Chapter 67 Fate, Coincidence!
"President Qin, this is the current development status of our company."

"As well as future development plans, please take a look."

In Qin Fei's office, Mr. Hu finally met the boss of Yuanhang Investment.

When seeing Qin Fei so young, Mr. Hu was very surprised at first.

In my mind, the words "rich second generation" flashed by.

"Okay, please trouble Mr. Hu, I'll take a look now."

"Chen Xi, take Mr. Hu out for a walk and go to the West Lake to see the scenery."

"By the way, arrange a restaurant in the evening and treat Mr. Hu well."

"As for me, I'll go there later."

After Qin Fei took the information, he didn't read it right away.

Instead, he arranged for his little assistant to entertain Mr. Hu first.

After all, this document is so thick that it would take at least an hour or two for him to read it.

During this period of time, you can't let people wait, can you?
Therefore, it is appropriate to let your assistant take Mr. Hu around.

Hangzhou is also a tourist attraction.

It is also good to take Mr. Hu to see the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

"Good boss."

"Mr. Hu, please follow me."

Zhou Chenxi nodded slightly, and then left with Mr. Hu.

Qin Fei opened the document and checked the current operating situation of Mobike.

Judging from the information given by Mr. Hu, Mobike has now reached a certain scale.

There are already 5000 shared bicycles on the market.

Due to limited funds, Mobike cannot continue to expand the number of launches.

And 5000 shared bicycles are a drop in the bucket for Shanghai.

Qin Fei clearly remembered that when shared bicycles were the most popular in his previous life, there were 50 million bicycles in just one magic city.

Compared with 5000 million vehicles, 50 vehicles are not worth mentioning.

But Mr. Hu couldn't help it.

She also wants to increase the number of placements.

But why there is no funds.

You know, the production cost of an exclusive shared bicycle is not cheap.

Basically, it starts at two or three hundred.

The production cost of some high-end shared bicycles has reached thousands of dollars.

Even for ordinary shared bicycles, she wants to double the current number to [-].

All need more than 100 million funds!

What's more, her ambition is not just to double the number.

But three or four times, five times, or even ten times!
"It seems that Mobike's operating conditions are still very good."

"It's no wonder that he became the overlord of the bike-sharing industry in his previous life."

"I have to say that Mr. Hu's ability is still very strong, and his vision is even more unparalleled."

After reading the information, Qin Fei has already made a decision in his mind about the investment in Mobike.

But before that, you still need to go to the magic capital.

He wanted to personally observe the development of Mobike.

Although there is information from the previous life, I know that there will be no problems with Mobike.

But there is still a need to be cautious.

What's more, it's too hasty to decide to invest just based on the information given by others without looking at anything else or understanding it personally.

It is better to invest step by step!

Anyway, no one is currently competing with him for the investment qualification of Mobike's angel round.

I looked at the time, it was already four o'clock.

In another hour, it's time to get off work.

Qin Fei was not in a hurry to find Mr. Hu immediately.

Instead, I plan to go after get off work.

First, let your little assistant explore Mr. Hu's tone.

If there is any unexpected news, he can also prepare in advance.

"Assistant Zhou, I didn't expect you to be so young, just 19 years old, and you're still studying at Hangzhou University."

"In this way, I'm still your senior sister."

"But you come out to look for a job right after your freshman year, aren't you afraid of delaying your studies?"

In a scenic area of ​​the West Lake, Zhou Chenxi is accompanying Mr. Hu to enjoy the beauty of the West Lake.

After understanding Zhou Chenxi's information, Mr. Hu sighed.

She never expected that this pretty and shameless little assistant was also from Hangcheng University.

Sometimes fate is really wonderful.

"Is Mr. Hu also graduated from Hangcheng University?"

"That's a coincidence."

Zhou Chenxi was also surprised to hear the news.

Unexpectedly, I and this President Hu turned out to be alumni of the same school.

No wonder the other party is so familiar with Hangzhou.

When looking at the scenery at West Lake, she didn't know as much as Mr. Hu about some places.

Now she finally knew the reason.

I have been in university here for four years, can I not be familiar with it?

"um, yes!"

"Speaking of which, it's been almost ten years since I graduated from Hangcheng University."

"Time flies so fast."

Mr. Hu couldn't help but sigh.

Back then, she was as young as Zhou Chenxi.

As a result, more than ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

I am over 30 myself.

Time is not forgiving!

"Mr. Hu, after you graduated, did you go directly to Shanghai to develop?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't been to Shanghai since I grew up."

"Magic is fun, isn't it?"

Zhou Chenxi asked again.

She is still very curious about this senior's experience after graduation.

"more or less."

"In terms of Shanghai, as an international metropolis, there are still many interesting places."

"At your age, you must be very interested in amusement parks like Disney and Happy Valley."

"If you have time, you can go and play."

Mr. Hu said with a smile.

She didn't say much about her experience.

On the contrary, it is a fun place to talk about.

"Yeah, if I have time, I will definitely go there."

See Mr. Hu refused to say more about his experience.

Zhou Chenxi didn't ask any more questions, but talked about the fun places in Shanghai.

She is a person who knows how to measure.

People don't want to talk about it anymore, and it would be boring to continue to ask.

"Hehe, remember to come and find me then."

"Let me do my best as a landlord."

Mr. Hu still liked Zhou Chenxi very much.

This little girl has a good personality, and she knows how to speak well.

And the ability to work is also strong.

If it weren't for the fact that there is now a need for long-distance investment.

She even wanted to recruit Zhou Chenxi to her company to help her.

But thinking that Zhou Chenxi is only 19 years old and has just finished her freshman year.

She dismissed the idea.

Not to mention that Yuanhang Investment Company refused to let people go.

Even if he is willing to let him go, Zhou Chenxi has no way to leave Hangzhou.

It's impossible for someone to just go to one of the top universities in the country and run a company with her.

This is simply not realistic.

"Okay, I'll trouble Mr. Hu then."

Zhou Chenxi nodded with a smile.

"Oh, it's getting late."

"I'll take you, Mr. Hu, to have dinner."

I looked at the time and saw that it was already past five o'clock, almost dinner time.

Zhou Chenxi immediately exclaimed.

But she knew that Mr. Hu didn't have a good lunch in order to drive the train.

By now, he was probably very hungry.

"Okay, I'll bother Assistant Zhou. I happen to be a little hungry too."

"By the way, you, Mr. Qin, will come for dinner, right?"

Mr. Hu has not forgotten the main purpose of coming to Hangzhou this time.

A few hours have passed, and the boss of Yuanhang Investment should have read the information.

I don't know what the other party is thinking now.

"Well, our boss will go too."

"He should be on his way to the restaurant by now."

"Let's go too."

Zhou Chenxi smiled and nodded.

Before coming to West Lake, she had already booked a restaurant and sent the news to her boss.

At around four o'clock, the boss replied to her and said he would come over.

(End of this chapter)

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