They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 5 Even divorced, do you still have the face to ask me for money?

Chapter 5 Even divorced, do you still have the face to ask me for money?

Li Yuemei slapped the iron sliding door fiercely with both hands.

In addition to a security door, Qin Fei's house also has an iron sliding door outside.

Therefore, even if Qin Fei opened the anti-theft door, there was still an iron sliding door blocking it.

"Qin Fei, come out here you little bastard."

"See if I don't tear you apart."

"You even called me a dog."

Seeing that Qin Fei was not far away from him, he was blocked by a sliding iron door.

Li Yuemei's heart became even more impatient.

"Mom, let me come."

"Watch me kick this door down."

Seeing his mother being humiliated, Chen Wei also lost his temper.

Lift your feet now and prepare for a kick.

"Come, come, kick if you have the ability!"

"When the police come, a charge of breaking and entering a house will be inevitable for you."

Facing Chen Wei's behavior, Qin Fei was very calm.

If you dare to kick in the door, I will call the demon spirit.

Who is afraid of whom?
As for what brother-in-law?

Sorry, we're all divorced, I don't care who you are.


Hearing Qin Fei's words, Chen Wei, who was about to kick the door, slammed on the brakes.

One foot stopped just five centimeters away from the iron sliding door.

"Do you dare to call the police and arrest me?"

Chen Wei looked at Qin Fei with a livid face, and said with disbelief.

"Why not?"

"Don't forget, your sister and I have divorced."

"So, there is no longer any relationship between your family and me."

Qin Fei shrugged and glanced at Chen Wei nonchalantly.

Qin Fei has always looked down upon this former brother-in-law.

How about personality?

It's two extremes.

This guy punches hard at home, but is submissive to others.

To put it simply, at home, he hates the air.

He would yell at anyone who made him unhappy, without giving anyone any face.

But when they meet outside, he is as timid as a mouse. If someone is a little aggressive to him, he will become extremely cowardly.

A typical nest.

It is precisely because of this.

After hearing Qin Fei say to call the police.

Chen Weicai slammed on the brakes and took back the foot that was about to kick on the iron sliding door.

"This this."

Facing Qin Fei with a calm tone, Chen Wei suddenly didn't know what to say.

He is such a character.

If Qin Fei is still his brother-in-law, then he doesn't care about Qin Fei.

Hit it up and it's over.

But now, Qin Fei has divorced his sister.

This means that Qin Fei is no longer one of his own, but an outsider.

In addition, Qin Fei's expression at this time was so serious.

Chen Wei had an intuition that if he dared to kick the door, Qin Fei would dare to call the police.

So, at this moment, he was cowardly.

"Useless things."

"I know what's going on in the nest."

Seeing that Chen Wei was cowardly, Li Yuemei cursed at the side.

"Qin Fei, I don't care if you and my daughter are divorced."

"Come today, I just ask one thing."

"Is your house going to be demolished?"

Afterwards, Li Yuemei stared at Qin Fei and said.

When talking about demolition, the greed in his eyes could not be hidden.


"There is such a thing."

Hearing Li Yuemei's words, Qin Fei was taken aback.

Then he instantly knew why Li Yuemei's family came to her.

This is to get a share of the pie.

"Just admit it."

"Since the house is going to be demolished."

"Then our little Ling should also have a share."

Li Yuemei said impatiently.

"Not bad!"

"Qin Fei, I also own this house."

"The demolition compensation must be divided into half of it."

As soon as Li Yuemei finished speaking, Chen Ling followed suit.

On the way here, Li Yuemei discussed with Chen Ling.

The compensation for demolition will be divided in half by their family.

In her words, I married my daughter to you, not only did you not know how to cherish it, but you abandoned her because of a piece of clothing.

An explanation must be given.

Therefore, half of the demolition compensation is not too much to ask, right?
"Ha ha."

"Chen Ling, are you okay with your brain?"

"We are already divorced."

"Does the demolition compensation have anything to do with you?"

"How dare you open your mouth, and half of the demolition compensation will be worth it."

Qin Fei smiled sarcastically.

He had already guessed the purpose of Chen Ling's family when Li Yuemei mentioned the demolition.

After all, Qin Fei knows very well the virtues of this family.

It is precisely because of this.

After returning from rebirth, Qin Fei quickly cut through the mess.

I chose divorce directly.

"It doesn't matter."

"Even if we get divorced, I still have half of this house."

"This half that belongs to me, you don't want to take it away."

Hearing that the compensation for the demolition had nothing to do with her, Chen Ling became anxious.

That's millions!
As a gold digger who spends money like water, how could Chen Ling watch these millions slip away from her hands?
Absolutely impossible!

"Even if you get divorced, you can't change the fact that you used to be husband and wife."

"So you have to give my daughter half of the demolition compensation."

Li Yuemei looked at Qin Fei confidently.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

"Chen Ling, it's fine if your mother is an ignorant country woman."

"You are also a graduate of a prestigious university."

"Don't you even understand the most basic laws?"

"Let's not say that you and I are divorced."

"You won't get a penny from the property that belongs to me."

"Even if we didn't get divorced."

"Then this house is also pre-marital property."

"Properties before marriage have nothing to do with after marriage."

"So, even if there is no divorce, I will not give you any compensation for the demolition."

"Also, it's been so long since the divorce, the first time you came to me was to pay for the demolition and relocation."

"Do you think I'll give it to you?"

"Sand sculpture woman, do things with a little brain, okay?"

Qin Fei first glanced at Li Yuemei sarcastically.

Then he said to Chen Ling with a ruthless face.

At the end, he continued to mock.

This woman really only had money in her eyes.

No, it should be said that this family really only cares about money.

After learning that her daughter was divorced, the first thing she did was not think about how to reconcile the two parties.

Instead, they came to ask for money.

It's really good enough.

That is to say, I was too immature in my previous life and had not experienced severe beatings from society.

That's why he chose to be relatives with this family.

In this life, he will never let this family take advantage of him again.

"You and I."

Chen Ling was speechless at Qin Fei's words, and didn't know how to refute for a while.

Although she knew that Qin Fei's words made sense.

However, this does not mean that she will accept it.

"Qin Fei, let's not mention the demolition for now."

"Let's talk about your divorce first."

"I heard from Xiaoling that you and Xiaoling divorced because of buying clothes."

"I'm not talking about you Qin Fei."

"It's just buying a piece of clothing. What a big deal. As for getting into a divorce?"

"As a man, you can't be too stingy with your wife."

Seeing that both Li Yuemei and Chen Ling were defeated.

Chen An, the head of the family, spoke at this moment.

Different from Chen Ling and Li Yuemei.

As soon as Chen An came up, he used the truth to overwhelm Qin Fei.

It's a pity that at this moment, Chen An didn't know the real reason why Qin Fei divorced his daughter.

Otherwise, he would have no face to say such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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