Chapter 58 Too many monks, too little porridge!

More than an hour later, Qin Fei came to the headquarters of Baofeng Technology.

The headquarters of Baofeng Technology is naturally much more luxurious than Qin Fei's company.

After all, it is a company with a market value of nearly one billion.

"Old Qin, let me introduce you, this is the vice president of our company, Mr. Zheng Haidong."

"He is in charge of raising subscriptions."

"Mr. Zheng, this is Qin Fei who I mentioned to you before, who wants to subscribe for our company's stock, Mr. Qin."

After coming to Baofeng Technology, Liao Zhifeng took Qin Fei to meet the third in command of Baofeng Technology, the deputy general manager Zheng Haidong.

"Hi Mr. Zheng, please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

"Dear Mr. Qin, I didn't expect Mr. Qin to be so young. He is really young and promising. Thank you for your optimism in our Baofeng Technology."

The two sides shook hands with each other, and after congratulating each other, they sat down.

Next, Zheng Haidong asked Qin Fei some questions.

It's all about Qin Fei Company.

After all, he is a future partner, so of course he needs to know more about it.

However, Zheng Haidong was still surprised when he learned that Qin Fei's company had just been established.

Not long after the company was established, it invested 1000 million in Baofeng Technology.

This Qin Fei, could it be the rich second generation who just came out to start a business?
It must be.

Otherwise, this Qin Fei has just graduated, how could he have such a strong fund, 1000 million in one shot.

And he heard that the other party initially asked for 300 million shares.

That is more than 2000 million!

More than 2000 million cash is not something that ordinary people can get out.

Those companies with a market capitalization of hundreds of millions dare not say that they can easily come up with more than 2000 million in cash.

What's more, it's still an investment company.

You must know that the risk of investment companies is much higher than that of general industrial companies.

A little carelessness, I am afraid that I will go bankrupt at a loss!

Therefore, Zheng Haidong already had a rough understanding of Qin Fei's strength.

This is a powerful rich second generation.

If Qin Fei knew what Zheng Haidong was thinking, he would definitely laugh or cry.

How is he a rich second generation?

The reason why he has more than 2000 million in cash, and more than 2000 million when he makes a move, is all due to luck.

If he hadn't been reborn, he wouldn't have earned so much wealth.

After learning about Qin Fei's strength, Zheng Haidong began to arrange for people to prepare the contract.

The agreed signing time is tomorrow morning.

"Mr. Zheng, for the 3000 million shares issued by your company, can you only give me 150 million shares?"

"Can't there be more?"

At this time, Qin Fei asked again without giving up.

For Baofeng Technology's stock, of course, he thought the more the better.

After all, once Baofeng Technology goes public, the value of these stocks will continue to skyrocket.

It has been rising more than 40 times before reaching the peak.

And it was only two months.

"President Qin, to be honest, it's not that we don't want to give it."

"But 150 million shares is already the greatest sincerity given by our company."

"You don't know, there are other people watching the 150 million shares at the beginning."

"I even asked a lot of people to intercede."

"If Zhifeng hadn't guaranteed his own future, the 150 million shares would not have fallen into your hands."

Hearing that Qin Fei still wanted their company's stock, Zheng Haidong also showed a helpless look.

He also didn't expect that so many investors would come to subscribe for the shares after the news of the subscription was spread.

The current situation is one where there are too many monks and too little food.

"That's it, that's fine."

Qin Fei was stunned when he heard this.

He glanced at Liao Zhifeng in surprise.

Unexpectedly, something like this happened during this time?

Someone actually took a fancy to his 150 million shares.

If it weren't for Liao Zhifeng's presence, he might not be able to keep his 150 million shares.

Tsk tsk, Lao Liao is quite interesting.

During those two days in Hangzhou, my hard work paid off.

The membership cards of those clubs were not in vain.

"Okay, I have other things to be busy with."

"I'll just entertain you here first."

"Next, I'll let Zhifeng accompany you around."

"Zhifeng, next, treat Mr. Qin well, and the company will reimburse you for the expenses."

"Also remember to bring Mr. Qin to the company to sign the contract at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Zheng Haidong looked at the time and found that it was getting late.

He immediately said goodbye.

"Okay, Mr. Zheng, see you tomorrow."

Qin Fei also knows that Zheng Haidong is very busy now.

After all, Baofeng Technology is about to go public.

At this time, let alone his vice president, everyone in Baofeng Technology is probably busy.

"Old Liao, take me to find a strong law firm."

"I'm afraid I will have to trouble them with my business in the Imperial Capital."

For things like signing a contract, a lawyer is definitely indispensable.

At first, Qin Fei planned to find a law firm in Hangzhou.

But think about it, the headquarters of Baofeng Technology is in the Imperial Capital, so we might as well just look for it in the Imperial Capital.

What's more, if you want to find a good law firm, Emperor Capital is definitely one of the first choices.

"no problem."

"I'll take you there."

"A classmate of mine works in a law firm."

"This law firm cannot be said to be ranked among the top three in Imperial City, but it can at least be ranked among the top ten."

"The credibility aspect is absolutely reliable."

"At that time, if you have any business in the capital, just hand it over to them."

"Even, for a rich father like you, even if it's business in other cities, they can send people over."

As a native of the Imperial Capital, Liao Zhifeng still knows the Imperial Capital very well.

You know, the university he graduated from was Imperial University.

So in terms of personal connections, he is still very strong.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Qin Fei was not polite when he saw this.

Between friends, there are some things that don't need to be said.

Just keep it in mind.

When the time comes, nature will repay.

Especially what Zheng Haidong said before.

Qin Fei will remember it even more.

If Lao Liao hadn't used his own future as a guarantee, Qin Fei would not have been able to obtain the 150 million shares.

In Qin Fei's eyes, these 150 million shares are worth hundreds of millions!

He couldn't even imagine how dumbfounded he would be if he couldn't get the 150 million shares.

"It should be, everyone helps each other!"

Liao Zhifeng smiled slightly.

The reason why he helped Qin Fei so hard was because he was optimistic about Qin Fei's future.

Being able to make a friend with unlimited potential will be of great help to you.

Soon, under the leadership of Liao Zhifeng, Qin Fei came to a law firm called 'Zhongsheng'.

After learning about Qin Fei's purpose and Liao Zhifeng's identity, Zhongsheng directly sent one of the most elite lawyers in their firm, Chen Keqi, Liao Zhifeng's college classmate, to take charge of the matter.

With that, you're all set!
Just wait until tomorrow to sign the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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