Chapter 2 Leo: Have I learned it yet? !
"What I want to teach you is martial arts - the art of left-right fighting!"

"Left and right... mutual fighting technique?!" Hearing this, Zeta Taiga couldn't help being a little puzzled.

The name is unremarkable, and it doesn't sound handsome.

How can it be called a unique skill by Omega? !
Taijia couldn't hold back, and immediately asked questions.

"Senior Omega, how exquisite is this left-right fighting technique?!"

"Will you call it a dead end?!"

And Omega also saw the doubts in their hearts, and said immediately.

"This left and right fighting technique is a truly unique skill."

"Although the name of this unique skill is ordinary, but if you practice it to the extreme, you can use it with one mind."

"One mind and two tasks?!" Hearing this, Taija Zeta was even more puzzled.

And Zeta, who had already escaped, suspected that Omega was fooling them.

What's so difficult about doing two things at once? !

He can do it, while squatting and running.

Thinking of this, Zeta questioned.

"Senior Omega, what's the use of this dual purpose?!"

"I feel that it doesn't improve our strength, and it's not handsome..."

The last sentence was Zeta's whisper.

But it was still heard by the sharp-eared Omega.

Dang even understood the psychology of these two guys.

Omega spoke up.

"One mind and two tasks are very useful. Think about it, if you can practice it, one hand is light and the other is eight-point light saw... Cough cough light wheel, isn't it handsome?!"

"More importantly, this martial art has been practiced to the extreme, and one person can even fight as two people!"

"How is this possible?!" The voice fell, and Zeta Taiga hadn't spoken yet.

Leo, who was observing secretly, couldn't help but question it.

You must know that the launch of light skills depends on Ultraman's own exquisite control.

Just releasing a skill has already exhausted all the effort.

How is it possible to release two skills at the same time? !

But soon, Leo realized that he was eavesdropping.

He hurriedly looked up and saw that Omega and the others didn't notice him, Leo was relieved.

But at the same time, Leo's inner curiosity reached its peak.

How did this Omega, who has never experienced actual combat, create this move? !
The fighting king was stunned when he heard it.

He would like to know how ingenious this left and right fighting technique is? !

Thinking about it, Leo hid his figure again and looked towards Omega.

At this time, Taiga and Zeta heard what Omega said.

Dang even couldn't help being excited.

They all came forward and spoke.

"Senior Omega, please teach us this trick, please!"

"Master, master teach me!"

Zeta couldn't help calling Master Omega directly.

You know, in the original book, there are not many who can be called masters by Zeta.

That is to say, Seven Leo and Cerro Sanao, both of them are famous in their respective fields.

Even Ace, he just called him brother.

Now being able to be called a master by Zeta makes Omega somewhat flattered.

Looking at their eager eyes, Omega was also decisive.

Looking at Taija Zeta, they spoke.

"You really want to learn?!"

"En!" Liang Ao nodded heavily.

"It's not impossible to teach you." Seeing that the two were so eager, Omega thought of teasing them.

"But this unique art requires a hard condition, which requires a simple mind and no distracting thoughts!"

Saying that, Omega glanced at Liangao, then shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult for you two!"

"Ah? What should I do then?!" Hearing this, Taija Zeta couldn't sit still.

They were fooled by Omega... Cough, the description is refreshing.

Now that I heard that I couldn't learn this unique skill, I was naturally anxious.

Two Austrians spoke hastily.

"Senior Omega, please think of a way, I am willing to do whatever you ask us to do."

"Me too!"

"Don't worry!" Hearing this, Omega couldn't help but feel happy, these two iron fools are really interesting.

But thinking that my unique knowledge was made up on the spot, it's not easy to tease it anymore.

Lest the two Austrians feel resentful.

Even when he opened his mouth and said.

"Since I proposed it, there must be a way for you to learn it."

"It's just that compared to those who need to be simple-minded and free from distracting thoughts, it may be more difficult for you to learn."

"What way?!" Hearing Omega's words, Taija Zeta's eyes lit up, and they said in unison.

"Senior Omega, we are not afraid of difficulties."

"That's good!" Omega nodded.

Then he spoke.

"The method is very simple. In fact, as long as you set up the horse stance and try to draw a square with one hand and a circle with the other, you can learn the left-right fighting technique."

"Really?! So simple?!" Hearing this, Taija Zeta looked at each other.

Then he obediently put on his horse stance, while trying to draw a circle with one hand and a square with the other.

While Omega watched this scene, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Simple? !

These two tough guys probably don't know what despair is.

Drawing a square with one hand and a circle with the other is simply a hellish difficulty for a sane being.

Unless it's schizophrenic.

Not to mention that Omega also asked them to draw squares with one hand and circles with the other hand while Zama stepping.

Even more difficult.

To put it bluntly, this is an impossible task.

As for why Omega has to increase the difficulty.

Naturally, it was just in case, to prevent Taija Zeta from really doing it, but he didn't learn how to fight left and right, and then question Omega at that time.

Of course, the more important thing is the reward for the free whoring system.

After all, he made up the left-right fighting technique based on martial arts novels, and it was impossible for Zeta Taiga to learn it, and he would not be rewarded by the system.

The left and right fighting technique plus the Zama Step are also to stabilize Taiga Zetta and at the same time provide Omega with a return.

But Taija Zeta is not at a disadvantage.

The Zama step is already training the foundation, and the trained Zeta and Taiga will go further in the future.

After all, these two people can be regarded as the sneakers of the Kingdom of Light. Rather than not training well, it is better to let Omega use it to maximize its value.

Not to mention anything else, after several months of training, Taiga and Zeta, who were already good at the goal.

They have been upgraded from junior fighters to intermediate fighters.

Thinking of this, Omega couldn't help feeling relieved.

"I succeeded!" Suddenly, Zeta cheered.

Taijia, who was cautiously at the side, shook his frightened hand, and drew half of the circle, and suddenly he didn't know where it was crooked.

Taiga pressed the fire and looked up, but saw two irregular patterns in front of Zeta.

Suddenly his face turned black.

"You call these squares and circles?! Barton, the volcanic strange bird, is better at drawing with his beak than you!"

"You fart, are you jealous of me?!" Hearing this, Zeta was not happy anymore, and immediately quarreled with Taiga.

"Are you jealous that I practiced first?!"

"Am I jealous of you?! If you hadn't suddenly screamed strangely, I would have finished painting it!"


Seeing the two quarreling, Omega didn't say anything.

Instead, he secretly called out in his heart.

"System, open the properties panel."

The voice fell, and the blue panel appeared in front of Omega.

【Host: Omega】

[Identity: Member of Kingdom of Light, Ultra Warrior]

[Strength: Senior Warrior]

[Apprentice: Taiga, Zeta. 】

[Apprentice move: Zama step]

[Special attribute: Strange power, as stable as Mount Tai! 】


Omega looked at the attribute panel in front of him, and couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

In just a few months, he was promoted from an intermediate fighter to an advanced fighter.

It also has two special attributes brought by the Zama step.

Omega's huge improvement in strength is inseparable from Taiga and Zeta.

But such an improvement is still not enough, after all, there are so many high-level fighters in the Kingdom of Light.

When facing Beria, Bu was still wiped out by the Beria regiment.

Thinking of this, Omega looked at Zeta and Taiga with extra urgency.

Let's quarrel, let's not practice drawing circles with one hand and squares with the other.

As long as you don't delay the Zama step.

They can't learn anyway.

It is best to stimulate their competitive spirit and work harder, so that he can improve faster.

It's just that what Omega doesn't know is that in the corner...

At this time, Leo looked confused, looking at his hands in disbelief.

He just overheard Omega's words, and subconsciously tried it.

It's just that Leo's talent is too high, or what's going on.

He actually succeeded.

There are two regular square and circle patterns on the ground.

This made Leo a little confused.

he muttered to himself.

"Have I learned this?!"


(End of this chapter)

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