They are all divorced, do you still want to divide the family property after the demolition?

Chapter 61 A project worth hundreds of millions of dollars in the future!

Chapter 61 A project worth more than one billion US dollars in the future!
Hangzhou Airport.

Since he didn't need to pick up his luggage, Qin Fei went directly to the exit after getting off the plane.

As soon as he walked out, he saw the little assistant standing outside the railing.

I haven't seen my little assistant for several days, and I still miss her a lot.

Immediately, he took three steps and took two steps, and quickly came to the outside of the railing.

"Boss, I'm not late."

Seeing Qin Fei approaching, Zhou Chenxi hurriedly reached out to take the small travel bag hanging from Qin Fei's body.


"Come on, I invite you to have lunch."

Qin Fei waved his hand, preventing the little assistant from helping.

It's just a small travel bag, and it's not heavy.

Don't bother with your little assistant.

"Good boss."

"I'm just shameless."

Zhou Chenxi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a happy expression.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards the airport parking lot.

When Qin Fei went to the imperial capital before, he drove to the airport by himself.

So, his car is now parked in the parking lot.

As for Zhou Chenxi?
She came in on an intravenous drip.

Like Qin Yuxuan, she doesn't have a driver's license yet.

As for why Qin Fei asked Qin Yuxuan to pick him up even though he had a car?

Hehe, I can only say that I understand everything!

"Boss, this is a piece of information given to me by Li Xuanhao, the leader of the project evaluation department."

"He said it was a worthwhile investment project."

"Let me show it to you."

On the way to the parking lot, Zhou Chenxi took out the information that Li Xuanhao had given him before from his bag and handed it to Qin Fei.


"let me see!"

Qin Fei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became interested.

Before going to the imperial capital, although he gave a task, he asked the company's employees to investigate and see if there were any suitable investment projects.

But that was just a casual comment, and I didn't expect it to happen in just a few days.

What suitable items can they find.

Unexpectedly, this Li Xuanhao actually gave him an unexpected surprise.

Of course, joy is joy.

In his heart, Qin Fei didn't think the investment project Li Xuanhao mentioned had much potential.

However, the data is still to be seen.

After all, it was made by the employees of his own company, so he wouldn't even look at it.

That's a shame for the hard work of the staff.

At the moment, Qin Fei handed his travel bag to Zhou Chenxi.

Then I took the information and checked it.

When he saw the first page of the information, Qin Fei's pupils shrank instantly.

There was a shocked expression on his face.

The reason why I was so shocked was because of the few words on this document!
"This investment project is actually related to shared bicycles."

"This Li Xuanhao has a very sharp vision."

Qin Fei, who was a little casual at first, immediately became serious after seeing the words "shared bicycles".

At the moment, Qin Fei is not in a hurry to go to the parking lot.

Instead, he directly found a place to sit down and prepared to read the information carefully.

That is a shared bicycle!

At its peak, there were more than 20 bike-sharing companies in total, and even the annual financing amount reached 30 billion.

Among them, the market value of the top three companies in the industry has reached more than one billion US dollars, or even more than two billion US dollars.

Of course, although shared bicycles were brilliant at the beginning, as time went by, they eventually declined.

Those shared bicycle companies quit, closed down, and sold.

As for the outcome of these shared bicycle companies, the best thing to say is Mobike.

Qin Fei remembers that the founder of Mobike sold Mobike to Meituan at a price of more than 20 billion US dollars.

I successfully cashed out [-] billion and retired.

It has to be said that the founder of Mobike was still very far-sighted.

She is clearly aware that there are great limitations and risks in the prospects of this industry.

So when shared bicycles have not completely declined, the company is directly packaged and sold.

Thinking of these, Qin Fei instantly became motivated.

Before that, he was still thinking about what projects he should invest in with the remaining 1000 million yuan in his hands.

Now it's really drowsy and there is a pillow.

If he remembers correctly, shared bicycles should now belong to the most initial stage of development.

Not many people realize how popular this project will become in a year or two.

And Qin Fei, who is a reborn person, is very clear.

Therefore, for this big cake, Qin Fei certainly will not let it go.

Although the future ending of shared bicycles is not very good.

However, Qin Fei didn't care at all.

He only needs to sell his shares to cash out when the shared bicycle is at its most brilliant.

After all, he only invests to make money, not to run a company.

Not to worry about how to solve this company's mess.

What he has to do is, like the founder of Mobike in his previous life, accept as soon as it is good, and just cash out at the peak.

"Chenxi, you asked Li Xuanhao to give me a detailed market assessment and investigation report."

"I want to know exactly how he discovered this shared bicycle and how many companies have entered this industry."

"Within three days, I will see the investigation report on shared bicycles on my desk."

After reading the information in his hand, Qin Fei hastily instructed Zhou Chenxi beside him.

The current bike-sharing industry is in its infancy, and many companies must urgently need an angel investor.

Qin Fei naturally wants to be this angel investor.

Because only the angel round of investment is the round of investment with the least investment and the largest return.

Subsequent financing, the ratio of funds paid to returns is definitely not as good as that of angel rounds.

"Okay boss, I'll notify him right away."

Zhou Chenxi was surprised to hear this.

She didn't expect that Li Xuanhao's information would attract so much attention from her boss.

And set a three-day time limit for him to make an investigation report.

It seems that this project is definitely not ordinary.

Immediately, without delay, she quickly informed Li Xuanhao of Qin Fei's request via text message.

After Li Xuanhao received the news, he immediately became energetic.

Originally, he just had the mentality of giving it a try, so he told Mr. Qin about this bike-sharing project.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Qin would pay so much attention to it after reading the information.

And asked him to hand in the investigation report within three days.

At that moment, he didn't even bother to eat lunch and just took a few bites.

He started to complete the task Qin Fei gave him.

As an ambitious person, he is not only satisfied with the position of team leader.

What he wants is a higher position!
For example, the head of the project evaluation department, or even the head of the entire investment manager department!

"Chenxi, do you have any big meals you want to eat, just ask?"

"Today, Boss, I'll pay the bill."

On the way back to the company from the airport, Qin Fei said to the little assistant in the passenger seat with a smile while driving the Mercedes-Benz with one hand.

While meeting the little assistant I had missed for a few days, I also got an investment target that could make a lot of money.

Qin Fei's current mood can be said to be very happy, so happy that he can't wait to take off immediately.

"Boss, just eat whatever you want."

"There is no need to eat any special meal for me."

Zhou Chenxi shook her head slightly while sending messages to Qin Yuxuan.

A big meal or something, it would be too much of a waste for two people.

Moreover, she didn't want Qin Fei to spend too much money.

"Okay, then let's find a tea restaurant and deal with it casually."

"Then, you accompany me home and move some of my daily necessities to Xingyue Community."

Seeing what Zhou Chenxi said, Qin Fei didn't insist anymore.

Instead, respect her opinion.

"Going to your boss's house?"

"May I ask, boss, are your parents at home?"

Zhou Chenxi immediately blushed when he heard that Qin Fei said he wanted to take him home.

Then put away the phone and asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, my parents are usually not at home during the day."

"So the meeting with parents that you are worried about will basically not happen."

Qin Fei didn't know what Zhou Chenxi was worried about.

Suddenly shook his head dumbfoundingly.

This little girl thinks a little too much.

I haven't developed a boyfriend-boyfriend relationship with her yet.

I can think of meeting my parents.

"Why do you see your parents?"

"That's not what I'm worried about."

When Zhou Chenxi heard this, he immediately stammered and denied it.

She was still very embarrassed when her boss exposed her little thoughts.

But after listening to Qin Fei's words, she felt relieved, as long as the boss's parents were not at home.


Facing the little assistant who stammered in seconds, Qin Fei just smiled and didn't say much.

And Zhou Chenxi blushed when she heard Qin Fei's whisper.

The explanation I just gave seemed a bit like there is no silver 300 taels in this place.

For a moment, Zhou Chenxi suddenly felt that it was so embarrassing now.

"Jingle Bell"

Fortunately, at this time, a phone call came, alleviating Zhou Chenxi's embarrassment.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

It's Qin Fei's call.

Because he was connected to bluetooth and was driving, Qin Fei didn't even look at who was calling, so he pressed answer directly.

"Brother, something is wrong."

"It seems that your future wife is really going to be snatched away by someone else."

"I went to the company to find Chenchen, but she wasn't in the company."

"Then I messaged her and she actually said she was having lunch with the suitor who rented her house."

"It's over, it's over. I'm afraid it will be difficult to realize my wish for Chenchen to be my sister-in-law."

However, the call just got through.

Something even more embarrassing happened for the two of them.

Qin Yuxuan, who didn't know anything about it, chattered a lot.

What future wife, what suitor, what to be my sister-in-law and so on.

That made Zhou Chenxi want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Ah this."

Qin Fei didn't expect that the phone call was from his little sister.

And this opening is such a powerful content.

It's impossible to fix him directly.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

"Stop it, stop this."

"Brother, I'm not talking about you, you are too disappointing."

"I delivered Chenchen to your mouth, and I almost fed you myself, but you still couldn't eat it."

"It's okay if you didn't eat it, but you let others take it away."

"You say you, are you worthy of my hard work?"

Qin Yuxuan didn't know what was going on on the other end of the phone.

He continued to vent his grievances loudly.

And she didn't know at all that under her constant blah blah, her best friend now wanted to kill her.

What does it mean that you can't eat it after it's delivered to your mouth?
am i something?
He actually expressed it through eating!
Too much.

"Ahem, Xuanxuan."

"Your brother, I'm driving. If you have anything to say, wait until I go back."

"Hang up first!"

He secretly glanced at the little assistant next to him.

Seeing her lowering her head, her face turned red with embarrassment.

Qin Fei hurriedly uttered a voice to help out.

Then he didn't wait for his little sister to speak again.

Press the hang up button directly.

In order to prevent her from saying any shocking words and irritating her little assistant.

"Haha, don't worry."

"Xuanxuan didn't mean it either."

Qin Xuan tried to explain and save some image for his sister.

"It's okay boss, I'm used to it."

Zhou Chenxi shook her head indifferently, who made Qin Yuxuan her best friend?

But if she changed someone, she would have to say a few words anyway.

Moreover, she was also used to Qin Yuxuan's teasing, and knew that Qin Yuxuan was thinking of herself.

So not angry at all.

It's just a little embarrassing.

"Well, it's good that you don't get angry."

Knowing that Zhou Chenxi didn't care and wasn't angry, Qin Fei also heaved a sigh of relief.

He was also afraid that his little sister's outspokenness would make Zhou Chenxi think differently about him.

"But boss."

"There's something I miss about you."

"Have you and Xuanxuan called me the future wife all along in private?"

Qin Fei was instantly dumbfounded by Zhou Chenxi's next few words.

"cough cough"

"No, nothing."

"That's what Xuanxuan said herself."

"I never said that."

"Chenxi, you have to trust me."

After a violent cough, Qin Fei quickly explained.

He never expected that this phone call from his little sister would directly set fire on himself.

It's all because of this girl's lack of restraint.

It's okay now, your brother, I'm going to die of embarrassment.

"Well, I believe you are."

"But boss, you are so eager to explain."

"Do you have no idea about me?"

Zhou Chenxi said, showing a sly look.

Of course, when asking this sentence.

Her face also blushed slightly.

When asked what this sentence meant, she knew it very well.

Although a little too reserved.

But she still wanted to ask.

Because, she also wanted to know what Qin Fei meant to her.

Although in her feeling, Qin Fei should have thoughts about herself.

But without getting a personal answer from the other party, Zhou Chenxi was still worried about gains and losses.

It can also be seen from this that Zhou Chenxi also has a good impression of Qin Fei.

Otherwise, such a question would not have been asked.

"of course not."

"I'm against you, I'm against you."

After hearing Zhou Chenxi's words, Qin Fei subconsciously wanted to argue.

It's just that halfway through the conversation, he suddenly realized what kind of question Zhou Chenxi was asking.

He couldn't speak the next words.

I couldn't help complaining in my heart: I didn't expect that I, a reborn person, would be manipulated by a college student.

(End of this chapter)

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