They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 47 Qin Fei, I want to take everything that belongs to me!

Chapter 47 Qin Fei, I want to take back everything that belongs to me!
"Mr. Qin, please go slowly."

"If there is any problem with the car, please feel free to contact us."

At eight o'clock the next morning, in the Mercedes-Benz 4S store, the salesperson said to Qin Fei enthusiastically.

A few days ago, Qin Fei's car had already arrived.

It was half a month earlier than originally expected.

Most pick-up cars will definitely pick a good day.

It just so happened that the opening ceremony of Qin Fei's company was a very good day.

Therefore, Qin Fei set the day to pick up the car this morning.

Especially today there are many things.

So he made an appointment with the people in the 4S store to pick up the car early.

Otherwise, wait for the door to open at 4S, and it will be nine o'clock.

"Hee hee, congratulations bro, you got your first car in your life."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Qin Yuxuan said to Qin Fei with a full face.

A pair of big eyes looked at Qin Fei blinking.

There was a deep envy on his face.

Today is the opening ceremony of her brother's company, so Qin Yuxuan will naturally not be absent.

"What? You want to buy a car too?"

Seeing his little sister's envious expression, Qin Fei didn't know what she was thinking.


"I'm envious!"

When Qin Yuxuan heard this, she nodded quickly.

Looking at Qin Fei again with big innocent eyes.

What it means is self-evident.

"You girl, if you want to buy a car, just say so."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"In a few days, you can apply for a driver's license."

"After you finish your driver's license test, I'll take you to pick up a car."

For his little sister, Qin Fei is still very doting.

Now that he has made a little money, he will naturally not treat his sister badly.

Although I don't have enough funds on hand now.

But I don’t want to buy a car right away.

Qin Yuxuan went to apply for a driver's license, and it would take about two months to get a driver's license smoothly.

Even if it is faster, it will still take a month.

When it comes to buying a car, it’s not like you just have it available when you want to buy it.

Always wait a few months.

And these few months were enough for him to make a fortune from Baofeng Technology.

"Hee hee, I know that brother is the best."

"I love you to death, wood!"

When Qin Yuxuan heard this, she immediately laughed happily.

If it wasn't for sitting in the car, she might have taken off on the spot.

At the same time, he didn't forget to blow a kiss to his brother.


In this regard, Qin Fei just smiled, and then continued to drive to the airport.

He's going to pick up an important guest!
"Brother, who are you picking up at the airport?"

An hour later, Qin Yuxuan glanced at the exit, full of curious questions.

"An important guest from the imperial capital."

"Whether your brother or I can make a lot of money in the future depends on how capable he is."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

The person he wants to pick up is Liao Zhifeng.

Today's opening ceremony, he also invited Liao Zhifeng.

One is to show the other party a tour of his company.

Let him know that his company is not an empty shell, but really powerful.

The second thing is that Qin Fei wanted to talk to Liao Zhifeng face to face.

How many shares of Baofeng Technology can I win?

"Come from the imperial capital?"

"Brother, since when did you have a friend from the imperial capital?"

Qin Yuxuan asked curiously.

"You may not believe it, but I met him through playing games."

Speaking of this, Qin Fei also had to lament the wonder of fate.

Just when he wanted to know about Baofeng Technology, God sent Liao Zhifeng to meet him.

If it weren't for Liao Zhifeng, he might have missed the Baofeng Technology's fundraising and subscription.

After all, at the beginning, he didn't know that Baofeng Technology's fundraising and subscription only accepted corporate investment, not personal investment.

"How can you meet important guests while playing a game?"

"Is it so miraculous?"

"Can you talk to me?"

When Qin Yuxuan heard this, she became even more curious.

Qin Fei looked at the time and there was still a little time before Liao Zhifeng came out.

He immediately chatted with Qin Yuxuan about his intention to invest in Baofeng Technology and thus get to know Liao Zhifeng.

After hearing this, Qin Yuxuan was also amazed.

I didn't expect that my brother would be so lucky.

This is simply like having a pillow when you doze off!
After the two siblings chatted for another ten minutes.

A young man in his 30s walked out of the airport.

"Old Liao, here, here!"

Seeing this young man, Qin Fei immediately waved to him.

The two have already had a video chat.

Therefore, Qin Fei had of course seen Liao Zhifeng's appearance.

"Haha, Lao Qin, you are too polite."

"I'm really flattered to have you, the boss of the company, pick me up."

While Qin Fei waved, Liao Zhifeng also saw Qin Fei.

Immediately came over and said with a smile.

When I saw Qin Yuxuan, I was a little surprised.

The girl next to Lao Qin is really beautiful!

"If that's the case, I should pick you up."

"Besides, my company is a small company that has just opened."

"It's not as big as your Baofeng scientists."

Qin Fei said modestly.

"That's different."

"It's not mine to have a big family."

"I'm just a part-time worker."

"How about you, start your own company and be the boss."

Liao Zhifeng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, let's stop complimenting each other."

"Let's go, the opening ceremony is about to begin."

"Still waiting for me, the protagonist, to arrive."

Qin Fei laughed, and then led Liao Zhifeng out of the airport.

Qin Fei arranged for the opening ceremony to start at 11:[-] noon.

It is already 09:30 in the morning.

It will take about an hour for Qin Fei to drive back.

There is still one hour for Qin Fei to prepare.

In terms of time, it’s not too rushed.

"I'll go, Lao Qin, you can do it, this Mercedes-Benz S450 is actually a new car!"

"How much did it cost?"

When I saw that there was no license plate and there was a red rope hanging on the rearview mirror.

Immediately asked enviously.

"Haha, not much, just over 160 million."

"Just mentioned it this morning."

"This is to welcome you, a guest from the imperial capital."

"You have to get a decent car, don't you?"

Qin Fei said with a smile.

"You, are you showing off to me?"

"This word is really well used!"

"Don't use it again next time."

Liao Zhifeng couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Look, does this speak human language?

The price of more than 160 million is already beyond his reach.

After all, his monthly salary is just over 3 points.

It took more than 50 months of deprivation to afford this Mercedes-Benz S450!
But Qin Fei easily said that it was only more than 160 million.

In addition, Qin Fei is so young.

This was a bit of a blow to Liao Zhifeng!
Fortunately, he didn't really care.

After just sighing, KO followed Qin Fei in the car and set off.

If there are any other topics, we can talk about them in the car.

In the car, Liao Zhifeng also learned that Qin Yuxuan was Qin Fei's sister.

At first, he thought Qin Yuxuan was Qin Fei's assistant or girlfriend.

Fortunately, I didn't say it, otherwise there might be some jokes.

After more than 50 minutes, Qin Fei and Liao Zhifeng finally arrived at the hotel where the opening ceremony was held!

At the same time, Chen Ling's family also arrived at the door of the hotel!
"Qin Fei, I'm here."

"What belongs to me, don't even think about keeping it to yourself!"

"I want to take back everything that belongs to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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