Chapter 6 You kid has a taste, you have to pay a price!
"Am I being stingy?"

"Heh, it seems that Chen Ling didn't tell you the truth."

Qin Fei smiled coldly, then gave Chen Ling a mocking look.

This woman definitely didn't tell the truth to her family.

Otherwise, Chen An would not be able to say these words.

"what happened?"

"What truth?"

"Xiaoling, do you have something to hide from me?"

When Chen An heard this, he frowned immediately.

He glanced at Qin Fei, and then looked at his daughter.


Facing her father's questioning, Chen Ling felt guilty.

Don't know what to say.

In front of Qin Fei, she can show off her temper without any scruples, and even blame Qin Fei for all her faults.

But facing her father, she couldn't do this.

"Let me tell you what your daughter has been doing these days."

"Since we got married, your daughter's original kind and gentle face has completely disappeared."

"Not only has she become arrogant and unreasonable, but what's even more outrageous is that her expenses are like a bottomless pit."

"Her monthly salary is only [-], but she spends ten times her monthly salary."

"What cosmetics, skin care products, clothes, etc., only buy expensive ones, not practical ones."

"How long has it been since we got married until we got divorced half a month ago?"

"We've calculated everything, and it only takes eight months."

"But do you know how much she spent in these eight months?"

"30 million!!!"

"It only took eight months and it cost 30."

"And do you know how much my salary and her salary add up to in these eight months?"

"Only seventy thousand."

"If it weren't for my parents supporting 10,000+."

"The money I earned with her is not enough for her expenses."

"That's not the worst."

"The most outrageous thing is that the clothes and bags she wanted to buy some time ago cost one hundred thousand less."

"That's one hundred thousand."

"Our annual salary is only this amount."

"What about her?"

"I didn't even think about it, she asked me to buy it for her."

"I don't even think about whether our family can bear her spending so much."

"He even threatened to divorce me if I didn't buy it for her."

"Since she said so, of course I will help her."

"Now, do you know why I want a divorce?"

Qin Fei explained why the two divorced in detail.

Although he had said these words more than once before he was reborn.

But the mood at that time when I said these words was different from what it is now.

"What the hell!!!"

"It costs [-] yuan to buy clothes and bags!!!"

"Xiao Ling, is what Qin Fei said true?"

When Chen An heard this, he was immediately surprised.

You know, his own salary is only about [-] a year.

And what about his own daughter?
It costs one hundred thousand to buy a bag of clothes.

This is absolutely not what he expected.

"So what?"

"Anyway, his family is rich, and I'm his wife. Isn't it right to spend his money?"

After the initial guilty conscience, Chen Ling also became indifferent.

What happened to spending your money?
I am your wife, if you don’t spend money on me, who will?
other men?
"That's right, I'm just a daughter."

"What's wrong with spending some money on him?"

"My daughter is so beautiful. Being able to marry him, Qin Fei, is a blessing he has cultivated for eight lifetimes."

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't cherish her, he still dares to divorce Xiaoling."

"Simply unforgivable."

"Let me tell you, it's a good marriage and divorce."

"With my Xiaoling's conditions, I will definitely be able to find a richer family in the future."

As soon as Chen Ling finished speaking, Li Yuemei spoke immediately.

Inside and outside the words, there is not a word that is not supporting his daughter.

Qin Fei has long known this.

What kind of mother you have, you can have what kind of daughter you have.

It can only be said that Chen Ling pretended too well when she was in college.

Qin Fei couldn't find her true face.

Speaking of which, Qin Fei still felt a little regretful.

It was a bit late for me to be reborn. If I could be reborn a little earlier, before I married Chen Ling, it would be perfect.

"Yes, yes, your little Ling is the best."

"So, you'd better find another one for Chen Ling quickly."

"I won't serve you anymore."


Qin Fei said, planning to close the door.

He was too lazy to continue arguing with this family.

It's not necessary at all.

In the future, the bridge will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road.

There will no longer be any trace of these people in his life.

"and many more."

"The issue of compensation for demolition has not been resolved yet."

"You can't close the door."

Seeing that Qin Fei was about to close the door, Li Yuemei immediately stopped him.

The real purpose of coming this time is to deal with demolition compensation.

She will never leave until this matter is resolved.


Qin Fei didn't even bother to answer Li Yuemei's words.

Directly closed the security door.


Seeing Qin Fei closing the door without saying anything, Chen Ling and his family of four fell silent.

"Damn it, does this little bastard think he can hide for the rest of his life?"

"Don't think about it!"

Looking at the closed door, Li Yuemei said extremely corruptly.

He raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door.

But when she thought about Qin Fei's statement that he would call the police, she hesitated again.

She still cares about face.

If she was arrested by the police for causing trouble, she would definitely not be willing to do so.

Therefore, it is better to go home and plan how to make Qin Fei compromise and obediently pay out the millions in demolition compensation.

"It's all your fault, you brainless prodigal."

"Even if you get divorced, you still have to get something back."

"It's fine now, I won't give you anything."

With nowhere to vent her depressed mood, Li Yuemei turned around and scolded her daughter.

"Mom, I didn't know at the time that Qin Fei would really divorce me."

"At first, I thought he was joking with me."

"In the end, I didn't know, he was playing for real."

Speaking of divorce, Chen Ling also regrets it now.

She used to say the word divorce frequently.

But in the end, Qin Fei surrendered.

So over time, she developed a habit of often saying the word divorce.

In Chen Ling's heart, she always felt that Qin Fei couldn't do without her.

Even if Qin Fei agreed to the divorce, the two of them received the divorce certificate.

She also always thought that within a few days, Qin Fei would give in and finally come over to ask her to remarry.

Unfortunately, the result was completely different from what she had imagined.

Qin Fei not only didn't ask her to remarry, he didn't even tell her about such a big thing as the demolition of his home.

Even the demolition compensation was not shared with her.

Chen Ling felt regretful at the thought of millions of dollars slipping away from her eyes.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have been so willful.

Even if it's a divorce, you have to wait until the compensation for the demolition is received before you get a divorce.

"Huh, after all, it's not you who did it yourself."

"If you don't do that, can Qin Fei divorce you?"

Chen An said from the side with hatred that iron cannot become steel.

After knowing the reason why Chen Ling and Qin Fei divorced.

He also felt that his daughter was a little too much.

"I want you to talk more."

"If it weren't for your incompetence, would we, mother-in-law, have lived such a miserable life, even looking at other people's faces?"

It's a pity that Chen An is at home and has no right to speak at all.

The one who calls the shots is Li Yuemei.

No, just after he finished speaking, Li Yuemei scolded him back.

Chen An originally wanted to say something else.

But after seeing Li Yuemei's fierce expression, she immediately shut up.

A life-like wife with strict control!
"Let me tell you, it's a good marriage and divorce."

"At the beginning, I didn't really agree with our Xiaoling and Qin Fei getting married."

"Although Qin Fei's family is good, they are only small assets."

"Our daughter, that's the fate of marrying a billionaire."

Afterwards, Li Yuemei spoke again.

When talking about billionaires, he became obviously excited.

When Chen Ling was young, she used to ask a fortune teller.

Said that his daughter will be able to marry a billionaire in the future!
Li Yuemei firmly believed in this.

When Qin Fei and Chen Ling got married, it was because of Qin Fei's good performance.

She certainly wouldn't agree.

Now it turns out that it was a wrong choice for Qin Fei to marry his daughter.

My own daughter is destined to marry a billionaire.

This kid Qin Fei is not worthy of his daughter at all!

Divorce is already doomed.

Of course, although my daughter is divorced.

However, she would never let go of Qin Fei's house demolition compensation worth millions.

Delaying my daughter's youth for a few months, and paying several million in compensation, isn't that too much?
After all, my daughter is destined to marry a billionaire.

There's always a price to pay for letting your kid get a taste of it.

(End of this chapter)

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