorce, I saw myself lying at home every day.

Qin Wenfeng was worried.

I am deeply afraid that my son will be too obsessed with letting go of Chen Ling.

Now it seems that I think too much.

Those few months were just a temporary ups and downs for his son.

Now when the time comes, wait for a soaring sky!

"That must be!"

"You and mom can just wait and live a more luxurious life."

Qin Fei smiled slightly and said confidently.

In the previous life, I almost spent all my parents' savings for Chen Ling.

The most important thing is that my parents didn't complain at all.

I can only blame my original self, who was too obsessed.

I always feel that Chen Ling can find her way back.

But the final result proved that he was completely wrong!
Fortunately, he was reborn.

Now that I have relived my life, I must repay my parents for their upbringing.

"Haha, I'm waiting!"

Qin Wenfeng said and also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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