People are in Altec, start with a red ball

Chapter 30 Abo people’s pain

Chapter 30 The pain of the Abo people

In Paraquat's kitchen, Chaos was pacing up and down the aisle with his hands behind his back, with a sad expression on his face.

"Team Tucker is so slow. I really wish I could go in and help them build it directly!"

They all helped to deal with the super beasts and Metronians, eliminating the risk in advance. The manufacturing efficiency of the Tucker team was still seriously lagging behind in the eyes of Kaos.

The feeling of entrusting fate to others is very disturbing, and Chaos doesn't like that feeling.

"It's useless for you to be anxious here. Team Tucker's efficiency is already very fast, and it can't compare to a golden finger product like you."

Ye Fu, who was seriously frying fish steaks, said with relief. Even if he didn't turn his head to look at Kaos, Ye Fu could probably imagine the face of Kaos where the emperor was not anxious and the eunuch was.

Maybe it's inappropriate to say that?After all, Chaos' face is his own face.

"Seeing how anxious you are, why don't I give you a Maria No. [-]?"

Ye Fu picked up the fish fillet with long chopsticks, drained the oil, turned around and joked.

"No, definitely don't. It's so boring to direct and act on your own. I just want to eat Team Tucker's brand of Star Destroyer missiles. Your knockoffs don't have that taste!"

Kaos sternly refused and waved his hand crazily.

What a joke, if you have to rub a Maria II launch and eat it yourself, then the work you did before is not for nothing?Chaos admitted that he was lazy, but he didn't intend to be lazy enough to become a clown.

"The customer at table five is urging us."

Clamed in a black tuxedo, Clementi suddenly appeared at the kitchen door and shouted.

Clemeti is now Paraquat's chief musician...actually he is the only one. The piano, which was originally just a decoration in the store, was given to him by a generous customer and has been there for more than two years. It's astonishing that no one has touched it.

Clemédi, who had an ice-faced face every day, was still too reluctant to work as a waiter, and ordinary customers did not dare to talk to Clemédi.

The feeling of keeping strangers away was too strong, but after letting Clemetti serve as the musician in the store, there were a lot more female customers in the store. "Paraquat's Gao Leng Saburo" made many female customers eat They couldn't take their eyes away. Distance creates beauty. They had too much admiration for Clementi, but they didn't dare to get close.

The news of the approaching demon star koala did not cause turmoil in human society under news control, but the strange phenomenon caused by the approaching demon star koala often occupied the front page of the news.

"Here, take it out, it's table five, waiter~"

After Ye Fu finished arranging the dishes, he placed two portions of secret pork chop rice on Kaos's tray.

"Oh, I'm just a tired person."

Chaos is deeply aware of the darkness of society. He is a dignified high-tech talent who can be called "the light of humanity" by neon newspapers after publishing two papers at will.

I don’t want to either, but he is his true form~

Chaos walked out of the kitchen with two servings of pork chop rice, and put on an approachable smile.

"Hello, this is your secret pork chop rice, please use it slowly~"


In the extra-dimensional space, the Yabo people are drinking tons of extra-dimensional beer.

They really can't understand, it's just a small broken ball. It doesn't matter if the Kingdom of Light likes to send new soldiers here. Why are there other weird forces jumping out one after another?

One of the Arbo men who was the leader put his arms around the neck of the next Aba man.

"Boss, is there anything we can help you with?"

"What I'm going to say...don't be afraid."

The slightly drunk leader Yabo paused and continued.

"We are your subordinates, we are not afraid, please tell us."

The Yabo man who was hugged around the neck said in fear.

"I was...let the colorful ball take away the super beast I worked so hard to create."

Having said this, the leader Yabo glanced at the empty Super Beast Manufacturing Machine and the cloned Super Beast that was still being cultivated.

"The colorful ball... who is it?"

Faced with the abstract statement of the leader Yabo, the hugged Yabo blinked the non-existent Kazilan's big eyes and asked, his attitude became much more serious.

"It's not's a colorful ball of light."

The leader of Abo took another sip of interdimensional beer and corrected himself.

The Yabo companion who was hugged quickly clicked a few times in the air with his hand.

"It's a ball, not a few points!"

The leader of the Yabo people said excitedly.

The Nayabo companion nodded, and then drew a circle to enclose the dots.

"It's colorful and borderless!"

The hugged Yabo quickly clicked a few more colored dots in the circle.

"This is not the first time. He appeared several times when the super beasts I sent were about to succeed. He said that my super beasts were great. Who doesn't know? There is also Ultraman who turned into a colorful ball of light, blue and black. Ultraman, he doesn’t look like someone with a residence in the Kingdom of Light…”


Just when the leading Yabo people were talking excitedly, one of the Yabo people on the side couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud, then immediately lowered his head, put on a serious expression to meet the eyes of the leading Yabo people, and then I couldn't help laughing out loud.

The other Yabo people covered their mouths with their hands, not as rampant as this one.

"why are you laughing?"

the leader of the Abo people asked in a low voice.

"I remember happy things."

The Nayabo replied solemnly.

"What are you happy about?"

"My wife is having a baby."

Hearing this heaven-defying reason, the Yabo people who were hugged by the leader Yabo people couldn't hold back anymore.

"What are you laughing at?"

" wife has a baby too."

The Yabo people who were cueed by the leader and hugged were very flustered, so they could only use the reason of their colleagues.

The hugged Yabo's colleague chuckled and gave his brother a thumbs up.

"Your wives...are the same person?"

"Yes, yes...poof!"

Both Yabo people laughed out loud at the same time.

"Ah, no, they gave birth on the same day."

After laughing, they felt that it wasn't very good, so they forced their smiles back and explained.

"I'm repeating myself! I'm not kidding!"

The leading Yabo pushed the Yabo who was hugging him out, and his voice became louder.

"Yes...Pfft haha!"


The leader Yabo was so angry that he grabbed the faces of two Yabo people nearby and slapped them several times.

"This kind of situation has never been encountered in the universe. It is really... that rare! It's a pity that he ran too fast and failed to capture more useful data."


The Yabo man who laughed out loud at first still couldn't hold himself back.

"You deceive people too much, I have endured you for a long time!"

"My wife has a baby certificate."

"You were obviously smiling, but you never stopped!"

"Boss, we have been strictly trained, no matter how funny we are, we won't laugh unless we can't help it!"

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴!
The leader, Yabo, was so popular that he drank the different-dimensional beer in one gulp, dropped the bottle and left.

The Yabo people below began to talk about it.

"Cole, this is not good. After all, he is our boss."

A Yabo man whispered in the ear of Cole who just laughed the loudest.

"What are you afraid of? With him as an idiot, do you see how much our great aliens have suffered on a small earth? Do you think the materials used to make super beasts are picked up? Go on like this , sooner or later he will be fired by His Excellency Commander!"

Cole said confidently.

That's right, the Yabo people of another dimension are a huge ethnic group. The invasion of the earth cannot be decided by a Yabo person on his own. The person in charge of the invasion of the earth is the clown leader Yabo Bo people, the materials needed to make super beasts are not created out of thin air, but need to be collected by the Yabo people.

It's just that the Yabo people are special. They can be resurrected by means of resentment and other means based on their characteristics as extradimensional beings. Their tenacity of vitality is ranked among the best in the universe.

However, the population of the Yabo tribe is relatively small, otherwise they would not be interested in the small broken ball.

If the Yabo people are a large group, think about it. The mysterious gate to another dimension and the super beasts with biological weapons that surpass ordinary monsters in combat power will not be able to handle the number of advanced civilizations.

(End of this chapter)

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