Chapter 62 Little Three?Vixen?Chen Ling, keep your mouth clean!
Hangcheng, in a tea restaurant.

Qin Fei and Zhou Chenxi are having lunch.

The atmosphere at the table is more subtle.

The two of them were eating alone and didn't say anything.

"Boss, it's not your style to stop talking halfway through the conversation."

"What exactly were you trying to say just now?"

Wiping his mouth, Zhou Chenxi asked.

Just now in the car, I saw my boss was about to say something.

As a result, it stopped halfway through.

This made Zhou Chenxi quite helpless.

"That's all you want to know?"

"Okay, then I'll tell you clearly, I'm sure of you."

"Good, Qin Fei, let me tell you why you were so resolute in divorcing me back then. It turns out that you have already found a mistress outside who you don't want anymore."

When Qin Fei heard the assistant's persistent questioning, he immediately shook his head in confusion.

At that moment, Qin Fei no longer hesitated and was ready to tell his assistant what he was thinking.

It's just that God seemed to be deliberately joking with them, and Qin Fei was interrupted by another person's voice just in the middle of his words.

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Qin Fei frowned.

Without looking back, he knew whose voice it was.

It's really unlucky that I can meet my ex-wife even if I have dinner with my assistant.

I am afraid that the good mood of the day will be gone.

"Chen Ling, don't say anything nonsense."

"You should know why I divorce you."

"Don't put your fault on others."

"Besides, this little girl is my assistant, not a mistress."

"Please keep your mouth clean."

"Otherwise, I don't mind suing you for defamation."

Qin Fei turned around and saw Chen Ling with a slightly ferocious expression at a glance.

Besides her, there was a woman in business attire beside her.

"Sue me for defamation?"

"Come, come, sue if you have the ability."

"When I'm afraid you won't succeed."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, the person next to me is a lawyer."

"You sue me for slander, and I'll sue you for cheating in marriage."

"You also said it wasn't Xiaosan. If it wasn't Xiaosan, you would be so anxious to defend her, even sue me?"

"I finally understand. You only have this vixen in your heart right now."

Hearing that Qin Fei defended this girl so much, he even sued himself for slander.

Chen Ling was immediately furious and began to speak indiscriminately.

During this period of time, Chen Ling has been brooding over Qin Fei's divorce from her.

After several years of dating, Chen Ling is very clear about how much Qin Fei cares about him and how much he pampers him.

Although I went a little too far after marriage, it didn't go as far as divorce.

And in her heart, she always thought that Qin Fei couldn't do without herself.

Even if the two of them received the divorce certificate, she thought that Qin Fei would come back sooner or later.

It's just that Qin Fei's actions next surprised her.

After the divorce, Qin Fei not only didn't go to her, he didn't even send a message.

The sweet words of the past, even if they disappear, they will disappear.

This is absolutely not normal.

Until now, she saw Qin Fei eating with this beautiful girl talking and laughing.

Only then did he finally understand why Qin Fei divorced her so decisively back then.

This is the next home I've already found.

No wonder the divorce was so decisive in the first place.

I'm afraid it's Qin Fei, a scumbag, longing to divorce him quickly, and then live together with this girl.

"Chen Ling, you have gone too far."

"You've been messing around since the divorce. I don't care about you for the sake of our relationship as husband and wife."

"But that doesn't mean you can provoke me again and again."

"Don't force me to deal with you."

At this moment, Qin Fei was really angry.

Infidelity in marriage?Little three?Vixen?
Everyone knows how unpleasant these names are.

My little assistant is just a college student now.

If these titles are spread, they will even spread to Hangcheng University.

Then what kind of situation she will face, Qin Fei can guess.

Those who are jealous of the assistant's good looks, and those keyboard warriors who just enjoy the excitement and are not afraid of making a big deal out of it.

I'm afraid it will cause trouble on the Internet and keep slandering and slandering the little assistant.

And if the assistant couldn't bear the pressure and chose some extreme methods, it would be too late for Qin Fei to regret it.

Qin Fei is very clear about how terrifying the words "renyankewei" are.

In his previous life, he had seen too many people who chose to commit suicide because they couldn't accept the slander of those Internet keyboard warriors.

He didn't want this to happen to his little assistant.

"Hmph, for her, you have to deal with my ex-wife."

"Also said that there is no relationship between you."

"Qin Fei, since you are a bitch, don't set up a memorial archway."

"Since you are so heartless and unjust, then I have nothing to say to you."

"I put my words here today."

"The compensation that belongs to me, I will get it back bit by bit."

"Not only that, but I also want to publicize the fact that you cheated in marriage and found a mistress behind my back."

"I want to see, as the boss of the company, you cheated in marriage, what will your employees think of you."

Qin Feiyue defended Zhou Chenxi, and Chen Ling became more and more certain that the relationship between them was unusual.

All assistants are liars!

If there was nothing tricky between the two, she wouldn't believe it if she was killed.

Chen Ling now firmly believes that it was definitely because of this woman that Qin Fei divorced her so decisively.

Otherwise, how could Qin Fei, who had spoiled him so much before, suddenly change his face and choose to divorce him without hesitation?
I couldn't figure it out before.

But now I want to understand.

It's all because of this vixen!

I have to say that Chen Ling's idea is somewhat logical.

It's a pity that she never thought that Qin Fei's sudden change of face was not because of Zhou Chenxi.

It was because Qin Fei was reborn back then.

Knowing her face in the future, how could Qin Fei continue to live with her.

Divorce is an inevitable choice!


"Chen Ling, originally I didn't want to make the relationship between us too tense."

"But now it seems that I have been too kind to you, and I have made you feel a little angry."

"You want to make trouble, don't you?"

"Okay, I will fulfill you."

"I just hope that in the end, you won't regret it yourself."

Seeing that Chen Ling was talking too much, Qin Fei, who was angry, went straight to the case.

This time, he will no longer choose to be passive.

After making Chen Ling chic for so long, it's time to take the initiative, and it's time to let her know what regret is.

Do you really think that if I was patient with you before, you would be able to put your nose on your face?
"You murdered me?"

"Still hitting the table with me?"

"Qin Fei, you've never been mean to me before."

"Sure enough, men who change their minds are trash."

"That's it, there's nothing more to say between us."

"See you in court."

"And you shameless vixen, you don't learn to be good, but you learn to seduce other people's husbands."

"You'd better pray that I don't find out your identity."

"Otherwise, I must be exposed."


Seeing that Qin Fei dared to slap the table in front of so many people, and even attacked himself.

Chen Ling felt extremely wronged immediately.

The former Qin Fei never treated her like this.

So the next moment, her grievance turned into anger.

And he directed this anger at Zhou Chenxi and poured it out.

However, she didn't finish her sentence.

The next second, a cup of coffee came towards her and splashed all over her face.

It was Zhou Chenxi who made the move.

Zhou Chenxi was helpless when the pot fell from the sky.

Although she admitted that the relationship between her and her boss is indeed a bit different now, and can even be said to be a little ambiguous.

But that was after his divorce.

What's more, when the boss divorced his ex-wife, he didn't know the boss at all.

So where did this little three start?

Originally, she planned to calm down and be a little transparent, so she could take the blame.

But unexpectedly, the boss's ex-wife went too far.

She couldn't stand it anymore.

She herself is not a submissive person.

So without further ado, I picked up the cold cup of coffee on the dining table, pointed it at the face of the boss's ex-wife, and poured it over.

It poured a chill on her heart.

Hearing the terrified scream of the boss's ex-wife, Zhou Chenxi was so happy.

Hmph, let you, a shrew, slander people again.

It's punished now.

Dare to slander me again, this time it is coffee, next time it may be sulfuric acid.

"Ah this."

He looked at Chen Ling, who was covered in mess, and then at the assistant with an innocent face and big eyes.

Qin Fei silently gave her a thumbs up, and sighed in his heart: Well done!

"You vixen dare to pour coffee on me."

"I fought with you."

What a shame, this is definitely a shame!
In front of her ex-husband, she was actually poured coffee by his mistress.

This made Chen Ling, who had always wanted to save face, collapse directly.

Now she has the heart to kill this mistress.

At that moment, Chen Ling rushed forward with all her teeth and claws.

Ready to scratch Hua Zhou Chenxi's delicate face.

"Damn vixen, wait until I scratch your face."

"See how you still seduce men."

While stretching out her hand, Chen Ling thought viciously in her heart.

Although Chen Ling thinks that she is also good-looking.

But that also depends on who you compare with.

Compared with Zhou Chenxi, even if she doesn't want to admit it, she still knows that the vixen in front of her is much more beautiful than herself.

Therefore, she was quite jealous of Zhou Chenxi's appearance.

At this moment, she didn't care whether she should pay legal responsibility after scratching Zhou Chenxi.

At this moment, she just wanted to destroy this face that disgusted her so much.


However, at the moment when Chen Ling's sharp claws were about to fall on Zhou Chenxi's face.

A slap suddenly fell from the sky and slapped her on the face.

Slapped her and made a 360-degree turn, her face was full of stars.

It was Qin Fei who took action.

Things happened so fast that Chen Ling was about to hurt her little assistant.

Qin Fei was so anxious that he didn't even have time to think about it.

Subconsciously slapped it out.

And his original intention was to slap Chen Ling on the hand to prevent her from hurting the little assistant.

However, Chen Ling rushed to her little assistant too fast.

The hand that was supposed to slap her arm instead slapped her directly in the face.

To be honest, Qin Fei was also surprised.

I was even thinking in my heart, could it be that God couldn't stand it anymore, so I let myself slap her?

And after Qin Fei slapped him.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

Whether it was Qin Fei himself, Chen Ling, or Zhou Chenxi, they all froze for a moment.

"You hit me?"

"Qin Fei, you bastard dare to hit me!"

"Uuuuuuuuah, how could you hit me?"

"For this vixen, you are willing to beat me!"

After a while, Chen Ling finally came to his senses.

Holding his sore cheek, he glanced at Qin Fei with a look of resentment, and then at Zhou Chenxi.

Zhou Chenxi blinked her big eyes, her face full of innocence.

I thought silently in my heart: Look at what I am doing, I did not hit it!

"You brought it on yourself."

"Chen Ling, I warn you, something is coming towards me."

"This is a grievance between me and you."

"If you involve irrelevant people."

"Then don't blame me for dealing with your family."

After Qin Fei put down these words, he took the assistant's hand and left.

Qin Fei didn't regret the fact that he slapped Chen Ling outside.

With this slap, he wanted to slap him a long time ago!
However, because he was concerned that it was not good to hit a woman, he always restrained himself.

Unexpectedly, by accident today, he slapped her directly.

This slap can be regarded as letting out half of the anger I received in the past and present.

In the next half, it's time for Chen Ling to pay the due price.

Besides, Qin Fei naturally didn't want to involve his innocent little assistant because of the conflict between him and Chen Ling.

Therefore, he did not forget to warn Chen Ling before leaving.

If she really wanted to drag the little assistant into the water regardless.

Then don't blame him for not showing affection and dragging Chen Ling's family into trouble.

If you can do it in the first year of junior high school, don't blame me for doing it in the fifteenth grade!

"Qin Fei."

"I'm not done with you."

Seeing Qin Fei's leaving figure, Chen Ling roared hysterically, like a fierce ghost.

What happened to her today can be said to be the greatest humiliation in her life.

Not only was the mistress spilled coffee, but her ex-husband slapped her in front of the mistress.

How could she swallow such a shameful humiliation.

She wants to be with Qin Fei forever!

"Keqi, you have to help me testify about Qin Fei's beating of me today."

"Also, regarding the prosecution of Qin Fei, in addition to his concealment of property, there is also a story of marital infidelity."

"The most important thing is that I want to sue Qin Fei immediately, the sooner the better."

After the figure who had been staring at Qin Fei disappeared, Chen Ling looked away.

Then, she couldn't wait to say to the woman beside her.

This woman is Chen Ling's college classmate and alumni.

It was the lawyer she met before, Chen Keqi.

It's a coincidence that both of them have the surname Chen.

"Don't worry, Lingling, I'm already making preparations."

"I can file a lawsuit in court within three days at the latest."

"However, if the court accepts it, it will take a while, probably about a month."

"I can't be sure how long it will take."

Chen Keqi said slowly.

"A month?"

"It's okay, I can wait!"

"As long as it makes me vent my anger, let alone a month, I can wait even ten months."

Although Chen Ling wanted to sue Qin Fei immediately.

But she also knows that some things are not what she wants to do.

You still have to wait.

"Well, as long as you are willing to wait."

"Then, let's talk about lawyer's fees."

"For the sake of my classmates, I will calculate with you according to the minimum standard."

"I'll charge you a start-up fee of 5000 yuan first."

"Then if the compensation I help get exceeds 50, then I need to charge additional fees."

"For the excess, we generally charge between 1% and 2%."

"But since you are my classmate and alumnus, I will only charge 1% of the fee."

Chen Keqi nodded slightly at first, and then began to enter the working mode.

Although she is a classmate and alumni, she must have to charge the fees that should be charged.

However, for the sake of her classmates and alumni, she charged the lowest standard.


"Are you still charging?"

"Isn't it free?"

After Chen Ling heard Chen Keqi's words, she was dumbfounded.

5000 yuan startup fee?

Where do I get so much money now?

Let alone 5000 yuan, I don’t even have 500 yuan.

I still owe my mother 2 yuan and haven't paid it back.

Chen Keqi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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