They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 53 Chenxi, you don't want to lose your salary, do you?

Chapter 53 Chenxi, you don't want to lose your salary, do you?
"Old Liao, how are you? You're not drunk, are you?"

"Do you want the hotel to make you a bowl of hangover soup?"

When he came to Liao Zhifeng's room and saw Liao Zhifeng sitting lazily on the stool, Qin Fei joked with a smile.

"No, I don't drink much."

"Take a break in the afternoon and you'll be fine."

"I can have another drink with you tonight."

Liao Zhifeng waved his hands and said with a smile.

He can still drink.

Plus I didn’t drink much at noon.

So I am very sober now.

"Okay, since you're not drunk, let's talk about business."

"In half a month, your company will go public."

"So, when will your subscription start?"

"And, how many shares of your company can I get?"

Qin Fei asked the question he was most concerned about.

100 million shares is really too little for him.

Even if it doesn't reach the expected 300 million shares, it still needs to be at least 200 million shares.

If you can get 200 million shares, you only need to cash out a wave at that time, and you will immediately get unimaginable profits.

"The subscription solicitation will officially begin in three days."

"As for your shares, through my efforts, it has only been increased to 150 million shares."

"There's nothing more I can do."

"The rest of the shares have been assigned to others by the company's top management."

"Sorry, Lao Qin, I didn't meet your expectations."

"I can get 3000 million shares from these 150 million shares, which is already my best effort."

When it came to business, Liao Zhifeng was helpless.

He has been discussing this matter with the company's senior management these days.

Unfortunately, many of the 3000 million shares issued by the company have already been allocated to other investors.

All he can get is the 150 million shares.

And he gave all of these 150 million shares to Qin Fei.

"Only 150 million shares?"

When Qin Fei heard this, he frowned immediately.

150 million shares, which is far from the number he expected.

He originally wanted to buy 300 million shares.

The result is now only half of what was expected!
Not even 200 million shares.

But Qin Fei also knew that Liao Zhifeng was not to blame for this matter, he had tried his best.

Forget it, I am lucky if I win, but my life is lost.

150 million shares, just 150 million shares, is better than nothing.

"Yes, only 150 million shares!"

"If you think you can."

"In three days' time, you come to the imperial capital, and then I will find someone to sign a contract with you."

"Of course, you'd better bring a lawyer here."

"After all, this involves tens of millions of dollars in contracts, so it's best to find a professional lawyer to handle it."

Liao Zhifeng first spread his hands helplessly, and then reminded Qin Fei.

"I know this, and I will definitely bring a lawyer with me then."

A lawyer is a must.

Because only Qin Fei knew that it involved more than just a contract of more than 1000 million.

But a contract worth hundreds of millions!

Of course he couldn't be careless.

"Okay, I won't disturb your rest."

"I'll come find you tonight and treat you to Hangzhou's specialties."

"Anyway, I have to thank you for getting 150 million shares."

Afterwards, Qin Fei saw that it was almost time for him to come up.

All that should be talked about.

So I decided to leave.

My little assistant is still waiting downstairs.

Don't make her wait too long.

"Okay, you go to work first."

"I'll take a break too."

"Catch the plane early in the morning, and drank some wine at noon."

"A little tired too."

Seeing that Qin Fei was about to leave, Liao Zhifeng didn't ask him to stay.

He immediately stood up and sent him out of the room.

When Qin Fei found Zhou Chenxi, he found that the girl had fallen asleep sitting on a stool.

Little head little by little, very cute.

"It's really terrible. Isn't this a test for cadres?"

Looking at Zhou Chenxi, who exuded an alluring aura, Qin Fei admitted that he was confused.

It has been three or four months since the divorce.

Qin Fei has been living a monk-like life for the past three or four months, and Qin Fei has become a little lustful.

Especially when facing such a beautiful girl as Zhou Chenxi, the desire is even stronger.

Subconsciously, Qin Fei suddenly thought of a good part of a small life: Ma'am, ah bah, Chen Xi, you don't want to get paid this month, do you?

No, no, how could I have this idea.

Either way, or not.

"Hey, what a crime."

"If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be shocked when the sky falls!"

I forcibly recited the so-called Bing Xin Jue several times to calm myself down.

This is my assistant, so don't let evil thoughts arise!
If he scares people away, where can he find such a capable assistant?

"Mr. Qin, when did you come down?"

"Sorry, I drank some wine at noon today and I'm a little sleepy."

Just as Qin Fei was forced to recite the Bing Xin Jue silently, Zhou Chenxi, who was in a daze, also noticed that there was someone in front of him.

Immediately opened his eyes, and found that it was Qin Fei standing in front of him.

"Hehe, seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I don't have the heart to call you."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work today."

"I'll take you back to school. You can have a good rest."

Seeing Zhou Chenxi wake up, Qin Fei quickly calmed down.

Hey, such a cute girl, why did I think of that kind of image to blaspheme her just now?

Sure enough, after being single for a long time, my thoughts are a bit dirty!

It’s definitely not because I’ve watched too many movies!

"Okay, I'll trouble you, Mr. Qin."

Zhou Chenxi didn't know what her boss was thinking just now.

At this moment, she was still grateful to her boss for his thoughtfulness.

He actually drove her assistant back to school in person.

More than half an hour later, Qin Fei sent Zhou Chenxi to the gate of Hangcheng University.

"Boss, can I trouble you?"

Sitting in the driver's seat of Qin Fei's new car, Zhou Chenxi hesitated for a while, then spoke to Qin Fei.

"What's the matter, you said."

"As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Zhou Chenxi to ask him for help.

Anyway, she is also my little sister's best friend, and also my right-hand assistant.

Qin Fei didn't even ask what it was about and just agreed.

"That's right, we'll have a holiday in a few days."

"We can continue to have residential schools during the summer though."

"However, you need to apply, and then you must obey the arrangements of the dormitory management center during the summer vacation."

"It's too much trouble."

"I want to rent a house outside."

"It's just that I'm not very familiar with the surrounding area."

"So I would like to trouble you to help me see if there is a suitable house."

"It's best to be closer to the company."

"This also makes it easier for me to commute to get off work every day."

"Of course, the rent should be cheaper."

"It's too expensive, because I'm afraid I can't afford it!"

Zhou Chenxi told his story.

During the two months of summer vacation, he doesn't plan to live in school, it's too inconvenient.

As for going home, that's even more impossible.

Even if she is Qin Yuxuan's best friend, it is impossible for her to ask for two months' leave when she is at work.

What's more, she didn't want to ask for leave.

One is to earn some living expenses for yourself.

The second is to increase one's work experience.

Besides, I have to go to school after school starts.

Although because of Qin Yuxuan's relationship, Qin Fei would not mind running between his school and the company.

But as an assistant, I always have to do things well.

Don't let the boss cause trouble!
After all, the boss has taken good care of her during this time.

(End of this chapter)

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