Chapter 59 Holy shit, someone poached someone in front of you?

"Mr. Qin, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you. Thank you for trusting our company."

"Where is it, I would like to thank your company for giving me a chance to board the ship so that we can make money together."

At 10:30 the next morning, Qin Fei signed the share transfer contract for Baofeng Technology under the witness of lawyers from both parties.

150 million shares, a total of 1071 million!
After the contract was signed, Qin Fei asked his assistant to transfer the 1071 million into the account designated by Baofeng Technology.

I have to say that the ability of my little assistant is still very strong.

Not only does the assistant work well.

Financial matters can also be handled very well.

After the funds were deposited into the account designated by Baofeng Technology, the contract came into force.

From today, Qin Fei is one of the shareholders of Baofeng Technology.

Today, the total share capital of Baofeng Technology is 1 million shares.

150 million shares account for 1.25% of the total shares.

Although he is a small shareholder and has little say.

But Qin Fei didn't care either.

After all, he is here to make money.

Moreover, after having the right to speak, one still has to worry about the development of Baofeng Technology.

This is not in line with his idea of ​​lying flat and making money.

"Old Qin, you can rest assured now."

"Now the contracts are signed."

"As long as you don't want to, no one can take away your 150 million shares."

Liao Zhifeng could naturally tell what Qin Fei was worried about these days.

Now that the contract was signed, not only Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

Even Liao Zhifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Only he himself knows what kind of pressure he has endured.

If it weren't for the irresistible relationship between himself and Vice President Zheng Haidong, the 150 million shares would really be impossible to keep.

Knowing that Baofeng Technology is about to go public, there are too many people who have connections.

"Old Liao, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness."

"If you need help in the future, just ask."

"As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

Although Liao Zhifeng didn't say anything.

But through Zheng Haidong's words, Qin Fei also knew how much ability Liao Zhifeng had put in to get the 150 million shares of Baofeng Technology.

Therefore, if Liao Zhifeng needs help in the future.

He is naturally obliged.

"Haha, don't worry."

"When I really want to trouble you, I will definitely speak up."

"Okay, now that the contract is signed, I will take you to the Imperial Capital for two days."

"It's your first time in the capital, too."

"This time, let me do my best as a landlord."

Liao Zhifeng laughed.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Although I have been to the Imperial Capital many times in my previous life.

This is indeed the first time Qin Fei has come to the imperial capital in his life.

So Liao Zhifeng was right.

"I'll go, Chenchen, you can do it."

"I am willing to spend money to rent such a good house."

"Not to mention two bedrooms and one living room, the nearby facilities are so complete."

"If you want a supermarket, you have a supermarket, if you want a mall, you have a mall, and you can get to the subway station within 5 minutes of going out."

"It's so convenient and perfect."

Qin Yuxuan said enviously while looking at the house in front of her.

After school holidays, she went home to live.

Being alone was too boring, so I ran over to find Zhou Chenxi.

It's just that what she never expected was that her best friend rented such a good house quietly.

It made her want to live here a little bit.

"I can't afford such an expensive rent."

"It was rented by one of my suitors, and then rented to me cheaply."

Looking at Qin Yuxuan's envious eyes, Zhou Chenxi rolled his eyes.

Suddenly I wanted to tease my best friend.

"What the hell?"

"One of your suitors rented it for you?"

"Who, do I know?"

"Is my brother handsome? Is my brother good character? Is my brother rich?"

Qin Yuxuan, who was originally looking at the house, became anxious when she heard it.

Zhou Chenxi is her default sister-in-law.

How can you let others take it away?

If someone else takes it away, it will be your own failure.

"Emm, what do you say?"

"In terms of appearance, he is about as handsome as your brother."

"The character is also very good."

"As for whether I have money, I probably do."

"If you don't have money, can you rent such a nice house for me?"

Zhou Chenxi solemnly counted the advantages of this so-called suitor with his fingers.

When Qin Yuxuan heard this, she became even more anxious.

Fuck, no way.

It's been a long time since I've been with Chenchen.

In front of my face, someone was going to start digging my wall.

No, no matter who this suitor is, I absolutely cannot let him snatch my default sister-in-law away.

At the same time, I kept complaining about my brother's disappointment in my heart.

I sent Chenchen to you, but you still let others take it away.

Brother, you are too inferior.

And Zhou Chenxi, who was at the side, saw Qin Yuxuan's extremely anxious appearance, and almost laughed out loud.

Xuanxuan, Xuanxuan, if you knew that your brother rented this house to me, would you be dumbfounded?
I really want to see what your expression will be like at that time.

"Chenchen, I suddenly feel that living at home by myself is too boring."

"Or, I'll move in and live with you."

Qin Yuxuan, who was anxious, suddenly brightened up and came up with a perfect solution.

I'll move in and monitor you 24 hours a day.

See how that so-called suitor still approaches you.

"Come and live with me?"


"It's not impossible!"

She lives alone in such a big house, Zhou Chenxi is still a bit lonely.

If there is someone who rents together, and the person who shares the rent is still your own best friend, that would be a great thing.

The most important thing is that Qin Yuxuan is not someone else.

She is Qin Fei's biological sister.

If she is the one who lives here, then she can feel at ease by spending 2000 yuan to live here.

"Hee hee, I'll transfer the rent to you."

"Count us renting together."

After hearing Zhou Chenxi's agreement, Qin Yuxuan immediately took out her mobile phone and prepared to transfer money.

"There's no need for rent. I've already paid it anyway."

"Besides, I've rubbed against your big meal many times before."

"Take it as my invitation this time."

Seeing Qin Yuxuan trying to transfer money, Zhou Chenxi quickly stopped her.

You can't ask for anyone's money, not your own best friend's.

This house was rented to her by her brother.

How could he still collect money from her?

If you really want to accept it, who will you become?

"But it's okay, I can live in vain this month."

"But you must collect next month's rent."

"I can't do things that take advantage of my sisters."

Qin Yuxuan actually didn't want to live in vain.

Because this is the house rented by Zhou Chenxi's suitor.

She is not willing to accept the small favor of that so-called suitor.

If you accept this, how can you stop the other party from pursuing your best friend?
However, if you don't live in vain, you can't spy on your best friend openly.

Therefore, she had no choice but to agree.

Of course, it's okay to live for nothing for a month.

But after two months of living in vain, she quit.

"OK, no problem."

Zhou Chenxi suppressed a smile and agreed solemnly.

At this moment, Zhou Chenxi decided not to tell Qin Yuxuan the truth for the time being.

Because the way my best friend looks right now is really funny.

(End of this chapter)

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