Chapter 7 In this world, no one can live without anyone!
In the blink of an eye, three days have passed since Chen Ling's family came to ask for compensation for the demolition!
This morning, Qin Fei was sleeping.

Since resigning, Qin Fei has lived a very relaxed life.

Every day I sleep until I wake up naturally.

Then go out for a walk and solve the problem of food and clothing.

This kind of life is simply not too fast.

Of course, although such a life is very happy, Qin Fei will not continue like this forever.

Three months later, after getting back the money from the stock market.

Qin Fei is about to start his own business.

In addition, these days, Qin Fei has also been thinking about the direction of his future business.

As a reborn person, Qin Fei knows many money-making projects.

However, some projects require huge start-up capital.

Ordinary people really can't get it out.

Fortunately, Qin Fei had 2600 million in funds after three months.

With this huge sum of money, no matter what the project is, it can be initially established.

"Jingle Bell"

When Qin Fei fell asleep, a burst of phone ringing woke him up.

"Did that girl Yuxuan call?"

Picking up the phone and looking at the caller ID, Qin Fei found that it was his sister Qin Yuxuan calling.

Qin Fei's parents have two children.

Qin Fei is the older brother.

Another younger sister is Qin Yuxuan.

Qin Yuxuan is four years younger than Qin Fei.

Now, I am studying in university locally, in Hangzhou.

When it comes to learning, both Qin Fei and Qin Yuxuan are the pride of their parents.

Qin Fei University is a 211 university.

It can be regarded as a graduate of a prestigious school.

But Qin Yuxuan was even better, and was admitted to the best local university in Hangzhou, Hangcheng University.

A 985 university ranked among the top five in the country.

"Hey, little sister, why are you calling your brother so early in the morning?"

After pressing the answer button, Qin Fei said lazily.

As he spoke, he yawned.

"Brother, I heard that you and your sister-in-law divorced?"

"Is it true?"

As soon as Qin Fei finished speaking, Qin Yuxuan couldn't wait to ask.

"You girl are quite well-informed."

"Where did you hear the news?"

Qin Fei did not deny Qin Yuxuan's question.

Although he did not take the initiative to tell his family about his divorce.

But it doesn't mean that he will deceive his family.

"Are you really divorced?"


"Don't you like sister-in-law very much?"

Although Qin Fei did not answer Qin Yuxuan's question directly.

But these two sentences of Qin Fei are no different from the answer.

As for where she got the news from.

This is not important anymore.

"What's the use of liking again?"

"You should be very clear about your sister-in-law's expenses."

"It cost 30 in eight months."

"Recently, I am planning to spend 10 yuan on clothes and bags."

"Such a huge expense, your brother and I can't afford to support her."

"So, it's better for her and I to get together and part ways."

Qin Fei said lightly.

In fact, seriously speaking, as a reborn person, if Qin Fei focused on making money, let alone Chen Ling's monthly expenses would be [-] to [-].

Even if it's three to five million a month, Qin Fei can afford it.

Among other things, the 2600 million after three months alone is enough for Chen Ling to spend for a long time.

But it was precisely because Qin Fei was a reborn person that he had seen Chen Ling's family too thoroughly.

Therefore, even if Qin Fei could afford it, he was not prepared to continue raising it.

Because Chen Ling's family is simply not worth his efforts.

This family is a white-eyed wolf.

Especially Chen Ling.

I am so kind to him.

What about her?

He kept mentioning divorce at every turn.

In the previous life, after losing all his property, she chose to divorce him without hesitation.

It can be described as extremely ruthless.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qin Fei to continue to support such a person.

"What the hell?"

"It costs [-] yuan to buy a dress and a bag!"

"Why can't she go to heaven?"

"I really thought our family ran a bank."

"Brother, I support your divorce."

"There are so many women in the world, so we don't have to worry about finding a good wife."

When Qin Yuxuan heard it, her seven orifices were filled with anger.

This Chen Ling is too much.

I really think my brother is a cash machine.

The previous month's expenses were so high, so I didn't say anything.

After all, the two had just gotten married not long ago.

It is understandable that her brother dotes on her.

But who would have thought that after eight months, not only did she not restrain herself, she even intensified her efforts, and her expenses suddenly reached [-].

I really thought their family was engaged in mining.

Can make you so profligate.


"In this world, no one can live without anyone."

"Leaving her, the next one might be better."

Qin Fei said with a smile.

After being reborn, when faced with this matter again, he had already seen it very clearly.

It will not be so uncomfortable in the previous life when I just got divorced.

"Hehe, brother, I wish you could think so."

"I thought that after the divorce, you would be devastated."

Qin Yuxuan was surprised when she heard Qin Fei's words.

After all, in her mind.

My brother likes Chen Ling so much.

Now that I am divorced, I will definitely be reluctant.

But now it seems that I think too much.

Judging from the tone of my brother's words, he was not decadent at all because of the divorce.

Instead, it became more indifferent.

This is incredible.

"What are you thinking?"

"How could I, your brother, fall into despair because of a woman?"

"You look down on me too much."

Qin Fei rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Hehe, no, my brother is the best."

"By the way, brother, since you are divorced, when are you going to find another girlfriend again?"

"How about I introduce my roommate to you?"

"She looks beautiful, much prettier than Chen Ling."

"Besides, she is the beauty of our school."

Qin Yuxuan said with a smile.

"You girl, you actually work part-time as a matchmaker."

"Okay, you don't need to worry about my affairs, you can just go to your school."

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up."

Qin Fei shook his head dumbfounded.

Not to mention, he just got divorced, so he is not in the mood to find a girlfriend at all.

Even if there is, it is impossible to find my sister's roommate.

After all, in terms of age, the two sides should be about four years apart.

Although the difference is not a lot, it is also a bit inappropriate.

Therefore, even if the younger sister said that the other party was the campus belle of Hangzhou University, Qin Fei didn't have much thought about it.

The top priority is to work hard to make money.

As long as you earn enough money, what kind of woman can't you find?

He knows how realistic this society is now.

To say it is a little bit exaggerated.

With money, you can do almost anything.

No money?

Not to mention that it is difficult to move an inch, but it is definitely not easy.


"This is what you don't want."

"Don't blame me for not introducing you to someone then."

Seeing that her elder brother didn't have such thoughts, Qin Yuxuan didn't say anything more.

At that moment, the two chatted briefly and hung up the phone.

"Chenchen, originally I wanted you to be my sister-in-law."

"It turns out that you don't have this life."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Yuxuan smiled and said to her roommate not far away.

This roommate is the belle of Hangcheng University mentioned by Qin Yuxuan before - Zhou Chenxi!

Zhou Chenxi: "Huh???"

(End of this chapter)

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