They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 54 This little assistant is getting better and better the more she looks at her!

Chapter 54 This little assistant is getting better and better the more she looks at her!
"Looking for a house!"

"What a coincidence."

Upon hearing Zhou Chenxi's request, Qin Fei couldn't help but feel a move in his heart.

Qin Fei has also lived at his parents' house for more than three months.

Coincidentally, he also had the idea of ​​moving out during this period of time.

When moving out, you must find a house near the company.

Otherwise, if you live too far away, it will be inconvenient to go back and forth to the company.

Now Zhou Chenxi proposed to find a house.

Qin Fei subconsciously came up with an idea: Should we find two neighboring houses?

Anyway, you are looking for one, you are looking for two, you might as well look for both together.

Then find a neighboring house and become neighbors with Zhou Chenxi, so that you can take care of each other.

Ahem, I definitely don’t want to get the first-come-first-served advantage!

It's just a coincidence!


"President Qin, what do you mean?"

Zhou Chenxi was stunned and asked somewhat unclearly.

"I'm also looking for a house recently."

"It just so happens that we can look for it together."

“Maybe we can become neighbors by then.”

Qin Fei did not hide this point.

But say it directly.


"What a coincidence!"

When Zhou Chenxi heard this, his face suddenly turned rosy.

She didn't know whether it was a coincidence that Qin Fei was looking for a house, or whether it was just an idea after hearing that he was looking for a house.

If it is the former, then naturally there is no problem.

But if it's the latter, then the problem is bigger.

Because that means Qin Fei has some thoughts about himself.

If you have no idea, why would you want to find a house with yourself or even be neighbors?
It is precisely because of this thought that her she turns red.

Of course, her face was red because of the drink.

It's just getting more rosy now.

"Well, it's quite a coincidence."

"Okay, I agree to your request."

"When I find the right one, I'll take you to see it."

Qin Fei directly agreed to Zhou Chenxi's request without saying a word.

Fortunately, nothing happened these days.

Even if you go to the imperial capital, it will be three days later.

Three days is enough for him to settle the matter of renting out the house.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Mr. Qin."

Now that the boss has spoken, Zhou Chenxi naturally can't say anything more.

After all, even if they really live together, they are neighbors, not cohabitation.

As for how to get along with her boss in the future, Zhou Chenxi's idea is very simple, just let nature take its course.

Anyway, in Zhou Chenxi's heart, she didn't dislike Qin Fei.

If you really want to find a boyfriend to fall in love with, Qin Fei is also a very suitable candidate.

Not only is he handsome, but his family conditions are also good.

He also has a good personality and character, and treats others well.

Most importantly, Qin Fei also dotes on his wife very much.

If his ex-wife hadn't been too domineering, Qin Fei wouldn't have been so unbearable that he chose to divorce.

And when modern girls are looking for a partner or even a husband, aren’t they based on these conditions?
To be honest, given Qin Fei's conditions, if he went to the blind date market, he would definitely be the most popular one.

Even if he was divorced, no one would care.

Therefore, Zhou Chenxi did not reject Qin Fei's arrangement.

Besides, my best friend is my sister-in-law who I look forward to becoming every day.

Maybe if we continue to get along, it will really be as she wishes.

However, these are things for the future.

Whether two people are compatible or not can only be understood by getting along with each other.

Fortunately, if you really become neighbors with your boss, you can also learn more about what a boss is like in life.

"No trouble!"

"As long as you can work well for me."

Qin Fei waved his hand carelessly.

Qin Fei was naturally very happy to be a neighbor to a beautiful woman like Zhou Chenxi.

And it's strange to say that just now in the hotel, after the scene of that good life in my little life inexplicably appeared in my mind.

Now that Qin Fei looked at his little assistant, he became more and more interested.

Especially now that her face is flushed and her big, watery eyes are blinking, she is even more attractive.

If it wasn't for his strong self-control and the fact that he didn't drink, he would have rushed over.

"Well, then I'm leaving, boss."

At this time, Zhou Chenxi didn't know what Qin Fei was thinking, and saw that the renting matter had already been settled.

She also felt relieved.

After waving to Qin Fei, he got off the Mercedes-Benz S450.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Qin Fei watched Zhou Chenxi's figure leave and completely disappear from sight before starting the car and leaving.

Half an hour later, Qin Fei returned home.

At this time, his parents were also at home.

"Xiao Fei, how much did the opening ceremony cost in total?"

Seeing Qin Fei coming back, Shen Yue couldn't wait to ask.

"Not much, about 30."

"The main reason is that those media reporters and official people were not invited."

"Otherwise, it will cost at least 50 yuan."

There are quite a lot of people who came to the opening ceremony today.

Just the two uncles and uncle's family, there are about ten people.

In addition, all the employees of my company came here, as well as some friends of my parents.

There were almost 50 people in total.

"30, that's not too expensive."

"After all, it's a five-star hotel, and it's also a banquet hall."

When Shen Yue heard this, she no longer felt distressed.

She was afraid that her son would spend too much money on this opening ceremony.

Although my son earns a lot of money, he can spend it well.

It actually cost 280 million to rent a company's office space.

If it weren't for Lao Xu's help, I'm afraid it would have been 300 million.

300 million, she and her husband have saved for so many years, and they have saved more than 300 million.

As a result, my son rented it without blinking an eye.

This is really money well spent.

"Son, the company's opening ceremony was also held."

"Have you made your company's next investment goals clear?"

At this time, Qin Wenfeng, who was his father, asked.

Investment companies are no better than other companies.

Although the profits are considerable, the risks are also great.

If you don't get it right, you may suffer huge losses or even lose all your money.

"Well, one thing is clear."

"Have you met the special guest I invited today, Liao Zhifeng?"

"He is a middle manager at Baofeng Technology Company."

"Their company is going to go public soon, and before going public, their company will hold a fundraising subscription."

"Through his relationship, I obtained 150 million shares of Baofeng Technology Company."

"Just wait a few days to go to the imperial capital to sign the contract."

"As for other investment goals, I haven't thought about it yet."

Qin Fei said slowly.

To be honest, Qin Fei's goal at the beginning was to invest all his money in Baofeng Technology.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Liao Zhifeng only helped him get 150 million shares.

It was half the difference from the 300 million shares he expected.

Therefore, he had half more funds on hand.

As for what he wants to invest the extra funds in, he hasn't decided yet.

Qin Fei planned to wait until the Baofeng Technology matter was settled before thinking about what to invest the remaining money in.

(End of this chapter)

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