Chapter 46 Qin Fei's Deadly Secret!
"Xiaoling, are you sure?"

"The opening ceremony of Qin Fei's little bastard subsidiary is tomorrow?"

On the other side, when Qin Wenhao learned that Qin Fei was going to hold an opening ceremony tomorrow.

Chen Ling also found out the specific time and place of Qin Fei's opening ceremony from her classmates.

"Well, I've found out."

"Just tomorrow."

Chen Ling nodded slightly.

For this opening ceremony, Qin Fei invited some students who are still working in Hangzhou.

And Chen Lin was not only Qin Fei's wife, but also his college classmate.

Therefore, if those college classmates knew about it, it also meant that Chen Ling knew about it.

She still has her own news channel.

"That's a good feeling."

"After waiting for so many days, he finally waited for the opening ceremony of his company."

"At that time, there must be a lot of people coming."

"We forced him to give money at the opening ceremony of his company."

"Otherwise, he will just wait to become a joke."

Li Yuemei had a look of excitement on her face.

After thinking about it for so many days, she finally waited.

"By the way, have you thought of the dirty stuff I asked you to think about during this period?"

Afterwards, Li Yuemei asked Chen Ling again.

"Of course there is."

"Besides, this dirty information is enough to make him throw a tantrum!"

When it came to Qin Fei's scandal, Chen Ling immediately became interested.

Speaking of which, she also obtained this black material by accident.

As a student who graduated from 211 University, Chen Ling knew quite a few people at the university.

It just so happens that there are lawyers among them.

A few days ago, she accidentally ran into this classmate who was working as a lawyer in Hangzhou.

Under the misfortune of God, she subconsciously asked this classmate about how to get property from her ex-husband after divorce.

After telling some things before and after the divorce.

This classmate gave Chen Ling a suggestion!
Qin Fei and Chen Ling divorced, which happened to be the time when Qin Fei's house was demolished.

What Chen Ling has to do is to describe Qin Fei as a scumbag who forced his wife to divorce in order to enjoy the demolition compensation exclusively.

Just bite on and hold on!
I am not afraid that Qin Fei will not submit.

This is complete black material!

As long as you have this black information in hand, you can negotiate with Qin Fei how much money you want.

Of course, even if Qin Fei didn't care about his face and didn't give him a penny, there was still a way.

That is to go through normal legal procedures and sue Qin Fei.

Although this house was personal property before marriage.

However, the value-added part of the real estate after marriage belongs to the joint property of the husband and wife.

This part should be divided equally between the two parties!

Moreover, Chen Ling also learned from this classmate who was engaged in the legal industry that even if she got divorced, she could still ask her ex-husband for money.

As long as the other party hides, transfers, sells property, etc., he can file a lawsuit again.

Thus, redistribute property!

After Chen Ling heard the news, she was so happy that she almost jumped up.

Because in her opinion, Qin Fei divorced her because he wanted to take the compensation for the demolition of the house all by himself!

As for why he had to spend too much to get a divorce, it was Qin Fei's excuse.

After eight months of marriage, which month has her expenses been low?
Why don't you leave early or late, but you have to wait until the house is demolished?
You don’t need to guess, it’s definitely Qin Fei who wants to monopolize it!

And this, doesn't it just mean that Qin Fei is concealing the joint property of the husband and wife?
I have every reason to sue and ask him to redistribute property.

"Oh? What dirty stuff."

"How can you make you so confident?"

Seeing her daughter's confident appearance, Li Yuemei suddenly became curious.

"Hey, that's right"

At that moment, Chen Ling told everything she had learned from her lawyer classmates.

"Hahahaha, it's really great."

"I really look forward to tomorrow coming soon."

The more Li Yuemei listened, the happier she became.

It seems that God is also on their side.

Qin Fei, Qin Fei, there is this black material, I won’t peel off a layer of skin from you this time.

Madam, I have lived so many years in vain.

"Sister, Mom, I will go with you tomorrow!"

Chen Wei at the side heard the conversation between Chen Ling and Li Yuemei.

Said that he would go too!
That's a five-star hotel. He grew up so old, and the number of times he's been to a five-star hotel can be counted on the fingers.

And according to my sister’s wishes, my ex-brother-in-law also booked a banquet hall this time.

Then he wanted to experience it again.

I remember the last time I experienced the banquet hall of a five-star hotel was when my sister got married.

"Okay, let's go as a family!"

"Many people are powerful."

Naturally, Li Yuemei would not refuse her son's request.

"I'm not going."

Chen An said weakly from the side.

He really didn't want to get involved in this matter anymore.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Can you say that again!"

Seeing that Chen An didn't want to go, Li Yuemei was immediately dissatisfied.

Immediately a fierce look glanced over!

"Dangdang, I didn't say anything."

Chen An resolutely counseled in seconds.

There is a fierce wife in the family, so I really can't afford to be hurt!

"Hmph, count you acquainted!"

Li Yuemei nodded with satisfaction.

"Son, go to bed early, you will probably be busy all day tomorrow."

"It's better if you don't rest. Be careful not to lie down when you're tired tomorrow."

At night, at Qin Fei's home.

It was already 10 o'clock in the evening and Qin Fei was still awake.

Qin Wenfeng couldn't help urging him.

"Dad, it doesn't matter. I'm still young. I'm not tired. It's you. Go to bed quickly."

"You also have to recruit a bunch of people tomorrow."

Qin Fei waved his hand carelessly.

Now he's in his early 20s.

It's time for energy.

Unlike before rebirth, I am in my 30s, and my energy is much lower than it is now.

If you stay up all night, you will be exhausted for a long time!

Haven't been in the mood for a few days.

"Okay, then I'll go to bed first."

When Qin Wenfeng saw this, he didn't do much to persuade him.

Is it your first time to start a company? It’s normal to be so excited that you have difficulty falling asleep.

After Qin Wenfeng left, Qin Fei took another look at the process arrangements for tomorrow's opening ceremony.

Make sure you don't make any mistakes.

After looking at the personnel who should be invited, after careful checking, there was no omission.

Then there were the various processes, and he also looked at them carefully.

Pretty satisfied!

After some procedures, the time was close to 11 o'clock.

When Qin Fei saw this, he stopped staying in the living room.

Go back to the room and sleep.

Get ready for the opening ceremony tomorrow.

Although this investment company was originally established just to invest in Baofeng Technology.

But it is my first company anyway, so I have to take it seriously.

Moreover, after starting a company.

Qin Fei also had a different idea.

Now that you have opened an investment company.

Those companies with small investment and large returns can also try to enter the game themselves!
(End of this chapter)

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