Chapter 57 The day of leaving the singles is not far away!
In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Today is the day for Zhou Chenxi to sign the contract.

Signed a housing lease contract.

"It's really 2000 a month."

"And you can pay it once a month."

“And no deposit is required.”

"I'm so lucky."

Early in the morning, when Zhou Chenxi signed her name on the rental contract, she was still a little unbelievable.

With such a good location, the rent is cheap.

The rent can be paid monthly instead of paying three mortgages and one mortgage.

To be honest, she has never been so lucky since she grew up.

But now that the contract has been signed, she has to accept the fact no matter how unbelievable it is.

"Okay, Miss Zhou, the contract has been signed."

"You can move in anytime next."

"If you have any problems in the middle, you can always contact the landlord to help you solve it."

"I'll recommend the landlord's friends to you, and you can add them yourself."

The agency customer service said to Zhou Chenxi with a smile on his face.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that the intermediary customer service's eyes are full of envy for Zhou Chenxi.

As an employee of an intermediary company, she certainly knows why the rent of this house is so cheap.

It was precisely because of this knowledge that she was so envious of Zhou Chenxi.

Sure enough, good men belong to other people.

"Oh, ok, sorry to trouble you."

Zhou Chenxi nodded slightly, and then added the landlord's friend through the business card.

As for the landlord himself?

Currently, we are not in the local area. Whether it is a rental contract or something else, it is all handed over to Xu Jian's agency.

"It's no trouble, I'm here to serve you."

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first."

"Okay, walk slowly!"

The agency customer service sorted out the contracts, handed one copy to Zhou Chenxi and left.

The contract is in triplicate.

One for Zhou Chenxi, one for the landlord, and one for the agency.

After the agency customer service left, Zhou Chenxi stared at the contract in front of him and fell into deep thought.

There is no free lunch in the world!
If she really believes it, the rent for this house is 2000, and it can be paid monthly, without even needing to pay a deposit.

That would be really stupid.

"Hey, the boss really went to great lengths to be my neighbor."

Zhou Chenxi is not stupid. As long as he uses his brain to think about it, he will know what is going on.

The rent around here is so expensive.

The starting price is 5000.

No matter how stupid the landlord is, there is no way he can rent it to himself at a price that is much lower than the market price.

There is a difference of 2000 between 5000 and 3000!
Moreover, this is still a minimum of 3000.
Considering the location and size of this house, it must be more than 5000, maybe 5500 or even 6000.

In this case, the difference becomes even greater.

So, someone must have paid the remaining rent.

Only then will the landlord rent the house to himself at a monthly rent of 2000 yuan.

As for who helped me pay the remaining funds, do I still need to think about it?

It couldn’t be anyone else except my own boss.

After all, my boss helped me find this house.

After thinking about it, Zhou Chenxi sent Qin Fei a message.

Zhou Chenxi: Boss, thank you for your help. From now on, I will leave the task of cleaning your room to me. Don't refuse, or I won't live in peace.

"Haha, it seems this girl isn't stupid either."

"I guessed it so quickly."

"That's good. With this girl helping to clean the room, I don't have to hire a cleaning lady."

Qin Fei, who had just arrived at the Imperial Capital Airport, glanced at the text message sent by Zhou Chenxi before, and couldn't help but smile.

He had long known that with Zhou Chenxi's intelligence, she would never be able to hide this matter from her for a long time.

I just didn't expect her to react so quickly.

He is indeed a top student at Hangcheng University!
Of course, Qin Fei was happiest because Zhou Chenxi knew that he rented the house for her, and didn't refuse.

What this means is self-evident.

"It seems that the day when I will be single is not far away."

Thinking of the exquisite face of his little assistant, Qin Fei couldn't help showing a smile.

It seems to be a very happy thing to have such a smart and capable assistant as my girlfriend.

It's a pity that I have to stay in the imperial capital for a few days.

Otherwise, he should be living as a neighbor with his little assistant, cultivating a relationship.

"Old Qin, I saw you smiling from so far away, and you were smiling so obscenely."

"Tell me, something good happened to me, and I smiled so happily."

Just as Qin Fei stared at the phone and smiled silly, Liao Zhifeng came over and patted him on the shoulder.

It startled Qin Fei who was unprepared.

"I'll go, Lao Liao, don't you know there's a saying that scares people to death."

"I'm a coward. If I get scared by you, I won't be able to afford the compensation."

Qin Fei couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"That didn't scare you to death, it's really my fault."

"Look at the radiant look on your face."

"Are you chatting with your assistant?"

Liao Zhifeng pouted with disdain.

I feel envious in my heart.

Why don't I have such a young and beautiful girl?
"Yeah, why, are you envious?"

"If you are envious, go find one."

"I'm 30 years old, but I'm still a bachelor."

"I'm ashamed of you."

"Look at me again. I've already said goodbye to my first marriage, and my second marriage will begin soon."

Qin Fei said, showing a proud expression.

This made Liao Zhifeng angry.

"Hehe, I'm still a bachelor, I'm really sorry for you."

Liao Zhifeng said with a half smile.

"Haha, are you sorry for me?"

"I'm obviously sorry for your brother."

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your brother."

"Speaking of which, Lao Liao, you are still a bachelor. Isn't it because of your brother?"

Qin Fei winked at Liao Zhifeng.

By the way, he glanced at Comrade Xiao Liao vaguely.

"Go away, even if you can't do it, my brothers won't do it!"

When Liao Zhifeng heard this, he became furious.

What a careless friendship!
How did I meet such a bad friend.

You actually said I can't do it?

What the hell, I can fly ten meters against the wind now!
"Haha, okay, okay, I won't joke with you anymore."

"Hurry up and take me to your company."

After the joke, Qin Fei quickly got down to business.

This time he came to the imperial capital, but he came here specifically for the shares of Baofeng Technology.

Although, Liao Zhifeng has already guaranteed that 150 million shares will not be less.

But before he got it, Qin Fei was still very nervous.

I am deeply afraid of any changes or accidents.

After all, it is related to whether you can become a billionaire!
Although 150 million shares is a bit less.

But once you get it.

If you wait a month or two, these 150 million shares will bring you hundreds of millions in income.

No wonder he wasn't in a hurry!

"Look at you in a hurry."

"Okay, come with me."

Liao Zhifeng said and took the lead towards the parking lot.

Qin Fei also quickly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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