Chapter 45 Qin Wenhao, is an insidious villain?
In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

The eve of the opening ceremony of Qin Fei Company!
"Old Xu, come out and drink some wine tonight."

"I've been in a bad mood these past few days."

Because his hope of entering Qin Fei's company was shattered, Qin Wenhao has been worried about this matter for the past few days.

If it weren't for the fact that his company needs to work overtime recently.

A few days ago, he asked Xu Jian to go out for a drink.

As for why you asked Xu Jian?

That's because Qin Wenhao knows that Xu Jian and Qin Wenfeng have a very good relationship.

He wanted to let Qin Wenfeng stop worrying about his previous inappropriate words through Xu Jian's side.

By the way, let Xu Jian help persuade him to arrange his son Qin Lei to join Qin Fei's company.

Of course, one Xu Jian is not enough.

He planned to invite his other cousin Qin Wenbin for a drink tomorrow and ask him to help intercede.

With Xu Jian and Qin Wenbin around, it should be possible to resolve the previous conflict.

It's a pity that Qin Wenhao at this time has no idea what his stupid son has done before.

Now Qin Fei's family is aware of their wolfish ambitions.

How could Qin Lei be allowed to enter Qin Fei's company?

It can also be seen from this that after Qin Lei fled, he did not tell Qin Wenhao that he went to find Qin Fei.

Otherwise, Qin Wenhao would not still have such thoughts now.

"What's your drink tonight?"

"Wen Hao, if you want to drink it, drink it tomorrow."

"Wenfeng has reserved the banquet hall of a five-star hotel."

"We'll just have a good drink there then."

Xu Jian was taken aback when he heard this, and then replied subconsciously.

As a good friend of Qin Wenfeng, Xu Jian also helped Qin Fei solve the problem of the company's office address.

Xu Jian naturally received the invitation to the opening ceremony of Yuanhang Investment Company.

"What the hell?"

"Wenfeng booked a five-star hotel?"

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

"Why did he book a five-star hotel?"

Qin Wenhao was dumbfounded.

Logically speaking, Xu Jian already knew about this.

Then he should know too!

But what's the situation now?
Why didn't he receive any news?
"You do not know?"

"It just happened a few days ago!"

"Because Wen Feng's son's company is going to hold an opening ceremony."

"In addition, the father and son made more than 2000 million in the stock market."

"So prepare to go to a five-star hotel to celebrate."

"Don't you know about it?"

"Shouldn't be!"

"Did Wen Feng forget to tell you?"

As soon as Xu Jian heard Qin Wenhao's words, he knew that the other party didn't know anything about the opening ceremony of Qin Fei's company.

Immediately muttered with some doubts.

The first thought in my heart was that Qin Wenfeng must have forgotten.

"What the hell, what did you just say?"

"Qin Wenfeng and his son made more than 2000 million in the stock market?"

"Didn't you say there were only 1000 million before?"

"Why is it now more than 2000 million?"

However, Qin Wenhao's focus was not on why Qin Wenfeng didn't tell him about the opening ceremony.

Instead, focus on the more than 2000 million.

"Ten million was something that happened before."

"Recently, Moutai's share price has continued to skyrocket."

"It has broken through 800 yuan a share a few days ago."

"When it broke through 800 yuan, that boy Qin Fei was finally willing to sell his stocks."

Xu Jian explained a little bit.

Since I learned some time ago that Qin Fei's family made more than 1000 million in the stock market.

Xu Jian has been paying attention to Moutai's stock price recently.

Therefore, it is natural to know how much Qin Fei made when he sold the stocks a few days ago.


After hearing Xu Jian's explanation.

Qin Wenhao completely lost his voice.

At this moment, his heart was filled with jealousy.

The previous 1000 million was fine.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei's family earned another 1000 million in just a short time.

This adds up to 2000 million!
It almost made him lose his mind.

Why can their family make so much money?
This is not fair!

"Wen Hao! Wen Hao?"

"What's the matter with you? Are you okay?"

Xu Jian heard that Qin Wenhao didn't reply for a long time.

Immediately couldn't help calling a few times.

"It's nothing, it's just that there was a sudden emergency at home."

"Old Xu, I won't tell you anymore."

"I'll contact you when I'm free."

After Qin Wenhao finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

He is extremely unbalanced right now.

Need to calm down.

But when he thought that Qin Fei's family had made more than 2000 million yuan, he couldn't calm down.

The constant jealousy made him wish he could immediately take the property of Qin Fei's family as his own.

It's a pity that this idea can only be thought of in my heart.

Because it seems that it can't be realized at all.


"Could it be that something went wrong between Wen Hao and Wen Feng?"

On the other side, Qin Wenhao hung up the phone in a hurry, coupled with Qin Wenhao's tone of voice, and the fact that he didn't even know about Qin Fei's opening ceremony.

Xu Jian had some guesses in his heart.

He is not a fool, he has been in the mall for so many years.

If you don't have any intuition at all.

It was sold long ago.

After thinking about it, Xu Jian sent a message to Qin Wenfeng, wanting to ask what happened between him and Qin Wenhao.

A few minutes later, Qin Wenfeng sent a video.

and a long piece of content.

In this paragraph, Qin Wenhao's ambitions and his family's ulterior motives are explained in detail.

"This is impossible!"

"Is Wen Hao such a person?"

After seeing this, Xu Jian was dumbfounded!
He couldn't imagine that Qin Wenhao was such an insidious villain behind his back.

This is completely inconsistent with his previous personality.

However, even Xu Jian couldn't believe it anymore, after watching Qin Lei's video.

He also had to believe it!

Being able to hang out in the mall for so long and earn such a huge fortune.

IQ and EQ are definitely not low.

As long as you listen to Qin Lei's words and look at his expression, you will know what kind of bad intentions their family has.

At this moment, Xu Jian suddenly thought of what Qin Wenhao said after drinking two times before.

It turned out that it was not nonsense, but Qin Wenhao's mantra after drinking!
At this moment, Xu Jian was a little confused and entangled.

Because Xu Jian didn't know how to face Qin Wenhao.

To be honest, Qin Wenhao didn't do anything excessive to him.

So he couldn't directly blacklist Qin Wenhao like Qin Wenfeng, never contact him, and cut off contact!

But, after learning about the dispute between Qin Wenfeng and Qin Wenhao.

He was afraid that if Qin Wenhao didn't do anything excessive to him now, he might not do so in the future.

This is why he was tangled.

"Hey, it's hard to do!"

"Forget it, let's go with the flow."

In the end, Xu Jian could only sigh.

Then I decided not to care about it for the time being.

What happens next is a matter of the future, and now there is no dispute between him and Qin Wenhao.

It is impossible to alienate Qin Wenhao because of the matter between Qin Wenfeng and Qin Wenhao.

Of course, he didn't necessarily pretend that he couldn't see anything.

Anyway, from this moment on, his inner defense against Qin Wenhao was absolutely indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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