Chapter 60 Little assistant, how do you thank me?
"Brother, when are you coming back?"

"Someone is going to poach your corner."

"If you don't come back, your future wife will be taken away."

After playing in the imperial capital all day with Liao Zhifeng, not long after returning to the hotel in the evening, Qin Fei received a text message from his sister.


"what's the situation?"

"Did anything big happen in the two days I left?"

"My little assistant was teased?"

"And it looks quite serious."

"Otherwise, this girl Xuanxuan wouldn't talk about being poached and being robbed if she doesn't come back."

After glancing at the message sent by his younger sister Qin Yuxuan, Qin Fei frowned.

At the moment, without any further hesitation, he made a phone call.

"what happened?"

"What do you mean my future wife will be robbed?"

"make it clear."

Although he was very anxious in his heart, on the surface, Qin Fei was still very calm.

The matter has come to this, and there is no point in being impatient.

You can only stay calm and think of countermeasures.

"Brother, I went to find Chenchen today, guess what?"

"Chenchen now lives in a house with a monthly rent of several thousand."

"That's not the point. The point is that this house was rented for her by one of her suitors."

“It’s self-evident what this means.”

"Brother, you are not up to date."

"I sent such a big beauty to you."

"You can still let her be snatched away by others."

"Can you do it?"

The call was quickly connected.

As soon as the connection was connected, Qin Yuxuan's little mouth kept talking.

In the tone, it was full of resentment.

That look of hating iron but not steel made Qin Fei wonder if he really did something wrong.

However, after listening to Qin Yuxuan's words, Qin Fei's anxious heart suddenly calmed down.

Because he already knew what was going on.

"Little sister, you just said that the person who rented a house for my little assistant is her suitor!"

"Did you say this sentence, or did my little assistant say it himself?"

Qin Fei asked curiously.

"Of course Chen Xi said it herself."

"Otherwise, I would know how she rented this house."

Qin Yuxuan said without hesitation.


"Are you sure she said that?"

After Qin Fei heard what his little sister said, he suddenly became happy.

If this sentence was said by my assistant.

So this means that she has admitted her identity as the suitor.

And now she is willing to live in the room rented for her by her suitor.

What it means in my heart is already self-evident.

Most importantly, from Qin Yuxuan's words, Qin Fei also heard a meaning.

My little assistant is telling him some of her inner thoughts through her sister's mouth.

That's why Qin Fei is so happy.

This means that we are one step closer to the day when we leave the singles.

In the whole matter, only Qin Yuxuan, the 'matchmaker', was kept in the dark.

Little did she know that the suitor her best friend was talking about was actually her brother.

It is conceivable that Qin Yuxuan will definitely be devastated when she finds out the truth.

Her brother and best friend used herself as a mouthpiece, and most importantly, she didn't know anything about it.

Is there anything more frustrating than this?

"Of course."

"Humph, now you know you're in a hurry?"

"Why did you go early?"

"Brother, come back quickly."

"I'll help you monitor Chenchen 24 hours a day."

"We will never let that so-called suitor take advantage of it."

Qin Yuxuan said solemnly.


"Then please."

"As for me, I should go back tomorrow."

Since the little assistant didn't plan to tell the truth to the little sister, Qin Fei couldn't say much.

Let her find out by herself, or let the little assistant tell her.

After chatting for a while, the siblings hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei thought about it and sent a text message to Zhou Chenxi.

Qin Fei: I have a nine o'clock flight tomorrow morning and will arrive at the airport at about 11 o'clock. Are you going to pick me up? (doubt.jpg)

Zhou Chenxi: Good boss, your little assistant will show up at the airport hall on time at 11:[-] tomorrow. (beautiful.jpg)

Zhou Chenxi responded to Qin Fei's message almost instantly.

Who makes Qin Fei her boss?
Qin Fei: Hehe, to be able to see my little assistant as soon as I got out of the airport, is it my luck?
After taking a look at the message replied by the assistant, Qin Fei felt reassured.

I started texting and flirted with the assistant a little.

Zhou Chenxi: Hehe, it should be counted.

Qin Fei: Then can I treat my little assistant to lunch tomorrow?
Zhou Chenxi: Okay, thank you boss, long live the boss.

Qin Fei: Haha, how do you want to thank me?

Zhou Chenxi: Emmm, would you like a cup of milk tea?

Qin Fei: Yes, but my milk tea and your milk tea must be the same. (呲牙.jpg)

Zhou Chenxi: Okay. (shy.jpg)

Qin Fei: Alright, it's getting late, don't delay your rest, see you tomorrow morning.

Zhou Chenxi: See you tomorrow morning, boss!

In a blink of an eye, one night passed.

The next morning, nine o'clock.

Huanyu International Building, Yuanhang Investment, Zhou Chenxi's office.

As Qin Fei's only assistant, Zhou Chenxi also has her own office.

It can be regarded as Qin Fei's special care for Zhou Chenxi.

At this time, Zhou Chenxi was sorting out some information.

Then, at ten o'clock, she was leaving for the airport to pick up her boss.

It takes about an hour from the company to the airport.

However, at this time, the staff of the project evaluation department suddenly found her.

Yuanhang Investment Company is currently divided into three departments.

They are Investment Manager Department, General Department and Finance Department.

Among them, the investment manager department is divided into several small departments.

Such as investment department, financing department, risk control department and project evaluation department.

Each department has different responsibilities.

The project evaluation department is responsible for researching the investment market, collecting project information, and then proposing investment feasibility analysis or investment suggestions, as well as providing information basis for the company's senior management to make investment decisions.

"You mean, you found a good investment project?"

Zhou Chenxi looked at the staff in front of him and said in amazement.

He knew that this employee was the team leader of the project evaluation department, named Li Xuanhao.

Because everyone is new to the company, Qin Fei has not arranged for anyone to become a minister.

The highest position is only the team leader.

If you want to get a more senior position, especially a position like a department head, you need to make a significant contribution to the company.

"Yes, Assistant Zhou."

"This is the information I have compiled in the past few days."

"It contained details of the project I was talking about."

"Please give it to Mr. Qin to have a look."

"I think this project has great investment value."

Li Xuanhao said confidently.

"Okay, Mr. Qin will be back at noon today."

"When the time comes, I will give this information to her."

Zhou Chenxi nodded slightly, and collected the materials.

I plan to take it with me later, and give it to Qin Fei at the airport.

(End of this chapter)

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