Chapter 64 What I want is 500 million, what the hell is the compensation of [-]?

"Propaganda? Just go publicize it."

"But don't blame me for not reminding you, once some things are done, there is no way out."

Regarding Li Yuemei's threats, Qin Fei had no fear at all.

There is no such thing as derailment in marriage or mistress.

He knows best why he divorced Chen Ling.

"Okay, okay, you asked for it yourself."

"Since you are shameless yourself, then I will not be polite."

"Just wait, this time I will definitely make you famous."

Li Yuemei was so angry when she saw Qin Fei being so ignorant.

Immediately released harsh words.

Since Qin Fei refused to spend the 500 million, she would destroy Qin Fei's reputation.

"I am waiting for you."

"Now, please leave my house!"

Qin Fei is not afraid of being ruined or anything like that.

He has nothing in Li Yuemei's hands.

As for cheating in marriage, mistresses, etc., Li Yuemei has no evidence.

What she said now is all her guesswork.

How could Qin Fei be afraid of her slander if there was no evidence?

As for her reputation being really damaged, what awaits Li Yuemei will be legal sanctions.

At that time, Qin Fei will no longer soften his heart.

It doesn't matter who comes to plead.

"You want me to leave so easily?"

"no way."

"The matter of you slapping my daughter today hasn't been resolved yet."

"If you don't pay some compensation."

"Be careful, I'll call the police."

500 million is not enough, but the compensation for the slap in the face of my daughter must be paid.

My daughter cannot be beaten in vain.

"Want to call the police? Please!"

Qin Fei wasn't there at all.

Not to mention, in the restaurant itself, it was Chen Ling who found fault first.

Later, he attacked his little assistant with insulting predictions.

His own slap was nothing more than a passive counterattack.

Besides, I also did it to stop Chen Ling.

If you really want to count, it can only be a mutual beating, not a unilateral beating of her.

Therefore, Qin Fei was not afraid of Li Yuemei calling the police.

The body is not afraid of the oblique shadow.

"You really think I dare not call the police."

"Just wait, I'll call the police to arrest you."

Li Yuemei suddenly became angry when she saw Qin Fei's desperate behavior.

At that moment, he stopped talking nonsense with Qin Fei and called Yaoyaoling directly to explain what happened here.

Qin Fei didn't stop him when he saw this.

When the demon spirits come, it's not certain who will suffer.

This time, Yao Yaoling's speed was unexpectedly fast.

Only ten minutes later, two police officers arrived.

"Comrade police, you have to decide for us."

"This little bastard dared to beat my daughter."

"Catch him quickly, I will make him sit in jail."

Seeing the police coming, Li Yuemei immediately became bitter.

In her mouth, Qin Fei seemed to be a heinous villain.

"Sir, do you have anything to say about this lady's complaint?"

After listening to Li Yuemei's complaint, the police looked at Qin Fei.

As law enforcement officers, they certainly will not just listen to one side's words.

We have to adopt the words of both sides.

"Comrade policeman, this is how it happened."

"this afternoon."

"So, this is entirely her own provoking trouble first."

"And my slap wasn't intentional, I just wanted to stop her from attacking my assistant at first."

"On this point, the owner of the tea restaurant can testify."

"By the way, I remember that the tea restaurant also has surveillance."

"You can take a look at the surveillance video then and you will know whether what I said is true or false."

Compared with Li Yuemei's constant slander, Qin Fei's words are well-founded.

After hearing this, the two police comrades also turned towards Qin Fei in their hearts.

After all, Qin Fei's words are easier to believe.

And Qin Fei also said that the owner of the tea restaurant can testify, and there are surveillance cameras in the tea restaurant.

At that time, as long as you check casually, you will know what's going on.

Therefore, Qin Fei has no need to lie.

"Okay, we understand what happened."

"You guys come back to the bureau with us."

"How to deal with it specifically, we still need to go to the tea restaurant you mentioned to understand the situation, and get some monitoring by the way before we can make a decision."

"And this lady, you should also go to the hospital to get a test report to see if there is any damage."

It seems that these two police officers often deal with these disputes.

So it's well organized.


"Comrade police, can we not go to the police station?"

"Anyway, this guy admitted that he hit my daughter."

"Is it okay to ask him to pay me 80 yuan?"

"What a waste of time going to the bureau."

When Li Yuemei heard that she was going to the police station, she immediately became timid.

Although she didn't do anything illegal, in his mind, the police station was a place of right and wrong.

It's better not to go, or not to go.

Besides, Qin Fei has admitted that he beat his daughter anyway.

Then go to the police station.

Can't we just settle the matter here?
"Ma'am, we can't make a case until we find out the details of the matter."

"When we handle cases, we must pay attention to evidence."

"Although this gentleman did admit that he beat your daughter, it was your daughter who provoked trouble first."

"According to the law, you are fighting each other."

"As for who is most responsible, we have to investigate clearly before we can make a conclusion."

"It's not what you say."

"So, everyone here please come with us."

A police officer rejected Li Yuemei's request without hesitation.

If we really want everything to be done according to the reporter's ideas, then what do we need law enforcement officers like them to do?
"No, my daughter is obviously the one who was beaten."

"Why is it that my daughter is looking for trouble?"

"Also, I am the one who reported the crime. If you don't arrest this guy who beats me, I will."

"Instead, even I, the reporter, will be taken away together."

"Is it inappropriate?"

"Will you enforce the law?"

"If you can become a policeman, you can't go in through the back door, can you?"

Hearing what the police said, Li Yuemei became anxious.

Why should my daughter be beaten and charged with picking quarrels and provoking trouble on the shore.

This is not fair!

Who should report the crime and who should be justified?Who cares who is beaten?

At that moment, Li Yuemei also began to speak unscrupulously.

Even in the end, they questioned whether the two would enforce the law.

On the other hand, Qin Fei sneered disdainfully after hearing Li Yuemei's words.

This ex-mother-in-law really hasn't changed at all.

Always so self-righteous.

Thinking that your own thinking is right and everyone else's thinking is wrong.

When she met ordinary people in the past, they were too lazy to argue with her, so it didn't matter.

But now, you're dealing with law enforcement officers.

They don't care who you are!

"Ma'am, please be careful what you say."

"What does it mean to enter through the back door?"

"Believe it or not, I'm suing you for insult!"

"Seeing that you are getting older, I won't care about you this time."

"Next time, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Really, will we enforce the law, and do we still need you to teach?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and come with us."

Sure enough, as soon as Li Yuemei finished speaking, the expressions of the two policemen became ugly.

As law enforcement officers, now they are questioned whether they can enforce the law, and they are suspected of entering through the back door. This is definitely questioning their ability to work and slandering their personality.

Therefore, the two policemen did not speak so politely.

He waved directly at Li Yuemei, intending to bring everyone present back to the game.

Facing the ugly policeman, Li Yuemei did not dare to say any more ugly words at this time.

For fear of offending the police.

Of course, she still resisted going to the police station.

However, at this time, she couldn't help it.

Compared to Li Yuemei's resistance, Qin Fei was very quiet.

Anyway, going to the police station is just a formality.

The most is a fine, and there will be no detention or anything.

After all, strictly speaking, the relationship between Qin Fei and Chen Ling should be regarded as a fight.

Who let Chen Ling pick quarrels first!
In a conflict mediation office in the police station.

Qin Fei and his son and Chen Ling's mother and daughter are working here, waiting for the police's investigation results.

At this time, two hours had passed since they arrived at the police station.

During this period, they also went to the hospital to make an injury assessment report.

The result of the report is that there is no major problem, just a slight skin trauma.

There is no need to take any medicine and it will heal on its own within a day.

After getting the result, Li Yuemei was very disappointed.

If it's just a slight skin injury, it's not enough to sue Qin Fei, a bastard.

For this reason, Li Yuemei even secretly contacted the doctor, wanting him to make a fake report, stating that her daughter's injury was more severe, and giving him 500 yuan after it was done.

As a result, the doctor righteously refused.

At that moment, the doctor looked at Li Yuemei as if he was looking at an idiot.

What the hell, it's illegal to make a false report.

If I really want to do it for you, can I, the doctor, do it?

Damn, you want to harm people and find someone else.

What are you looking for me for?
Am I just such a fool, to take such a big risk for a mere 500 yuan?
If you give me 500 million, it’s still almost enough!
"Qin Fei, do you have to make trouble like this between us?"

"You can't take a step back for the sake of the former husband and wife."

"Shall I share millions of compensation for the demolition?"

"Anyway, for you now, it's not a problem at all to spend a few million?"

"I promise that as long as you give me a few million, my family and I will never cause trouble to you again."

"As for the fact that you beat me today, I can also let it go."

"Even when you were looking for a mistress, I could just pretend I didn't see it."

"what do you think?"

At this moment, Chen Ling suddenly spoke to Qin Fei.

Chen Ling had been insisting before, and Chen Ling suddenly felt that there was something wrong with her strategy.

So, she decided to give it a soft try.

Before the divorce, just act coquettishly and say soft words.

Even if Qin Fei is angry again, he will forgive himself.

"I don't think so!"

"You and I are divorced, why should I give you money?"

"Tell me, what part of you is worth my millions?"

"Chen Ling, don't think that if you say a few words of softening to me, I will be as soft-hearted to you as before."

"The relationship between us has long been exhausted by your successive actions."

"So, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful with me."

"What kind of person you are, I have already seen it."

Huh, take a step back?
That's easy to say.

What kind of person are you, Chen Ling, do I still not understand?
If I really take a step back, I'm afraid you will push forward even more.

Did I take few steps back in my previous life?

And how did you do it?

In this life, I will never take a step back.

"Daughter, stop talking softly to this bastard."

"He doesn't look in the mirror either, does he deserve it?"

"You have to know that your future is destined to marry a billionaire."

"As for an upstart who got rich by accident, how can he be compared with a billionaire?"

"I don't believe it anymore. You were the one who was beaten, but the police can really help their family."

As soon as Qin Fei finished speaking, before Chen Ling could say anything else, Li Yuemei interrupted arrogantly.

In her heart, she has always looked down on Qin Fei.

Her ideal son-in-law should be a man with a wealth of wealth and a net worth of hundreds of millions.

A wage earner like Qin Fei, who earns just over 1 yuan a month, is not worthy of his daughter.

Even if she suddenly became rich and started a company, in her eyes, she was just a lucky upstart.

Do you really think starting a business is so easy?

Why open an investment company?

Don't you look at it, are you investing in that material?

Be careful that you will lose everything tomorrow!

At the beginning, it was because I was blind and soft-hearted that I let my daughter marry Qin Fei.

Fortunately, his daughter divorced him, and during their marriage, no one was killed, so the loss was stopped in time.


Hearing Li Yuemei mention the word billionaire again, Qin Fei couldn't help but let out a disdainful sneer.

Just like your daughter, you still want to find a billionaire?
But stop being funny.

Families with assets worth hundreds of millions also have requirements for their future in-laws.

How blind do you have to be to look at a greedy family like yours?


This sarcastic sneer immediately made Li Yuemei angry again.

Get ready to spit out the fragrance right now.


However, before she could breathe out the fragrance, two people walked in.

It was the two policemen who had gone to their house before.

"We have investigated clearly what happened."

"It is indeed as Mr. Qin Fei said."

"So, for this case, we are prepared to reduce the big deal to the trivial matter."

"However, for humanitarian reasons, Mr. Qin Fei needs to compensate Ms. Chen Ling for 1000 yuan in medical expenses."

"As for Ms. Chen Ling, I also need to apologize to Mr. Qin Fei."

"After all, you were the one who started the fight."

After the two policemen walked in, they directly announced the results of the investigation.

In itself, it's not a big deal.

Chen Ling also did not reach the level of minor injuries.

Therefore, there is no need to file a case.

In order not to waste police resources, the two policemen asked Qin Fei to pay some medical expenses, asked Chen Ling to apologize, and planned to close the case.


"Only 1000!!!"

"Where did you send the beggars?"

Li Yuemei was dumbfounded when she heard that Qin Fei only needed to pay 1000.

I originally thought that this time it would cost less than 500 million.

But tens of thousands, 10,000+ is still possible.

It turned out that in the end, Qin Fei, a bastard, only had to pay 1000!

And to get the 1000, he needs his daughter to apologize first.

It's not fair!
(End of this chapter)

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