Chapter 68 Field Inspection
A Western restaurant next to the West Lake.

It was already six o'clock in the evening when Qin Fei arrived here, and Mr. Hu and Zhou Chenxi had already decided on the location.

The moment Mr. Hu saw Qin Fei coming in person, he felt a lot more relaxed.

If the other party comes, it means that you have a chance to win investment.

"Mr. Qin, please order first."

She handed the menu to Qin Fei and said.

The three of them took turns ordering things before she asked:
"President Qin, what do you think of the investment and cooperation?"

Qin Fei knew the truth in his heart, and said calmly:

"I have read Mr. Hu's information. Your company is developing well and has great market prospects."

"But I want to go to Shanghai to inspect your company on the spot first, and then decide how much to invest."

"Mr. Hu should have no objection, right?"

Mr. Hu was overjoyed, "Of course not, Mr. Qin is welcome to visit Shanghai as a guest."

"Boss, when are you going to Shanghai?"

Zhou Chenxi asked with eyes full of expectation.

"I plan to go the day after tomorrow and take care of the company's affairs first tomorrow."

Qin Fei replied, giving the little assistant a sense of expectation.

After the meal, Mr. Hu said goodbye and said:

"President Qin can call me when he arrives in Shanghai, and I will arrange the itinerary for President Qin."

"Okay, then I'll be polite."

Qin Fei did not refuse her gracious invitation, and took Zhou Chenxi out of the restaurant after speaking.

After getting in the car, she looked at the bustling city lights and asked:
"Boss, do you think this counts as overtime? Do I get overtime pay?"

"Which boss have you seen driving for an assistant? People who don't know think you are my wife, and you want overtime pay..."

Qin Fei rolled his eyes and joked with her.

She immediately blushed and whispered:
"I'll get my driver's license as soon as possible."

Qin Fei laughed, "I'm just joking with you, I'll take you back, I have to come to the company early tomorrow, I have something to arrange."

She immediately laughed and said, "Thank you, boss!"

Although she knew Qin Fei was on the same road as her, she was still very happy when her boss said he would send her home.

In front of room 1702, Zhou Chenxi asked again before Qin Fei entered:
"Boss, can you take me with you when you go to demons the day after tomorrow?"

Qin Fei waited for her words, "Okay, you can go with me when the time comes."

"Boss, you are the best! See you tomorrow."

After saying that, she closed the door gently.

There was a smile on the corner of Qin Fei's mouth.

This is a rare two-person world, like going on a trip, and I'm afraid she doesn't want to go.

Early the next morning, Zhou Chenxi called to wake Qin Fei up, and went to the company to discuss the car and held another meeting.

After the explanation was almost complete, Qin Fei explained that he was going to the Magic City on a business trip.

"Chenxi will go with me tomorrow. If there is anything to do later, just call directly. Other things will be carried out as planned."

Zhou Chenxi didn't expect Qin Fei to talk about this issue at the company meeting, and his face turned red under the envious eyes of everyone.

When Qin Fei said this, it was hard not to make people think wrongly. A man and a woman were on a business trip together, especially if they were two singles. No one would believe it if there was nothing else.

"Boss, don't worry, the company will be handed over to us."

Just as Qin Fei finished speaking, Li Xuanhao, who was sitting below, patted his chest and assured him.

Qin Fei admired him, after all, he could boldly recommend an industry that the public was not optimistic about to him.

This vision and courage are very good, and Qin Fei intends to cultivate them.

"Li Xuanhao, the project you selected this time is not bad. I plan to go to Shanghai tomorrow for a field inspection. If there are no major problems, the deputy director of the project evaluation department will be yours."

When Qin Fei said this, everyone immediately looked at him enviously. The company was just established, and everyone was basically on the same starting line.

As a result, today we saw that they were no longer on the same line, and Li Xuanhao was 200 meters ahead.

"Thank you Mr. Qin, it is our honor to follow in Mr. Qin's footsteps!"


In the office, Zhou Chenxi sent it to Qin Fei immediately after checking the accounts.

"Boss, I have figured everything out. The cost of buying a car this time is less than 200 million, and the models are all arranged according to the meeting. See if there is any problem."

Qin Fei took a general look, "No problem, take it to the accounting side to check again, you can make an appointment in advance, and wait until you come back to see if there is no problem before buying it completely."

"Well, the boss is still careful."

As Zhou Chenxi said, she turned around and was about to go out, when Qin Fei said again:

"Send it over and you can wait for me in the garage. We'll set off to the Magic City tonight."

"Oh...ah? Boss, didn't you say you would go tomorrow?"

Zhou Chenxi was stunned for a moment, thinking that he heard wrongly.

"Going today is called an examination, and tomorrow everyone else is ready. At that time, it used to be called watching a play, watching a rehearsed play."

Qin Fei explained.

She nodded half understanding, "After today, there is only one flight at [-]:[-] pm, and there is only one seat left, and it is still first class."

Qin Fei didn't expect that she even knew about today's plane, but well, this was not Qin Fei's idea on a whim, it was the details that he only knew when he booked the ticket last night.

"Then fly first class."

Qin Fei opened the mouth and said, she frowned and was filled with disappointment, but she still said with a forced smile:
"Then boss, you can go alone today. I'll catch tomorrow's flight."

Qin Fei laughed, and showed her the e-ticket, "I booked the ticket for you, and they said you asked you to accompany me, how can I ask you to pay for the ticket yourself?"


For Qin Fei, this order may be a billion-dollar business, so of course he will not be stingy with the travel money.

Besides, the money was spent on the future wife, so it's not a loss anyway.

Ever since Qin Yuxuan started it, Qin Fei felt more and more that this was a very good idea.

The four o'clock plane took Zhou Chenxi to eat before rushing to the airport. It was the first time for this little girl to fly, so she was curious and nervous at the same time.

After all, following the boss, if something embarrassing happens, the boss will lose face.

"Boss, this is my first time flying, let alone first class, is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

"The luggage should be put aside separately. You can cooperate with the security check in a while. You can follow me closely at other times. Our seats are one on the left and one on the right."


Even though Qin Fei said so, she was still very careful. Fortunately, nothing happened during the whole process. She took a heavy breath when she sat in her seat.

"Getting on the plane, this is the first time I go on a business trip with my boss!"

Now she was only excited, took out her mobile phone and sent such a message to her best friend.

As soon as she sent the message, Qin Yuxuan sent a message to Qin Fei on the other side.

"This is a good opportunity. Chen Xi is almost being snatched away by someone. Brother, you have to seize this opportunity!"

Qin Fei smiled when he saw the news about his silly sister.

(End of this chapter)

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