Chapter 63 A slap and want me to pay 500 million yuan?Whimsical!

"I'm sorry to make you encounter such an unhappy thing."

On the way back to the company, Qin Fei said to Zhou Chenxi with a sorry face.

He also didn't expect that he would run into Chen Ling whenever he went to a tea restaurant for dinner.

And there was such a big misunderstanding.

Chen Ling almost hurt her face when she mistook her assistant for her mistress.

"It's okay boss, isn't the assistant just to take the blame?"


Zhou Chenxi waved his hands nonchalantly and even made a joke.

"You are really optimistic."

"Okay, here we are at the company."

"You go back to the company first."

"As for moving things, I'll do it myself."

After sending the little assistant to the door of the company, Qin Fei planned to go back and move things by himself.

If Chen Ling didn't show up, Qin Fei wouldn't care.

But right now, she was afraid that Chen Ling would be overwhelmed, so she came to bet on him and continued to fight with him.

If the little assistant is still present at that time, it will really be unclear.

And he didn't want the little assistant to continue to be involved in the affairs between him and Chen Ling.

"Okay boss, then I'll go up first."

Zhou Chenxi also knew that it was not suitable for the two of them to talk about their relationship now.

So I didn't ask again if the boss had any thoughts about me.

After nodding obediently, he got out of the car.

"Dad, where are you?"

"I want to talk to you about something important, about Chen Ling."

"Okay, then I'll drive home too."

After Zhou Chenxi left, Qin Fei immediately called his father Qin Wenfeng.

He believed that after today's commotion, Chen Ling would definitely take action.

He can no longer be passive.

He was too busy a while ago, and he didn't have time to pay attention to Chen Ling.

Now that the shares of Baofeng Technology have been acquired, there is no need to spend too much energy on the bike-sharing matter for the time being. Anyway, people from the evaluation department will investigate.

Therefore, he could free up his hands to solve Chen Ling's problem.

This time, he wanted Chen Ling to pay the due price.

On the other hand, after learning that his son's search for him was related to Chen Ling, Qin Wenfeng didn't say anything. He put down his business and prepared to go home. By the way, he asked Qin Fei to go home too.

Some things are hard to say too much outside.

If someone heard about it, they would think something happened to their family.

"Xiaoling, what's going on?"

"What's with the slap marks on your face?"

"Which bastard has the guts of a bear and a leopard, and dares to beat my daughter."

"My old lady abolished him!"

As soon as Chen Ling came home, Li Yuemei noticed the slap marks on her face.

I became angry on the spot.

"Mom, who else could it be?"

"It's Qin Fei, that bastard."

"For a mistress, he slapped me in front of so many people."

"Woooooo, mom, you have to make the decision for me."

Hearing her mother's words of protecting the calf, Chen Ling couldn't help but burst into tears.

Growing up so big, she has never been wronged so much.

Now when I see my mother, I can't help crying.


"That little bastard Qin Fei dared to hit you."

"He wants to rebel."

"Also, what happened to the mistress you mentioned just now?"

When Li Yuemei heard that it was Qin Fei's financial daughter, she was furious.

But while furious, she also noticed some details.

For example, what is going on with the mistress in my daughter’s mouth?

"It's like this. I went to have dinner with my lawyer classmate at noon today."

"I happened to meet Qin Fei."

"I found that she had dinner with a girl talking and laughing, and she seemed to have a good relationship."

"Mom, I suspect that Qin Fei divorced because he had been hooking up with that vixen."

"Otherwise, how could Qin Fei's attitude towards me change so much in just a few days?"

Chen Ling told Li Yuemei exactly what happened in the tea restaurant.

And also expressed his guess.

"No doubt."

"Back then, that little bastard Qin Fei divorced you, there must be someone outside!"

"I said why Qin Fei changed so much before. The first day he called his mother so kindly, but the next day it was Li Yuemei Li Yuemei."

"He's definitely changed his mind."

"Come on, Mom will take you to settle accounts with their family."

"He stole from someone behind my daughter's back without telling me, and even beat my daughter."

"If his Qin family doesn't pay a price, I'll never end with them."

Li Yuemei pulled Chen Ling and went out angrily.

Of course, besides being angry, she was also a little happy.

At the opening ceremony before, Qin Fei successfully resolved her plan, and she was still very upset.

In the past few days, I was worrying about how to continue targeting Qin Fei.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei himself gave a handle to their mother and daughter.

This time, if she doesn't make good use of it, she will be too sorry for such a god-given opportunity.

"What did you say?"

"You hit Chen Ling, what happened?"

Qin Wenfeng looked at his son dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that his son would have such a violent moment.

But thinking of Chen Ling's various methods, Qin Wenfeng also understood a little bit.

"Dad, I didn't mean to."

"It's like this, it's noon today"

Qin Fei recounted what happened at noon.

"Hey, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Your slap wasn't intentional."

"It's just Chen Ling's bad luck."

"But son, you said you have something important to say."

"What's the matter?"

After learning the details of what happened, Qin Wenfeng shook his head helplessly.

He also didn't expect that the fate between his son and his ex-daughter-in-law would be so delicate.

You can meet them for a meal outside.

And there was such a big misunderstanding.

Qin Wenfeng also knew about Qin Fei's little assistant.

It is an employee introduced by my daughter to my son.

He also knew very well that when his son met that little assistant, he had already been divorced for two or three months.

What derailment in marriage is simply nonsense.

"Dad, that's what I want to tell you."

"Starting today, you have to recognize one thing, that is, after Chen Ling and I get married, all the money I want from you is a loan."

"Whether it's the 150 million spent on the wedding or the money I get from you every month after we get married, they are all borrowed from you."

"You didn't give it for free."

Qin Fei told him about finding his father this time.

And Qin Fei's way to deal with Chen Ling is here.

It would be fine if Chen Ling didn't sue him. Once sued, he would be required to redistribute the property.

The deadly trap that Qin Fei had prepared was also waiting for her.

You know, the wedding is held after the two people have received the marriage certificate.

And the 150 million that Qin Fei spent before and after the marriage was what Qin Fei asked his father.

After all, he didn't have that much money back then.

Originally, the 150 million was used as the father's money for his son's marriage, and he gave it as he gave it.

Generally do not count.

But it's different now, Qin Fei wants to treat the 150 million as borrowed from his father.

Is it not a loan to borrow money from my father?

As long as Qin Fei admits that the money was borrowed, it is a loan!

In this way, the 150 million belongs to the debts incurred during the marriage relationship.

If the property is divided in divorce, then the debt must also be divided.

Even if it is shared equally, one person will have to bear a debt of 75 yuan!

This is one of Qin Fei's killer moves to deal with Chen Ling.

And the second killer move was the 80 that Chen Ling had squandered in the past eight months.

After all, the 80 yuan was obtained from his father before Qin Fei and Chen Ling divorced.

It could be said to be a loan before, but now, as long as Qin Fei admits that it is a loan!

Then the money is borrowed.

And the 80 borrowed was all squandered by Chen Ling personally, and the family's common life was not used at all.

Therefore, Qin Fei does not need to bear a penny of the 80 debt.

It will all fall on Chen Ling's head.

In this way, the 75 debts divided equally plus the 80 personal squandered debts add up to 155 million debts.

The 155 million debt needs to be borne by Chen Ling alone.

As for the common property between Qin Fei and Chen Ling within the marriage?

That is the wages of the two of them.

As for the compensation for house demolition?
Although it can't be said that it has nothing to do with Chen Ling, but if you really want to calculate it, it actually doesn't have much to do with it.

Because Qin Fei and Chen Ling got married, it was only eight months.

The value-added part of the house is also calculated from the day when the marriage certificate is obtained.

Instead of counting from when Qin Fei bought the house.

How much value can be added in eight months?
After all calculations, the value-added value of Qin Fei's demolished house in these eight months was only tens of thousands of yuan.

In other words, the tens of thousands of yuan belong to the common property generated after their marriage.

It was simply impossible for Chen Ling to directly share half of the 650 million compensation for the demolition.

"Son, your plan is a bit ruthless!"

Qin Wenfeng is not a fool, his son understands what he said so clearly.

How could he not know what his son's plan was?
Thinking about how Chen Ling tried every means to divide the property, but in the end, not only did she not get the property, but she got a pile of debts instead.

Qin Wenfeng sympathized with her for a few seconds.

Of course, after sympathizing with him, Qin Wenfeng naturally wanted to turn to his son.

Who made Chen Ling's family go too far.

If their family hadn't been so violent, his son would not have made such a decision.

When we divorced back then, everyone divided the family peacefully. Hello, I’m good, isn’t it?
You have to make a fuss.

This time it's okay, I annoyed my son, and started holding back the big move.

When the time comes, let’s see how you end up!

"Compared to some people, I am not cruel at all."

"And some people, if you don't be cruel to her, they think our family is easy to bully."

Speaking of the word ruthless, Qin Fei couldn't help but think of his past life.

Compared with what Chen Ling's family did in the previous life, this plan of mine is not ruthless at all.

"Okay, since you've already made up your mind."

"Being a father naturally supports you."

"Son, since you decided to treat the money as a loan."

"Then do you want to prepare some IOUs?"

"It's still necessary to do a complete show."

Later, Qin Wenfeng put forward his opinion.


"Anyway, IOUs are better than nothing."

Qin Fei didn't refuse when he heard the words.

At the moment, the two father and son began to search for records.

During the eight months of marriage, every time Qin Fei asked Qin Wenfeng for money, an IOU would be generated.

The date of borrowing is stated on the IOU
And these IOUs range from [-] to [-] to [-] to [-].

And the biggest loan is naturally the 150 million for the wedding.

Soon, with the efforts of the father and son, a total of 230 million debt IOUs were born.

I believe that when Chen Ling sees these IOUs again, her expression will be wonderful.

"Okay, let's call it a day."

"The next step is to find an experienced lawyer who specializes in divorce lawsuits."

After finishing these IOUs, Qin Fei relaxed a lot.

A lawyer is definitely needed.

After all, Qin Fei himself didn't understand many aspects of knowledge.

Better to find a professional lawyer.

As for the money spent on finding a lawyer, Qin Fei didn't care at all.

It's only tens of thousands of dollars.

Compared to being able to give Chen Ling a fatal blow, what are these tens of thousands of dollars?
Not worth mentioning at all.

"bang bang bang"

"Qin Fei, you bastard, open the door for me."

"I know you're inside, don't pretend you're not there."

"If you don't open the door again, don't blame me for calling the police."

Just when Qin Fei was about to stretch.

There was a loud knock on the door.

It was Li Yuemei who brought Chen Ling to kill him.

"Knew it!"

"Fortunately, I didn't bring the little assistant back."

"Otherwise, today's matter will be even more troublesome."

Hearing Li Yuemei's unique loud voice, Qin Fei frowned first, and then secretly rejoiced that he didn't bring Zhou Chenxi back.

Otherwise, Li Yuemei might start a fight if she sees Zhou Chenxi is there.

It's not impossible.

Qin Fei had learned a lot about how arrogant Li Yuemei was in his previous life.

"Both your father and son are here."

"That's good."

"Qin Fei, you bastard dare to beat my daughter."

"It's not over today."

"Let me tell you, if you don't accompany 500 million."

"I'll call the police and arrest you."

The moment Qin Wenfeng opened the door, Li Yuemei just opened her mouth and came.

As soon as I opened my mouth, I just wanted 500 million.

"Li Yuemei, you really think that your family wrote the law."

"If you open your mouth, you will pay 500 million in compensation."

"Please think before you speak."

"Don't be so whimsical all the time."

Qin Fei was amused by Li Yuemei's ignorance.

It was just a slap, let alone whether it constituted a minor injury.

Even if it constitutes a minor injury, you have to go to the hospital for an examination before talking about compensation.

Moreover, even if it is a minor injury, as long as the injury is not serious, the maximum compensation is tens of thousands of yuan.

How could it be possible to lose 500 million.

If someone broke two ribs, he only paid 50 million yuan.

Even Wang Cong, the son of Lao Wang next door, only lost 200 million with a slap.

"Qin Fei, you little bastard, do you think this 80 million is just a slap?"

"And the compensation for your cheating in marriage."

"If you want to blame it, it's your bad luck."

"Go out on a date with mistress, and my daughter bumps into me."

"Let me tell you, if you don't want to make things big, just take out 500 million to calm things down."

"Otherwise, I don't mind spreading the word about your cheating in marriage and helping your mistress beat your wife."

Li Yuemei was so excited.

It's not easy, I finally caught this kid's handle.

This time, I can always get the 500 million I have been thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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