People are in Altec, start with a red ball

Chapter 29 The Messenger of Vitality Ultraman Moto

Chapter 29 The Messenger of Vitality——Ultraman Moto
Ace's body fluctuated violently, and Ace, who couldn't even stand still, barely observed the situation.


Murucci took the lead in taking action, lowering his head and bumping towards Ace.

Ace squeezed out the last of his strength, jumped into the air, turned around a few times and landed on the ground, avoiding Murucci's collision.

But this move was unintentional. Murucci, who lowered his head and slammed into Ace, didn't realize that Ace had left the spot. Murucci, who was still rushing past, slammed into Dragoli on the opposite side.


With Mulucci's small body of only [-] tons, the collision with Dragli, who weighed [-] tons, only caused Dragli to stagger.

But this collision can go wrong.

Dragri, who had stabilized his body, lowered his head, and met Murucci who raised his head and realized something was wrong.

Little brother, what's the matter with you?
Turns out, one more look and it explodes.

Muluqi continued to stare at Dragoli unconvincingly, and was knocked to the ground by Dragoli's backhand.

Murucci, who rolled several times on the ground, stood up. Unexpectedly, Dragoli had already rushed over, lifted Murucci with ease and then threw him to the ground.

Muluch, who fell to the ground, was in so much pain that he was unable to get up again.

The approaching Dragoli roared, leaned over and grabbed Murucci's jaw, and then a strange force erupted, violently tearing Murucci's jaw and half of his body off.


Blood was scattered around like a fountain, and Muruqi uttered the last scream of his life.

After all, he was a monster, with a tenacious vitality, and he didn't die on the spot even after half of his body was torn off.

Seeing that Muruqi was still screaming, Master Dragoli, who had been busy for a long time, decided to tear it up, and then leaned over and grabbed Muruqi's left arm and tore off a left leg.

Muruqi was completely breathless and died unexpectedly. The miserable state of his death was hard to see.

"Damn it, I'm going to start eating sashimi tonight. If you can't finish it, take it out and sell it!"

Ye Fu suddenly felt that the Shaqima in his hand was not fragrant. Master Dela Geli was too kind, the sashimi was already torn up, if you don't eat it, are you worthy of Master Dela Geli's hard work just now?

An aurora curtain that appeared horizontally swallowed up Murucci's scattered parts silently.

"Kaos, quickly arrange for your clones to find Tou Ganda or Snog and freeze them to keep them fresh!"


After explaining, Ye Fu's attention returned to the battlefield again.

The battle at this moment was still extremely fierce. Without a Muluch as an enemy, Ace's situation was still not much better.

The scarred Ace was helpless in the face of the attack from Ariponta and Delagli, and the color timer on his chest had begun to flash violently.

"Speaking of which, it's time for my blue beast to come on stage. Eight Gate Dunjia - The Seventh Jingmen·Open~~!"

Ye Fu spoke the old man's middle school lines, and imitated Ye Kai's movements to spread his arms, his eyes burst out with dazzling red light, and one of the three newly created character icons lit up on the complete terminal.

A grand light blooms on this mountain top.

"Wash your socks!"


A red and silver giant of light made a quick front flip and landed on the ground with one hand. Spiderman landed in the same way, and the dust that was raised was almost half as high as Ace.

The Gaia judge raised the sign and was stunned!Oh my god, it’s full of faintness!
"This is……?"

Ace, who was about to desperately use the Ace barrier, lowered his hands and stared blankly at the gradually clear figure in the smoke.

Ye Fu stood up, revealing his majestic silver-red body. Fellow Zais from the Z95 Nebula, and Ultraman Moto, the representative of the "messenger of vitality" among the trio of Ultraman!

What is different from the Ultras in the M78 Nebula is that the Ultras in the Z95 Nebula have more red parts and less silver parts, and their faces have a relatively obvious jawline. The Ultras in the M78 Nebula fit this point. Only Bei Laobai.

Ultraman Moto has a freehand red letter "M" wrapped in a silver pattern on his chest. The colorful timer on his chest is different from the general round shape of the Showa series, but a more fashionable and flat diamond shape. On both sides of his head It has wrinkles that resemble Seven's armor, and its forehead has a hollow horn similar to Ace's. The part at the front of the horn that connects to the forehead is made of blue crystal.

Compared with Zaas's almost all-red crimson crazy red superman head, Ultraman Moto's shape is undoubtedly quite handsome.

"Great, here comes another Ultraman!"

Everyone on the Tucker team who fought hard with Ace saw the hope of victory and couldn't help but cheered.

"Damn it! The Ultra Brothers didn't even come to join in the fun. Where did the wild Ultraman come from?"

In the space of another dimension, the Yabo people who were observing the battle situation were undoubtedly mad, the dog thief who was so arrogant that he was super beast has not shown up yet!If this wild Ultraman and Ace defeat Dragoli and Ali Punta together, Maria II will be launched smoothly, and then there is no chance of forcing that dog thief to show up?
The Yabo people never thought that the wild Ultraman in front of him was the same group as the one who bullied him before.

"you are?"

Ace asked in a daze. He knew all the famous fighters in the Kingdom of Light, but none of them looked like this. He said he was from the red race, but he didn't look like him either. He said he was from the silver race, and he was almost all red.

"My name is Moto. I saw your brave behavior. I was moved by your riskless behavior to save the earth, so I decided to help you. I will talk about other things after finishing the super beast. You don't have much time. .”

Yefu raised his hand and threw two Ultraman Nexus feathers of light particles, hitting Ali Ponta and Dragoli's heads with precision.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two consecutive explosions brought Ace back to his senses and realized that the battle was not over yet.

Ari Ponta and Dragori, who were hit on the head by the feather of light particles, were forced to step back a few steps while covering their heads, making room for Ace to move.

"it is good!"

Ace nodded and turned to find Ariponta.

This is the one who just forced to put formic acid gas on his face!

Ye Fu directly went to Dragli, quickly rushed over and blocked Dragli's charge with an iron mountain, and then made a fist with his right hand and hit Dragli's chin with an uppercut.

The violent fist directly broke a pair of Dragoli's fangs, and hit Dragoli's chin firmly.

Drago collapsed in pain.

Ye Fu then put his left hand on the back of his right fist and stroked it all the way to his elbow. The high-temperature red energy slowly gathered on Ye Fu's right arm.


The moment Delage stood up, Ye Fu squatted down and punched Delage on the side with a Japanese punch.


The right arm entwined with high-temperature energy directly penetrated Dragoli's right waist, creating a large smooth hole, and no blood gushed out, it was entirely because of the high temperature on Yefu's right arm that instantly solidified Dragoli's wound .

This move is Ultraman Taro's Atomic Boxing!In the original book, a punch pierced the waist of the second generation of Mephilas.

The kidney drips from the forehead!The kidney drips from the forehead!
Drago staggered back, covering the wound with his palm-like hands, his voice gradually trembling.

"It's the finale."

Ye Fuzai stretched his hands forward, and after two times of overlapping and exchanging up and down horizontally, he combined his hands into a cross shape, and a brilliant blue-white light beam radiated from the vertical edge of his left palm.

Ya Asura Ultraman's Spacera Light!
The brilliant blue-white beam hit Dragli's body, injecting violent energy into Dragli's body, and then caused it to explode and die.

Ace's side solved the battle almost at the same time. First, an enhanced version of Ultra Knife fell from the air with an Ultra Palm strike. With one hand, the knife cut off a large horn on Ariponta's back, and then a horizontal guillotine cut him off. Ali Punta Owl Head.

By the time Ariponta's huge body fell to the ground along with his head, Ace's time was almost up.

"During this time... please."

Ace fell to the ground, spread his arms and disappeared.

Ye Fu's outstretched hand stopped awkwardly in mid-air.

"Okay, that's it. Without the threat, Maria [-] can be launched smoothly."

It was Ye Fu's first time playing the Ultraman account and he had a great experience. After successfully completing the mission, he raised his hand and flew into the air, causing a sonic boom that shook the eardrums of everyone in Team Tucker below.

(End of this chapter)

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