Chapter 56 Mr. Qin, you are not going to kiss me, are you?
"What the hell?"

"A monthly rent of 2000 is written on the basis of the rental contract, and a monthly fund of 10000 is written on the basis of the rental contract?"

"Xiao Fei, what are you doing?"

Xu Jian looked at Qin Fei dumbfounded.

Just now, Qin Fei suddenly made a request.

Say, if the two houses are rented.

The lease contract must be written according to his requirements.

That is, write 2000 for one set and 10000 for one set!

This was the first time he met such a weird request.

"No way, my little assistant can't afford to rent a house for 6000 a month."

"In order to let her live with peace of mind, I can only change the rent to 2000."

"I paid her the remaining 4000."

Qin Fei did not hide who he rented the other house for.

No need!
Zhou Chenxi will definitely be there when the contract is signed.

Therefore, Xu Jian will know sooner or later.

Therefore, there is no need to hide it at all.

"Your little assistant?"

"Is that the very pretty girl who hosted the opening ceremony of your company yesterday?"

Xu Jian was also present at yesterday's opening ceremony.

Therefore, he had also met Zhou Chenxi.

To be honest, that girl is really pretty.

No, it should be said that it is too beautiful.

Even the daughter of the old Qin family is a little behind compared to her.

"Well, it's her!"

Qin Fei readily admitted.

"Oh, I understand."

"No wonder you rent two houses."

"So I wanted to pursue your little assistant."

"It seems that Uncle Xu and I will have wedding candies to eat soon."

As Xu Jian said, he showed a smile that men could understand.

But in his heart, he was still happy for Qin Fei.

The Chen Ling family is really nothing.

Xiaofei was so kind to their family at the beginning, so he didn't know how to be grateful at all.

Now he still wants to plot Xiaofei's property.

Simply insane!

Now that Qin Fei can find a new partner, he is also sincerely happy.

"Uncle Xu, where is this? The horoscope has not been written yet."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Especially in front of my little assistant, don't talk nonsense."

"If you scare someone away, I will ask you to compensate."

Qin Fei was speechless when he heard that Xu Jian even wanted to eat the wedding candy.

He and his little assistant worked hard, and they had only known each other for a few months.

How could it develop so fast.

What's more, the relationship between him and his little assistant is just an ordinary relationship between superiors and subordinates.

There is not even an ambiguous relationship, let alone a relationship like eating candy.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I won't say anything!"

Xu Jian burst out laughing when he heard this.

After the two chatted for a few more words, Xu Jian was ready to return to the company.

He is also very busy.

If Qin Fei hadn't come over, he wouldn't have brought someone to see the house in person.

Of course, before leaving, Xu Jian temporarily handed over the access cards to the two houses to Qin Fei.

A few 10 minutes later, Huanyu International Building was downstairs.

"President Qin, where are you taking me?"

Zhou Chenxi, who was at work, heard his boss's call and immediately ran down from the 27th floor.

"Get in the car and you'll know when we get there."

Qin Fei patted the passenger seat.

When Zhou Chenxi heard this, he didn't ask any questions and got in the car directly.

After sitting for a while, I found that my boss had not started the car yet, so I subconsciously turned my head and took a look.

But at this moment, she found that her boss had leaned over at some point.

When Zhou Chenxi saw this, he was immediately startled and closed his eyes subconsciously.

A bunch of thoughts popped up in my mind.

Oh, what is Mr. Qin trying to do?
You don't want to kiss me, do you?
No, no, our relationship has not reached that point yet.

At that moment, Zhou Chenxi quickly opened his eyes, ready to reject Qin Fei's 'reckless behavior' with righteous words.


But in the next second, she suddenly found that Qin Fei's figure had disappeared in front of her.

Moreover, there was a 'click' sound from beside him.

Zhou Chenxi went away after hearing the sound, and then realized that her boss had just fastened her seat belt.

And the thought that came into her mind just now was simply because she was being sentimental.

Thinking that she had misunderstood Qin Fei and wanted to kiss herself, Zhou Chenxi felt embarrassed and wanted to find a place to sneak in.


At this time, Qin Fei would never have imagined that he was just helping to fasten the seat belt, but his assistant almost misunderstood him.

A few minutes later, Qin Fei brought his assistant to the Xingyue Community near Huanyu International Building.

The second house he looked at before was in this community.

"Take a look, are you satisfied with this house?"

Soon, under the leadership of Qin Fei, Zhou Chenxi arrived at the 17th floor of Building C in this community.

There are three houses in total on this floor.

Qin Fei took Zhou Chenxi to see 1702.

As for Qin Fei’s own?
It is the opposite door of 1702, 1701!

As for the remaining 1703, according to Xu Jian, the owner of this house is not at home all year round, and is usually out of town.

I don't come back several times a year.

This is also good news for Qin Fei.

Because this means that only he and the assistant live on this floor.

"This is the house you found for me?"

The moment Zhou Chenxi saw the house, he immediately knew why Qin Fei brought him here.

"Yes, I found it for you."

"Take a look, if you like it, you can rent it out."

Qin Fei opened the door and brought Zhou Chenxi in.

Zhou Chenxi walked in immediately after hearing the words, and then looked around.

The decoration style of this house is simple and elegant, and the layout is also in line with Zhou Chenxi's aesthetics.

Just by looking at it, she fell in love with it.

"Boss, the houses here are great."

"But you don't seem to have considered my financial ability."

Zhou Chenxi said to Qin Fei helplessly.

This community is so close to Huanyu International Building, it is definitely an excellent place to stay.

But it is also because it is too close to Huanyu International Building.

She is worried.

Because Zhou Chenxi knew that the rent in this community was not less than 5000.

And how much is her monthly salary?

4500 for internship period!

I can’t even pay the rent for one month’s salary, so how can I support myself?

"I've thought about it."

"Although your current salary is only 4500, it will be 7000 after you become a full-time employee."

"The rent for this house is only 2000 a month. With your salary, it's no problem at all."

What does it mean to tell lies with open eyes? This is it!

The rent was clearly 6000, but now it is said to be 2000.

However, no way.

Who made Qin Fei look at his little assistant more and more enthusiastically now.

Getting along day and night during this period of time made Qin Fei feel a little different about his little assistant.

In order to be able to live in the same place as my assistant.

Qin Fei also took great pains.



"Boss, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"The rent for this house is only 2000?"

Hearing Qin Fei's last words, Zhou Chenxi's eyes suddenly widened.


Either she got it wrong, or her boss said it wrong.

The rent in this community is only 2000?

This is impossible!
If it is really so cheap, how can this house get her turn.

It has been rented out a long time ago!
Yes, the boss is definitely wrong.

It can't be 2000!

(End of this chapter)

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