Chapter 8 There is a problem with the three views!


"When did this happen?"

"It's almost ten days?"

"Okay, I got it!"

At the door of the company where Qin Fei worked before, Li Yuemei walked out with a gloomy look.

He looked back at the company's name again.

Went home without looking back.

"Damn, this kid is too smart."

"I actually resigned a long time ago."

"It seems that I have to think of other ways to deal with him."

After returning home, Li Yuemei sat on the sofa and couldn't help cursing.

Early this morning, she went to Qin Fei's previous company.

Li Yuemei thought about the millions of demolition compensation for several days.

Finally came up with a good solution, that is to go to the place where Qin Fei works to make a fuss.

As long as Qin Fei doesn't distribute the demolition compensation to their family.

She just kept fussing.

This was done to force Qin Fei to submit.

Obediently take out the demolition compensation and divide it into half of their family.

It turned out that when I got there, I found out that Qin Fei had resigned several days ago.

This made Li Yuemei very annoyed.

She had been preparing for several days to cause a scene in the company, but she died halfway.

This punch that had been charged for a long time hit the air directly. Do you think it is infuriating?
"Qin Fei resigned?"

"Mom, are you right?"

"The benefits of that company are so good, how could Qin Fei resign?"

Chen Ling was immediately surprised when she heard Li Yuemei's words.

As Chen Fei's ex-wife, Chen Ling knew how well Qin Fei was treated in this company.

During the internship period, the salary reached 5000.

After becoming a regular, it reached 7500.

Next, you only need to work for one year.

Qin Fei's job can reach [-] yuan.

If you have worked for three years, you can be promoted.

At that time, the salary will reach [-], which will be doubled at once.

Such a salary is something that is rare for most graduates.

You know, many students in the same class as them are now only dawdling around with a salary of three to five thousand.

Just like her!

The salary is [-] a month.

"Of course I can't be mistaken."

"In order to confirm whether this news is correct, I asked several people."

"After asking about the results, Qin Fei's colleagues all said that Qin Fei had resigned several days ago."

"But having said that, it is reasonable for Qin Fei, a little bastard, to resign."

"After all, he has received millions in compensation for demolition."

"With those millions, of course he can quit if he wants to!"

Seeing that her daughter didn't believe her, Li Yuemei immediately said plausibly.

Change it to her words.

If only I could get millions for free.

She will definitely not go to work again.

How tired I am at work!
Not only do you have endless work to do, but you also have to act based on your boss’s face.

There is no freedom at home.

With money in hand, you can go wherever you want.

This is called life.

"makes sense."

Chen Ling was stunned for a moment when she heard this. After thinking for a moment, she nodded in agreement.

There are millions of people here, so there is really no need to work.

How much does it cost to work?

That’s only [-] to [-] a year.

Even if Qin Fei's income is higher, it will only be around [-] yuan a year.

This amount of money is nothing to a few million.

Besides, with those millions, the interest earned in the bank in a year is more than this amount.

There is really no need to continue working.

"Daughter, didn't you say that Qin Fei loves you very much?"

"How about you go find her and show off your affection, and then try to get remarried? What do you think?"

Li Yuemei glanced at Chen Ling, and after some hesitation, she said something that stunned her.



Chen Ling was really shocked.

Both families have reached this point.

My mother even encouraged me to remarry.

If we really want to remarry, shouldn't our attitude be more polite when we came to see Qin Fei?

"Yes, remarry."

"I thought about it."

"I want to share the demolition compensation."

"Currently, the only way is remarriage, which is the simplest and most effective."

Li Yuemei also knew that the request she made was a bit outrageous.

But she doesn't care.

Although she cares more about face.

But in front of money, especially in front of millions, face and other things become not so important.

"Mom, didn't you say that I was destined to marry a billionaire?"

"If I remarry, how can I marry a billionaire?"

Chen Ling thought she had a thick skin, but compared to her mother Li Yuemei, she was still a little thinner.

It's been like that before.

Now he even asked himself to ask for remarriage.

This is too exaggerated.

She felt that with her own face, she might not be able to do it.

"What does it matter?"

"It's just a remarriage."

"It's not that you are not allowed to divorce again."

"After remarriage, you will get compensation for demolition."

"If you want a divorce, you can do it anytime."

Li Yuemei said nonchalantly.


"Is it still possible?"

Chen Ling's eyes widened, and she felt that her knowledge had increased a lot at this moment.

I have to say that Chen Ling is also wonderful.

But any normal person will feel that there is a problem with the three views when encountering such a statement.

But what about Chen Ling?
Not only did I not feel that there was anything wrong with my outlook on life, but I felt that my knowledge had increased.

All I can say is that they are mothers and daughters.

This wonderful point of view, the ability to accept is strong.

"Why not?"

"You know, you are destined to marry a billionaire."

"It's a transition with this little bastard like Qin Fei."

"Once you get those millions from him, there will be nothing left to talk about between you and him."

"When the time comes, you can choose to divorce again."

"Then go find your Mr. Right."

Li Yuemei taught Chen Ling earnestly.

Instill your own ideas into your daughter bit by bit.

"Well, I see, Mom!"

Chen Ling fell silent after hearing this.

After coming over for a while, she raised her head and nodded to Li Yuemei with a smile.

Obviously, her mother Li Yuemei's proposal made sense.

I am married to a billionaire.

How could you spend too much time on Qin Fei?
After remarrying, I will receive the millions in demolition compensation.

The relationship between her and Qin Fei can be officially over.

Thinking of this, Chen Ling immediately walked to her room.

Obviously, at this moment, Chen Ling not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also thickened her skin a lot.

With such a mother who teaches through words and deeds, it is difficult to remain unchanged.

"Daughter, why are you going?"

Li Yuemei asked curiously.

"Hehe, of course I need to dress up and then go to see Qin Fei."

"We must get the millions that belong to us first."

Chen Ling smiled confidently.

She didn't believe it anymore. With his own charm, Qin Fei could control him.

"Haha, as expected of my daughter."

"Good job!"

"I'm waiting for your good news."

When Li Yuemei heard this, she was overjoyed.

He showed an expression that could be taught.

(End of this chapter)

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