Chapter 66 It seems that the other party is very anxious!

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

During this period, the entire company of Yuanhang Investment can be said to be running at high speed.

Analysis of the entire bike-sharing project from various departments was constantly sent to Qin Fei.

Some are good and some are not.

For those who are optimistic, Qin Fei secretly wrote down, and then judged their working ability based on their analysis report.

Qin Fei will also carefully screen those who are not optimistic.

He will also give the other party a chance if what he says is reasonable.

After all, a company cannot rely on him alone.

Always be fully developed.

Therefore, cultivating talents has become a top priority.

"Bang bang bang!"


There was a knock on the door, which interrupted Qin Fei's train of thought.

The next second, Zhou Chenxi walked in with a happy expression.

"Boss, I got in touch with Mr. Hu, the president of Mobike."

"The other party was very happy when they heard that we had the intention to invest."

"I'm going to come over today and talk to us about investment."

After completing the task assigned by Qin Fei, Zhou Chenxi was still very happy.

"Come here today?"

"It seems that Mr. Hu is also a little anxious."

Qin Fei's heart moved when he heard this.

As soon as I heard that there was an investment intention, I rushed over immediately.

This shows that the development of the other company has reached a bottleneck.

Now it is definitely in urgent need of a capital injection in order to continue to develop at a high speed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so anxious to come over in person.

"I'm really in a hurry."

"If it weren't for my persuasion, the other party would have rushed over overnight yesterday."

Zhou Chenxi once again provided Qin Fei with a piece of news.

"okay, I get it."

"Chenxi, go and get ready."

"Arrange a better hotel for Mr. Hu."

"The grade should be higher, about one or two thousand a night."

After all, he is also a future partner, so Qin Fei will not treat Mr. Hu badly.

Although there will be no presidential suite arranged.

However, an executive suite with a price of one or two thousand can still be arranged.

"Good boss."

"I'll make arrangements right now."

Zhou Chenxi nodded slightly and wrote down the tasks assigned by Qin Fei.

"By the way, is there anyone going to pick up Mr. Hu?"

"If there's no one."

"You arrange someone to pick it up."

"As for the car, just drive my Mercedes-Benz first."

Then, Qin Fei thought of another question.

"That's right, boss, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me."

"Then I'll go find Li Xuanhao."

"In this contact with Mr. Hu, Li Xuanhao also contributed a lot."

When Zhou Chenxi heard this, she patted and voted angrily.

How could she forget such an important thing.

They came all the way from the devil's capital.

Why did I forget to arrange someone to pick me up?

Fortunately, her boss reminded her, otherwise she would have really forgotten about it.

"Okay, then you can go with Li Xuanhao."

"By the way, if you have time, go to a driving school and learn your driver's license."

"Otherwise, it won't be a problem if you don't know how to drive all the time."

"The company will reimburse you for the expenses."

"Also, the company needs to buy a few commercial vehicles."

"Go and ask everyone what brand they want to buy."

"As for the brand, choose from the three BBA models."

Qin Fei thought that Zhou Chenxi could not drive yet, so he immediately arranged another task for her.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to equip the company with several cars.

He can't use his boss's car when he goes out to receive guests in the future, right?
"Thank you boss."

"Then I'll go down first."

Zhou Chenxi smiled happily when she heard that she had reported to the driving school company for reimbursement.

The company reimburses you, and you can save yourself another sum of money.

You know, enrolling in a driving school is very expensive.

To say the least, it takes three or four thousand to start.

This is a heavier burden than money for a college student like her.

But fortunately, the money to apply for the driving school in Hangzhou is not too expensive.

If I had applied for a driving school in Wenzhou next door, I wouldn't have been able to get into it for less than RMB [-].

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Hangcheng Railway Station.

Soon, a woman in her early 30s came out.

It is Mr. Hu from Mobike.

"Hi, Mr. Hu, I'm Zhou Chenxi, who was in contact with you before, and my position in Yuanhang Investment is the assistant to the chairman."

"This is the team leader of our company's project evaluation department, Li Xuanhao."

"I'm glad you can come to Hangzhou."

After receiving Mr. Hu, Zhou Chenxi immediately introduced himself.

"Hello, Assistant Zhou."

"Hello, Team Leader Li!"

"Please come and pick me up."

Upon hearing this, Mr. Hu immediately reached out his hand enthusiastically and shook hands with the two of them.

Mr. Hu was still very flattered that someone from Yuanhang Investment came to pick him up.

After all, he is just the owner of a small company.

The current value of the company does not exceed 300 million.

Although Yuanhang Investment is not well-known.

But people are rich.

She found out clearly that Yuanhang spent more than 1000 million before investing in Baofeng Technology.

Baofeng Technology, that is a company with a market value of more than one billion.

Compared with Baofeng Technology, my company pales into insignificance.

"No trouble, no trouble."

"Mr. Hu, you are our distinguished guest."

"Besides, our President Qin has also ordered you to be entertained."

"Mr. Hu, leave your luggage to me."

Li Xuanhao said with a smile from the side.

Afterwards, he even took the luggage from Mr. Hu's hands.

Then the group walked to the parking lot, preparing to go to the hotel they had booked.

More than an hour later, Mr. Hu appeared in Yuanhang Investment Company.

After seeing the office location of Yuanhang Investment.

She once again recognized a lot about the strength of Yuanhang Investment.

The annual rent for such a high-end 5A-level office building is probably at least several million.

It can be seen that the strength of Yuanhang Investment is still very strong.

Otherwise, I can't afford to rent such a high-end office building.

The stronger the investment company is, the happier Mr. Hu will be.

Because this means that the other party has money.

These days, Mr. Hu has a few gray hairs because of the investment.

When those investors heard the words of shared bicycles, they refused without hesitation.

After all, this is a nascent project, and no one knows what the future of this project will be like.

If they lose money, wouldn't their investment be in vain?

Therefore, some companies have no choice but to help Mr. Hu's investment request.

And Mr. Hu looked down on those who had no strength.

In Mr. Hu's mind, the investment in his company's angel round must not be less than 300 million.

This 300 million is related to her next series of developments.

And 300 million is not a small number.

Except for those big investment companies that can easily take it out.

It is unrealistic for a small investment company to spend 300 million to bet on the future.

But fortunately, there is no such thing as an absolute path.

Just when Mr. Hu was worried about investment.

Yuanhang Investment came to your door.

And judging by the tone, Yuanhang Investment is very optimistic about their company's future.

The most important thing is that the other party has money.

Can meet their own investment requirements.

This is also the reason why Mr. Hu came here from Shanghai in person.

(End of this chapter)

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