Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

Chapter 1: Returning Disciples, Deceiving Zeta Taiga

Chapter 1: Returning Disciples, Deceiving Zeta Taiga

M78 Nebula, the Land of Light.

The Ultra Training Ground, located not far from the Plasma Spark Tower, was really lively.

Countless new generations of Ultraman train here and spend thousands of years of their youth.

Young Olympians may be training with fists and fists on the fighting ring.

Or on a high platform, shoot light towards virtual monsters.

On the high platform, a burly, majestic red Ultraman couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene.

"Very good, very energetic, this is the future of my Kingdom of Light."

The figure is Ultraman Leo, who has just returned from planet K76.

Seeing the young generation of Kingdom of Light working so hard, they couldn't help but sigh.

On a whim, he actually thought of giving advice to these outstanding young Ao.

Just as he was told, Leo looked around, looking for an outstanding young figure.

But he was suddenly attracted by the three figures in the corner.

If he read correctly, one of them should be Taiga, Taro's son, right? !

Leo suddenly felt dissatisfied.

This young guy doesn't train, just hides in a corner and is lazy!

What a waste of youth.

No, as an uncle, he had to give good guidance to his nephew.

Thinking of this, Leo walked towards the corner.

Not far from Sanao, Leo just wanted to reprimand him.

Suddenly a voice sounded.

"The horse stance is ready!"

Hearing this, Leo suddenly stopped in his tracks.

horse step? !
Hearing this familiar word, Leo couldn't help being taken aback.

He had also heard of Ma Bu before when he was studying martial arts at Blue Star.

It is said that it is the foundation of martial arts from an ancient country in Blue Star.

But most of the Ultraman in the training ground have never been to Blue Star, so how did they learn about it? !
For a moment, Leo couldn't help being curious.

Looking up, he saw an Ultraman covered in silver, with wrist guards on his arms and calves, inlaid with water-blue light crystals, guiding Taiga and another Ultraman.

Apparently, Taiga and the other Ultraman were quite obedient to him.

This made Leo a little surprised, seeing that Ultraman was about the same age as Taiga.

How did Taija obey him so much.

Thinking about it, Leo quietly took a few steps closer, but did not disturb him.

Just listen.

I saw the silver-white Ultraman, after commanding Tai Jia Liangao to squat.

then stepped forward.

Seeing the posture of another Ultraman, he immediately opened his mouth to give pointers.

"Zeta, how many times have I told you how to squat on horseback, the knees should not go beyond the toes!"

"Look at what you're squatting on. If you don't know it, you'll think you're shitting on the spot!"

"Senior Omega, you can't say that. How can Ultraman poop? We don't have those organs." Hearing Omega's words, Zeta suddenly felt dissatisfied.

He immediately stood up straight, puffed out his chest and spoke unconvinced.

"Besides, what's the point of Zamabu, Zamabu every day, and we haven't seen much improvement in our strength."

"Yes, Senior Omega." Taiga stood up at the side.

"You've been training us for so long, but you haven't seen any improvement."

"What's the use of this Zama step?!"

"Why is it useless? This zama step is the foundation, the most important thing!" Seeing that both Taiga and Zeta began to question, Omega on the side did not panic.

Immediately opened the mouth to explain.

"Zama step can move the body's center of gravity downward and stabilize it, making the body more coordinated, and it can also enhance the strength of the waist and legs."

"When facing an enemy who is smaller than yourself, you can be as steady as a mountain and win easily. Even an enemy who is powerful can still fight steadily and be invincible!"

As he spoke, Omega specifically gave a few examples.

"Look, Senior Leo is called the King of Fighters, but what is he most famous for?! Isn't it Leo's flying kick?!"

"This is the importance of the foundation. What Zamabu improves is your lower body!"

Hearing Omega's words, I saw Omega use himself as an example.

Leo, who was watching secretly not far away, couldn't help but nodded.

He very much agreed with Omega's words.

Nowadays, many young Austrians in the Kingdom of Light are pursuing powerful skills and various fighting techniques.

Few people realize that the foundation is the most important.

Especially fighting, if there is no solid foundation, no matter how powerful fighting skills are, it is empty talk.

Thinking of this, Leo looked at Omega with great satisfaction.

He even had a thought of accepting disciples.

In his opinion, what Omega said was clear and logical, and it seemed that the foundation should be very solid.

If it is guided by him, Omega's fighting skills will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Just when Leo heard Omega's words, he was full of thoughts.

On the other side, Zeta and Taiga, who are young Austrians, don't quite understand this truth.

For Ultraman at their age, being powerful and handsome is the most important thing.

But the boring Zamabu step is torture to them.

I saw that Zeta was discouraged on the spot when he heard Omega's words.

He said as if he was showing off.

"I don't want to practice anymore. I've been doing this horse stance for several months, but I don't see any use for it?!"

"Senior Omega, why don't you give us something else." Taiga on the side also said.

"We have been working on this horse for several months, and we also want to learn something else."

"You really think so?!" Hearing this, Omega was calm on the surface.

In my heart, I was really panicking.

Where did he get other things for them? !

As an ordinary social animal in his previous life, he was able to understand how to tie a horse's stance because he paid attention to his health.

That's right, Omega is a time traveler.

In his previous life, he was an ordinary social worker. When he was watching Teacher Sakura's teaching video, he suddenly died at the computer desk because he was too excited.

Fortunately, I took my last breath and cleared the browser records on my computer and the study materials in the D drive.

This is the only way to keep the innocence of the previous life, and to keep the name of the past and the future.

After crossing Omega, it was discovered that he had become an Ultra warrior.

According to his observations, in the current timeline, Zero has not come out yet.

But Mebius has become the Ultra Brothers.

In other words, the next step is the crisis of destruction of the Kingdom of Light brought by Beria.

This filled Omega's heart with urgency.

Although it is said that most of the Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light will be resurrected later.

But there are still many Ultraman who have completely fallen asleep due to the destruction of their stone statues.

Who knows if Omega will be unlucky enough to become a part of the sleeping Ultraman.

Therefore, Omega, who had just traveled through time, was eager to improve his strength.

Fortunately, Omega is bound to an apprenticeship return system, as long as you teach apprentice moves, you can get refunds to improve your strength.

But the crux of the matter is that he doesn’t know anything!

You can't teach Ultraman five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation, right? !
Not to mention whether this group of Ultramans are willing to learn or not, they just want to.

What's the use of returning it to Omega? !
Fortunately, Omega paid more attention to health in his previous life, and he was also a fan of martial arts.

I have learned about the basic pile work of zama stance, and have practiced it for a while.

Relying on his three-inch tongue, he limped Tie Hanhan in the two original works, Zeta and Taijia.

Only then did the scene of the two of them follow him zhamabu.

And the system is also really powerful, and the two Zeta Taiga got the exercise from Zamabu.

The system will also return to Omega.

Although it is mosquito meat, it has been steadily improving Omega's strength, and it has also given Omega a little sense of security in his heart.

But now it seems that Zamabu's move can't stabilize Taiga and Zeta.

As time goes by, these two fools are no longer easy to fool.

[Ding, your disciple Zeta Zamabu has a total of 1 hour, and the effect of Zamabu for 1 hour will be returned to the host! 】

[Ding, your apprentice Taiga has a total of 1 hour of zama step, and the effect of Zama step will be returned to the host for 1 hour! 】

He listened to the system prompts that sounded in his ears as Zeta Taiga stopped walking.

Omega ignored the comfort brought by the increase in physical strength, but kept thinking in his mind.

He wanted to make up a martial arts on the spot to stabilize Zeta and Taiga.

The most important thing is that it is difficult to learn and difficult for people to detect that it is fake.

In his mind, various martial arts novels he had read in his previous life were constantly flowing through his mind.

Soon, Omega's eyes lit up and he found the technique he wanted.

Immediately, he looked at Taiga Zetta and said.

"Since you want to learn, I will make an exception and teach you a unique trick!"

"It's just that this secret skill is quite difficult. If you can't learn it, don't blame me?!"

"Really?!" Hearing this, Taiga and Zeta couldn't sit still.

Even Zeta, who was full of confidence, even spoke.

"Don't worry, senior, we will definitely learn it. If we can't learn it, it's our talent."

"That's good!" Omega nodded in satisfaction upon hearing this.

"Then you must listen carefully, I will teach you..."

Hearing this, both Zeta and Taiga looked at Omega expectantly.

Even Leo, who was secretly eavesdropping not far away, couldn't help being curious at this moment.

Could it be that Omega really created a new fighting technique?

Although I have never experienced actual combat, most of these fighting skills are full of flaws.

But this actually better reflects Omega's talent.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help pricking up his ears to listen.

At this time, Omega's voice also fell.

"What I want to teach you is martial arts - the art of left-right fighting!"


 I have a thick face and ask for some data, I want recommendation tickets and comments.

  thanks guys

(End of this chapter)

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